Biblical Worldview - Sociology [Part 2] – July 4, 2004

  1. Sociology is the study of social institutions and society. Biblical sociology is based on the proposition that both the ______and the ______order are important to God.
  1. God ordained social institutions (______, ______, ______) to teach love, respect, discipline, work and community. Biblical sociology focuses on two things:
  2. society as a means for human cooperation in accordance with ____ ‘s ______
  3. the individual as a vital part of various institutions in ______.
  1. Biblical worldview sees individuals as more important than any institution in society (because we live ______). Atheists see nations, classes and civilizations as more important than individuals (because we only live ______).
  1. Marriage and the ______are ordained by God. Gen. 2:18,23-25; Eph. 5:31;
    Matt. 19:3-9. The condition of marriage and the family describes the condition of the entire ______.
  1. God ordained the ______to build up the saints, to proclaim the gospel (sin and salvation). The church can make society aware of ______and provide an example of true ______. Eph. 4:11-16.
  1. What are some of the highlights of Secular Humanist Sociology?
  2. man is inherently ______, and is capable of ______
  3. ______and ______(the environment) shape the individual
  4. man is evil not through any ______of his own
  5. one of the most stifling institutions is the ______
  6. government-sponsored education provides the most desirable way of abolishing outdated ______
  7. non-traditional, world state, ethical society
  1. What are some of the highlights of Marxist/Leninist Sociology?
  2. the care of children should become a ______
  3. the institution is more important that the ______
  4. ______is applicable to sociology [regarded as scientific]
  5. everyone can be trusted to act ______and ______
  6. established institutions such as ______and ______will be unnecessary, in fact hinder man’s ______
  7. abolition of ______, ______and ______.
  1. What are some of the highlights of Cosmic Humanist Sociology?
  2. evil is blamed on ______society, e.g. _____-dominant norms, ______family, _____-enterprise system, a ______government, ______religions
  3. non-traditional ______, ______, ______.
  1. What sets Biblical Sociology apart from other views of sociology?
  2. our view of _____ at ______in our society
  3. the ______and ______of man
  4. the alienation of ______and ______is a consequence of man’s choosing (_____, man is ______, man is inherently ______)
  5. every individual is ______and can make an important contribution to ______, and indeed has a ______to do so.
  1. In a cultural change without historical precedent, marriage is increasingly seen as:
  2. ______, not a ______
  3. ______, loss of marital ______
  4. ______, simply a ______
  1. Why does marriage matter for adults?
  1. Why does marriage matter for children?
  1. What are some of the basic arguments against “same-sex” marriage?
  2. Same-sex “families” always deny children their ______or ______.
  3. Same-sex “family” is a vast, untested ______with children.
  4. Where does it stop? How do we say “no” to ______?
  5. Schools will be forced to teach that the homosexual family is ______.
  6. Churches will be legally forced to perform ______- _____ ceremonies.
  1. Ten powerful arguments against “same-sex marriage”, presented by Focus on the Family:
  2. The implications for ______in a world of decaying families are profound.
  3. The introduction of legalized gay marriages will lead inexorably to ______and other alternatives to one-man, one-woman unions.
  4. An even greater objective of the homosexual movement is to end the state’s compelling interest in ______altogether.
  5. With the legalization of homosexual marriage, every public school in the nation will be required to teach that this perversion is the ______of traditional marriage between a man and a woman.
  6. From that point forward, courts will not be able to favor a traditional family involving one man and one woman over a homosexual couple in matters of ______.
  7. Foster-care parents will be required to undergo “______” to rid themselves of bias in favor of ______marriage, and will have to affirm homosexuality in children and teens.
  8. How about the impact on ______if there are millions of new dependents that will be entitled to survivor benefits?
  9. Marriage among homosexuals will spread throughout the world, just as ______did after the Nixon Commission declared obscene material “______” to mankind.
  10. The spread of the ______of Jesus Christ will be severely curtailed.
  11. The ______war will be over, and the world may soon become “as it was in the ______.” Matt. 24:37.
  1. What organizations support the traditional family unit?
  2. Focus on the Family
  3. Christian Coalition of America
  4. Center for Reclaiming America (Dr. James Kennedy)
  5. Alliance Defense Fund
  6. American Center for Law and Justice

Biblical Worldview – Sociology [Part 2]1Heinz Lycklama