Indiana NENA


Monthly Meeting

February 21, 2014

10:00-12:00 a.m.

Conference Call ---TX-877-881-3498 PC 706669#

PLEASE EMAIL notifying us you are on the call.


Agenda Items

  1. Call to order/Ed Reuter-
  2. Treasurer’s Report-Beth Sessions
  3. Secretary’s Report-Julie Pierce
  4. Statewide 911 Board UPDATES-Barry Ritter
  5. APCO Updates-Gary Bates/KellyDigin
  6. 2nd VP Report-Darin Riney
  7. 1st VP Report-Jeff Schemmer
  8. North Region VP Report-Terri Brooks
  9. Central Region VPReport Terri Bennett
  10. South Region VP Report-John Hendrix
  11. At Large VP Report-David Rosenberry
  12. Commercial VP Report/ Lori Forrer/Bonnie Dick
  13. National Report-Rob McMullen
  14. President’s Report-Ed Reuter
  1. Open Elections/nominations:
  1. 2nd VP
  2. Commercial VP
  3. At Large VP
  4. Central Region VP
  1. Nominations open Jan 17th through March 8th.
  2. Voting begins March 13th electronically
  1. Next Meeting March 21, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. At IPSC
  1. 2014 Annual conference –update- Bonnie Dick/Lorri/Vicki/Ed
  1. Industry Partners – Slide presentation/Gifts to them
  2. Certificates-design
  3. T-Shirt design/color
  4. Kid Hero Awards?
  5. Dispatcher Team Awards
  6. President Award, Tom Brindle, Pioneer Award?
  7. Sale items-?
  8. National Anthem?
  9. Governor Status?
  10. Conference Guide-Letter from Pres. Photos
  11. APCO National officer?
  12. Hotel Reservations-open for registration./latest update on rooms
  1. Old Business
  2. New Business
  3. Adjourn
  1. The February 21st meeting was called to order: byPresident Reuter. President Reuter advised on behalf of NENA/APCO we will send flowers to Alicia Williamson who was injured in a car accident. This will be paid by donated funds and anyone wanting to donate please see him at the end of the meeting.
  1. Treasures report: Beth Session: Balance today is $35,242.47.

She indicated that monies continue to come in for the Annual Conference.

Motion by 1st VP Jeff Schemmer to accept the treasures report, David Rosenberry second the motion. MOTION PASSED.

  1. Secretary’s report: Julie Pierce: advised there were two corrections to the January minutes. Vivian’s last name was corrected and the spelling of Schaumberg was corrected. Motion made by Jeff Schemmer to accept minutes and David Rosenberry second the motion. MOTION PASSED
  1. Statewide 911 Board: Barry Ritter: Provided an update on senate bill: offered amendment language that strictly deals with weather sirens only. Training was offered in that bill. Heard on Senate and should pass the house.

Hendricks County was advocating a fee. It was stripped from the bill.

2012 audits have been completed.

Barry met with theState board of account regarding the 2013 audit. Letters were sent out from State Board of Accounts on ineligible expenses. Some were contracted services to pay for emergency notification/alert systems. Other ineligible expenses are paying for shirts and drug testing for employees.

It is in the statute that some of the expenditures are approved upon the board approval.

We have received financials for everyone for 2013. Well over 50% was spent on personnel. Barry thought that networking would be a close 2nd. It is 2nd but not close.

Indiana University, We are working on addressing issues. They want to have street address on the buildings that do not have them.

  1. APCO: Kelly Dignan: March 20 next meeting. Going to do PIO training that day. Media training how to deal with them. For directors and supervisor. Channel 13/ public access con. Attorney/ will be present. Meeting 1 ½ hours and training will be the 6 hours after meeting have 40 slots. Email will be sent out for this training.

We have an Industry Partner (INTERACT) for NENA/APCO T-shirt sponsor.

TERT we have the committee set. Natalie Duran and Sherry Dekard. June 9-12 want 2 people for each district to go through the train the trainer courses.

We are going through basic class 1st ,then other training. Grant money is available for housing.

Parts of our board Steve Skinner EMAC Don West Communications Director, EMA liaison Jen Tobbie, arewith Homeland security. National office called and asked if they can turn our state blue to be the 19th state with TERT, Indiana needs to have the by-laws approved by Homeland Security.

IPSC: COMML training on the IPSC training site. There is a COMMT class also.

  1. 2nd V.P.: Darin Riney: nothing
  2. 1st V.P.: Jeff Schemmer: nothing
  3. North Region V.P.: Terri Brooks: nothing
  4. Central Region V.P.: Terri Bennett: nothing
  5. South Region V.P.: John Hendrix: nothing
  6. At Large V.P.: David Rosenberry: we just had Text to 911 at their agency, they have had some issues they need to revisit with the install.
  7. Commercial V.P.: Lori Forrer: dropped off, Vicki Bluemke advised that Lori wanted everyone to know that they are receiving contracts from industry partners.
  8. National Report: Rob McMullen: National only has 3 hotels that have rooms available. Rooms from $174 to $179. That is about it.
  1. President Report: Ed Reuter:
  1. Open Elections/nominations:
  1. 2nd VP
  2. Commercial VP
  3. At Large VP
  4. Central Region VP
  1. Nominations open Jan 17th through March 8th.
  2. Voting begins March 13th electronically
  1. Next Meeting March 21, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. At IPSC

Make sure we get bios for all nominees. Repeat of the nominees.

Central Region V.P.: Terry Bennett, 2nd V.P.: David Rosenberry, At Large V.P.: Vicky Bluemke, Commercial V.P.:Bonnie Dick.

President Reuter is going to present a slide show. He will email to everyone.

  1. Certificate: President Reuter showed power pointof several items listed below. We will email the participant the certificate. Who is ever in charge of the registration will be sending out this email. e INdigital advised they have someone interested in assisting at the front desk.
  1. T-shirt design: superman logo is patented. We had executive meeting on the shirt. A new logo was presented and approved by the board. The Everyday Hero slogan will be on the bottom of the shirt.

On the front of the shirt

Sleeve Interact this is the name of sponsor

Back: NENA/APCO on the back

What color scheme: ????

Trade show: on the screen a slides thanking the industry partners. This will be on a loop before the class training session. This is for down time.

President Reuterrequest a logo from each of the IndustryPartners.

President Reuter is showing Name tags: Ideas?? Flag in back

ground big first name and then the last name smaller. With logos

and everyday heroes. Keep everyday hero same as on the

conference info.

Jeff Schemmer advisedpossibly make the first name red.

Janyll Stierwalt: Possible add where the person is from. Agency


Vicky Bluemke asked if we are going to have different names tags

for committee members possibly printing on gold or blue tag for

themembers. Every different agency was a different color.

Possibly first time attendees put on cards.

Need to put ENP on the card.

President Reuter did an inventory for all the items we have.

Navy blue shirts

Pink 911 Jersey’s

Plastic bags

Blue sweatshirts Indiana 911 NENA logo

Pub Ed shirts

Breakers Pub Ed

911 Magnets Ribbons

Challenge coins


Key chains

NENA cook books (dated) 2013


Regional map

Prices for 2013.

President Reuter to do list:

Presidents Letter

Photos to Bonnie Dick and Lori Forrer for booklet

Kelly bios APCO board

Electronic signature from Kelly Dignan

Need name, bios, and photo of APCO national member

Follow up with governor’s officer for attending.

Terri Bennett has two good nominations for dispatchers group


President Reuter doesn’t have any problem honoring both centers.

Both are worthy of being honored. We had 3 nominations. Maybe

doing an Honorable mention for the 3rd one. Then recognizing the two teams. Paying the winners complimentary conference fee.

School bus crash KosciuskoCounty/ LaGrange County Murder

Suspecthelped carjacking person.

The last one get a certificate of recognition. Then the two winners

say co-winners.

Vote: two winners Co-winners and honorable mention get one day

Conference fee. Terry Bennett will make contact with each agency ref attending.

Vote: to accept this 2nd V.P Darin Raney made motion to accept and 1st V.P. Jeff Schemmer made 2nd.MOTION PASSED

Rob McMullen: shirt design to vender by???

Awards: Decisions have been finalized on all of them except the Tom Brindle award.

Tina Winegardner: Is ordering items to sell

Rob McMullen order executive board members. Wear 1st day of

Opening Ceremonies.

Banner we have now Welcome to NENA

Need new one that has both NENA and APCO welcome to the

trade show.

Letter to the Industrial Partners to donate anything to the

Silent auction. all proceeds will go to APCO NENA support.

Janyll Stierwalt and David Rosenberry will be doing this. Janyll

will draft letter and send toDavid Rosenberry and Ed Reuter.

Rob McMullen taking care of corn hole game. Make two sets. Give one Away at the trade show and one for the auction.

President Reuter advised that the biggest accomplishment is getting APCO on Board.

President Reuter really appreciated everyone in the room and on

the phone for Their contributions. Bonnie, Lori, Vicki, Everyone

is really appreciated for their help on the conference.

Gary Bates advised that APCO will have a goody bag at the table to giveout to everyone. Will put out that have someone help at the desk from APCO side.

Terri Bennett has the photo booth lined up for the dinner.

President Reuter made motion to Adjourn the meeting and Darin

Riney 2nd the motion at 11:43 a.m.

Present at meeting:

President Ed Reuter

Secretary Julie Pierce

1st V.P. Jeff Schemmer

2nd V.P. Daren Riney

South Region V.P. John Hendrix

At Large V.P. David Rosenberry

Statewide 911 Board Barry Ritter

APCO President Kelly Dignan

Monroe County: Christina Combs

Word Systems: Janyll Stierwalt

Carroll County: Vicki Bluemke

Statewide 911 board: Laurel Simmermeyer

Conference Phone:

Central V.P. Terry Bennett

Treasurer: Beth Sessions

North Region V.P. Terri Brooks

Commercial V.P. Lori Forrer

National NENA: Rob McMullen

APCO: Gary Bates

Trina Winegardner

Carol Richie

Annie Winegardner

Larry Stidham


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