" It cost an Arm and a leg "
Idiom Meaning - An item which cost an extremely high price
" As easy as pie "
Idiom Meaning - A simple task
" At the eleventh hour "
Idiom Meaning - Situation saved at the very last minute
" Apple of My Eye "
Idiom Meaning - Absolute favourite as in my my daughter, or son, as in 'the Apple of my eye'
" Bad-mouth "
Idiom Meaning - To insult a person, usually behind their back
" Be all ears "
Idiom Meaning - To listen intently
" Be fed up with "
Idiom Meaning - Lose patience with a tiresome situation
" Black look "
Idiom Meaning - Giving someone an unpleasant look
aka "a dirty look
" Back Seat Driver "
Idiom Meaning - Unwanted advice to a driver from a passenger sitting in the back seat
" Back To Square One "
Idiom Meaning - To start again
" Ball and chain "
Idiom Meaning - To be burdened with a task that that cannot be left or abandoned
" Bat out of Hell "
Idiom Meaning - To move extremely quickly, without thought or in a panic
" To bear fruit "
Idiom Meaning - To produce some worthwhile thing / come to profitable conclusion
" Beat a dead horse "
Idiom Meaning - To engage in pointless and repetitive discussion
" Beat around the bush "
Idiom Meaning - Hesitate or Procrastinate. Spend a long time making a point
" Beat your brains out "
Idiom Meaning - Try desperately to resolve an issue
" Between a rock and a hard place "
Idiom Meaning - In a very difficult situation when any resolution will be unpleasant
" Between the Devil and the deep blue sea "
Idiom Meaning - In a very difficult situation where any
resolution will be unpleasant
" Bite off more than you can chew "
Idiom Meaning - Attempt a task which is too difficult to complete
" Blabbermouth "
Idiom Meaning - A person unable to keep a confidence or secret
" Black-hearted "
Idiom Meaning - Someone with evil intentions
" Black sheep "
Idiom Meaning - An ostracized or badly behaved member of a family or group
" Blow your top "
Idiom Meaning - To lose your temper
" Boot out "
Idiom Meaning - To eject a person from a group or society against their wishes
" Break a leg "
Idiom Meaning - Used to wish good luck to stage performers before an opening
" Break someone's heart "
Idiom Meaning - To end a relationship against the other person's wishes
" Broken his duck "
Idiom Meaning - To score for the first time as in cricket, or scored after a considerablew period of time
" Brownie Points "
Idiom Meaning - To win significant approval for achieving a task
" Bull in a china shop "
Idiom Meaning - A very clumsy person or someone with no tact who upsets others
" Burning the candle at both ends "
Idiom Meaning - Working or studying day and night. Someone who has too much going on
" Burning the midnight oil "
Idiom Meaning - Working or studying day and night. Someone who has too much going on
" - Bushed "
Idiom Meaning - Tired, completely exhausted
" Buying a pig in a poke "
Idiom Meaning - To purchase something without inspection or a useless item
" By the skin of your teeth "
Idiom Meaning - Complete a task at the very last minute
" Call it a day "
Idiom Meaning - Give up on a task
" Catch-22 "
Idiom Meaning - Originates from the 1961 novel by Joseph Heller. In which one bureaucratic regulation is dependent on another, which in turn is dependent on the first. Going round in circles
" Caught With Your Pants Down "
Idiom Meaning - Found out!
" Catch your eye "
Idiom Meaning - An attractive person who receives significant attention from another
" Catch some zzz's "
Idiom Meaning - Go to sleep
" Can of worms "
Idiom Meaning - To "open a can of worms" is to get involved with something that is unpleasant, difficult and not easily resolved
" Can't see the forest (or wood) for the trees "
Idiom Meaning - Losing sight of the big picture by getting too involved in the details.
" Can't see your nose in front of your face "
Idiom Meaning - Being oblivious to something obvious, in clear view
" Can't make heads nor tails of something "
Idiom Meaning - Unable to understand
" Cat got your tongue? "
Idiom Meaning - Asked of someone rendered speechless to emphasize their inability to speak
" Cat nap "
Idiom Meaning - A short sleep taken during the day
" Close the barn door after the horse has bolted "
Idiom Meaning - Trying to take action when it is too late
" Cost an arm and a leg "
Idiom Meaning - Paid a very high and sometimes inflated price for an item
" Couch potato "
Idiom Meaning - Someone who is happy to sit on the sofa in preference to other activities
" Crash "
Idiom Meaning - To go to sleep
" Cut off your nose to spite your face "
Idiom Meaning - To take rash or single-minded action that hurts your own cause in the end
" Cut it out "
Idiom Meaning - An order to desist or stop annoying behaviour
" Cool it "
Idiom Meaning - Calm down
" Cock and Bull story "
Idiom Meaning - Unacceptable and untrue excuses given as a result of an unpleasant act or behaviour
" Dark horse "
Idiom Meaning - A surprise candidate, or competitor