InternationalSpeech Contestant Briefing
- - Begin at least 20 minutes prior to contest - -
1)Confirm Contestants
  • Are members in good standing and in clubs which are in good standing
  • Are not an existing or planned incoming District Officer
  • Have handed in their Biographical Information and Eligibility/Originality forms
  • Where timing lights will be located
  • Lights...Green at 5:00, Yellow at 6:00; Red at 7:00 minutes
  • Disqualified under 4:30 or over 7:30 minutes
  • If lighting mechanism fails, 30 additional seconds will be granted to the speaker
  • Timing begins with first nonverbal or verbal communication with the audience
  • All speeches must be original
  • Quoted material must be identified
  • Only Contestants and Judges may lodge protests
  • Protests are to be given to Toastmaster and/or Chief Judge
  • Judge's ruling on protests will be final
  • Remove their nametags or any kind of identifiable pin or button or item that could indicate the club, Area, or Division affiliation
4)Ask if any Contestant
  • Will need the lectern
  • Will use props or other aids
  • Needs any other reasonable staging assistance
5) Speaking Area
  • Define the designated speaking area
  • Allow contestants to walk around it and test microphone (if available)
6) Advise whether
  • The contest will be videotaped (only if agreed to by Toastmaster and Contestants)
International SpeechContestant Briefing(cont.)
- - Begin at least 20 minutes prior to contest - -
7)Here are the INTRODUCTION PROCEDURES for the contest:
International Speech
"When introducing each contestant, I will say your name, the speech title... then speech title again, and your name again. As I am introducing you, please come to the stage. I will shake your hand and leave the speaking area. When you are finished, I expect you to shake my hand before leaving the stage unless you tell me otherwise now."
8) A first, second, and third place winner will be announced (depending on the number of contestants). If there are...
  • 5 or more contestants - announce 3 winners
  • 4 contestants - announce 2 winners
  • 2-3 contestants - announce 1 winner
9) If a contestant is disqualified, the contest chair will announce, prior to announcing the results, that there was a disqualification, but the disqualified contestant will not be named.
10)Draw lots for speaking order
11) Ask if any questions