Islands Folk Festival Co-Chair’s Final Report – Feb 6, 2013
Reed Early and Harmony Huffman
Festival Committee Co-Chair Report 1
Report: Artistic Director 6
Report: CFG/IFF Office 9
Team/Crew: Artist Billeting 13
Team/Crew: Artist Services 16
Team/Crew: Camping 17
Team/Crew: Finance 19
Team/Crew: Main Gate 21
Team/Crew: Healing Arts Stage 23
Team/Crew: Info Booth/Advance Ticket Sales/Memberships etc. 24
Team/Crew: Kitchen - Main 26
Team/Crew: Kitchen - Volunteer Food 29
Team/Crew: MC 32
Team/Crew: Merchandise Booth 33
Team/Crew: Parking 34
Team/Crew: Sanitation/Maintenance 36
Team/Crew: Day Security 37
Team/Crew: Night Security 39
Team/Crew: Shuttle 40
Team/Crew: Site 42
Team/Crew: Sponsorship 45
Team/Crew: Stage Runners 49
Team/Crew: Vendors 51
Team/Crew: Volunteers 53
Team/Crew: Volunteer Center 55
Team/Crew: Volunteer Check- In 57
Team/Crew: Water 59
Team/Crew: Wee Folks 64
Islands Folk Festival Co-Chair’s Final Report - 2012
Festival Committee Co-Chair Report
Co-Chair: Reed Early / Returning? TBDCo-Chair: Harmony Huffman / Returning? TBD
Date: Aug 9, 2012
The festival Co-Chairs are responsible for organizing coordinators meetings, filling coordinator
positions, and supporting coordinators to carry out their roles successfully. The roles require strong administrative, organizational and interpersonal skills. Responsibilities require a self starter able to motivate people at meetings and via e-mail and phone calls in the months leading up to the festival.
The Co-Chair’s goal is to ensure that the festival runs smoothly and efficiently, and that coordinators have the volunteers, supplies, tools and support they need to ensure their teams function effectively.
There were 37 crews this year with Coordinators. Twenty also had a co-coordinator. Crew size varied considerably and six needed no crew at all. Coordinators were expected to put in as many hours as required to meet their goals. Recruiting and scheduling is one of the Coordinators’ jobs. Some crew lists were easily filled with returnees while others required extensive recruiting. Some had experienced crew members, while others had to train new people.
The Festival Committee met about 10 times: monthly from Feb 21 to May 1, bi-weekly May 22 to June 19, and weekly July 3, 10 and 17. Meetings were on Tuesday and took from 60- 90 minutes, led by a co-chair.
The supplies needed by Festival Committee:
1. Meeting space
2. Printing and photocopies for the meetings.
3. Access to Internet, email and phone for Co-Chairs and all Coordinators
The successes for Festival Committee
1. Email to Coordinators were handled through which provided a consistent sender, regardless of where, when or by whom it was sent Using Hotmail allows both co-chairs to monitor and respond to inquiries.
2. The Coordinators “master list” was kept on Excel in case the on-line version was damaged or lost. The spreadsheet has verified contact info (validated email and phone) which was synchronized with Hotmail and the volunteer database.
3. Meetings were of a consistent location, length and style. Reports were made by crew. Minutes were taken and distributed when announcing next meeting, usually a week ahead.
4. An Action Items list was maintained and circulated at several meetings.
5. Coordinators’ responsibilities were clarified up front and maintained throughout the planning.
The issues or concerns for Festival Committee:
1. Communication with some Coordinators was infrequent or non-existent leading to gaps in their planning.
2. There were last minute changes to Co-coordinators at the Festival. One who had not been in contact was dropped. Others were added last minute even though they had not filled the role up to that point. It is noted that Co-coordinators are to be involved through the lead-up period.
3. The Office lost access to parts of the Festival website - namely to update documents (Lost Child Policy) in the volunteer database. Nobody knew the password. Also the possibility of a website malfunction could cause serious ramifications, but can (I believe) be planned for and better managed.
4. The volunteer database was underutilized by some Coordinators and used haphazardly by others.
5. Some crews were understaffed and overworked and some may have had excess volunteers.
Our recommendations re Festival Committee for next year:
1. Require all Coordinators to check in at least once a month (Apr-July) with the co-chair via email, Facebook, phone or by attending a meeting. And use an on-line group for discussion among Coordinators with photos (i.e. on Facebook) to provide face recognition and familiarity among the team, organize meetings etc.
2. Have a June 30 cutoff for adding/changing Coordinators or Co-coordinators.
3. Establish a management plan for the website with responsibility, dates and actions, to ensure currency and accuracy.
4. Educate everyone on the Volunteer database (or its replacement) Update the volunteer database among Office and Co-chairs. Promote use of the volunteer database by providing a link to it from the above, and by updating regularly to keep it current. Add functionality i.e. so Coordinators could bulk emails to crew.
5. Review crew sizes (number of volunteers needed) and establish the optimum level
6. Office administrator to review options for importing volunteer database in-house to provide greater flexibility, support and for potential cost-savings and to allow addition of features outlined above
7. Core committee to establish opening and closing times for all festival gates and related positions (main gate, VIP gate, volunteer check-in, traffic, parking and shuttles) by March at latest, in consultation with affected coordinators.
8. Update festival map to include all gate, camping and parking areas (including public and volunteer parking). This will make communication and planning easier, both for volunteers as well as the public.
9. Festival Chair, office and CFG Board to develop job descriptions to clarify roles and responsibilities between coordinator positions and office positions.
10. Festival Chair and office to meet with Providence Farm administration to review festival (what worked well, what can be improved) and discuss hours and access for upcoming year. Meeting should take place in September following festival and again in Spring preceding festival.
11. Poster-sized stage schedules should be printed and placed at strategic locations around farm (stages, thoroughfares), this worked well in 2012 and was popular with visitors
12. Laminated cue cards should be developed by traffic coordinator in consultation with committee and distributed to all traffic and parking volunteers. Cards should provide concise directions as well as restrictions for all types of festival visitors (i.e. handicap parking, farm staff, vendors, VIP, etc.)
13. Lanyards and pouches to be ordered by office no later than April
14. All coordinators to provide contact info during weekend so that volunteers or Chair may reach them if needed (cell phone, email, text, etc.), volunteers are expected to notify coordinators in case of lateness, sickness etc.; contact info to be distributed to all coordinators prior to festival and posted in office
15. Farm bathrooms will need to be cleaned/resupplied after the festival during tear-down
16. Volunteer hand-book should be developed by volunteer coordinator, should include policies regarding radio etiquette, use of golf carts etc. Policies should be approved by CFG Board in consultation with the festival Chair
17. First Aid coverage must be maintained for duration of volunteer after-party on Sunday evening
18. List of required first aid supplies to be developed and purchased by night security prior to festival with receipts submitted to office
Task / Lead / Notes1. Create on-line group just for Coordinators (i.e. Facebook) with photos to organize meetings, distribute info etc. / Co-Chair / Consult with AD, Office staff and CFG
2. Add to the Action Items a cutoff date for Coordinator / co-coordinator changes. / Co-Chair
3. Create Website Management Plan / Office Admin / Done with CFG and Co-chairs ahead of first Coordinators mtg
4. Update or replace volunteer database / Office Admin / Using current system or replacement
5. Review and adjust crew sizes / Core Committee / Start early in the next planning cycle
6. Review and if feasible, purchase database software to allow in-house mgmt.. of volunteer database / Office Admin / Winter 2012-2013
7. Establish opening/closing times for all gates and related crews / Core Comm. / Complete by March 2013
8. Update festival map to include all camping, parking and gates (including public and volunteer parking) / Core Comm., Security / Complete by June 2013
9. Develop coordinator and office job descriptions / Chair, Office, CFG Board / Winter 2012-Spring 2013
10. Meet with Providence Farm to discuss festival and access / Chair, AD / September 2012, Spring 2013
11. Print large stage schedules to post at stages etc. throughout festival / Office / June 2013
12. Develop laminated cue cards for traffic and parking teams / Traffic and parking coordinators, Chair / Complete by June 2013
13. Order lanyards and pouches for passes / Office / April 2013
14. Provide contact info for weekend, distribute to teams / All / July 2013
15. Ensure bathrooms are cleaned post-festival / Sanitation
16. Develop volunteer hand-book and policies / Chair, CFG Board, Committee
17. Book first aid coverage for volunteer after-party / Office
18. Ensure first aid supplies are provided for night security / Night Security
Artistic Director / /CFG IFF Office /
Artist Billeting – Marion / / / Yes J
Artist Services – Norm / / Yes J
Artist Transport – Larry / / requested / Yes J
Beer Garden - Harv / / requested / Has replacement
Camping - Lana / Regrets / / Yes J
Chapel - Jeralyn / requested / Yes J
Communication/promo- Anna H / requested / Yes J
Finance – Karen / / / Yes J
Gate – Main - Nadeane / / / Yes J
Gate – VIP – Monica / / requested / Yes J
Green Team – Johanna / requested / Yes J
Healing Arts Stage - Alison / / No will help with Finance
Info Booth – Sharon / / / Hopefully K
Kitchen-Dining Room – Anna J / requested / Yes J
Kitchen - Gen Coord. - Selchie / / / Yes J
Kitchen - Vol Meals – Jan W / Regrets / / Yes J
Maintenance Sanitation – Bill D / / Yes J
MC – Anna M / Regrets / / Yes J
Merch – Jan C / / / Yes if not traveling…K
Parking – Bob T / / Yes Jor SamanthaJ
Security Day - Ernie / Regrets / / YesJ
Security Night – Kim / / / Yes J
Shuttle – John F / / / YesJ
Signage - Richard / Regrets / requested / Yes J
Site - Donae / / / YesJ
Sponsorships - Georgia / / / Yes with help
Stage Runners - Asti / Regrets / / YesJ
Traffic - Rob / / Yes J
Vendor – Tom D / / YesJ
Volunteer – Jenni / / / Likely
Volunteer Centre - Leif / / / Not likely L
Volunteer Check-In - Lauren / / YesJ
Water – Michelle / / / YesJ
Wee Folk – Stephanie / / / Yes J
Report: Artistic Director
Coordinator: Robert McCourty / Returning? Do not know?Date: Aug 9, 2012
What are your recommendations for next year? How would you overcome any challenges you faced this year?
· Traffic, camping, security merch and sanitation crew co-ordinators must meet and train their crews before the doors open.
· Wrist band checking must be taken more seriously by the Security crew and other co-ordinators. I stopped at least 3 people on my own and sent them back through main gate. Many children had no wristbands as well. (12 and under)
No wristband checks from the main stage as requested.
Not enough attention to wristbands on Sunday after Sat. night only passes.
3. There were several complaints regarding volunteers who did not receive food.
Better numbers for the kitchen a month ahead of time for ordering should help. Thus, co-ordinators cannot wait to the last minute to confirm their crews. Food ordering is done weeks ahead of time, so if you suddenly introduce 30 new volunteers in the last week, they may not get fed. We need to be more diligent about numbers in the future.
4. Vollie Kitchen and Vollie centre need their own budgets for operating expenses.
Vollie centre needs to be set up much earlier (ready to go Thursday night) and have crew in centre until at least 1 am Friday and Saturday. Please note that all volunteers do not finish their shifts during the day. Night security does not begin until 11pm and stage runners, info booth, merch booth and tech volunteers do not finish until after midnight. They too would like a beverage and something to eat after a hard days work. Some of them just put in a 14 hour day to find nothing provided for them and the vollie centre in darkness.
5. Merch booth must have retail sales staff on the crew. People used to dealing with the public in a retail situation. Good sales people.
6. Need more programs. 800 is probably the right number.
7. New policy to be worked out with Night Security regarding late night jamming.
Kim and I to discuss.
8. Volunteer check-in. System needs to be streamlined to be more productive. Hours of Volunteer check-in should be the same as every other booth or gate.
Co-ordinator or co-cord needs to have a radio on at all times.
9. Main gate, Saturday evening passes, no sliding scale for late arrivals.
10. Signs. Please do not climb trees or pick apples.
Please do not pick the flowers.
11. MC’s more consistent announcements about performers being at the CD tent after their performances. MC’s not always necessary between acts. Some quiet time ok, especially Saturday night.
Some MC’s left their post before performance was finished thus no one to thank the performers. Will discuss with Anna.
12. Site. Ensure proper placement and number of porta-potties in pre-designated areas. Install misting tent. Need more shaded/covered area at sides of stage for people with mobility issues. Maybe reserved space.
13. Parking crew should also be covering the upper area to ensure shuttle turn-around and driveways are kept clear. I.E You can’t park here.
14. Chapel. Must rework how tickets are given out. Some people stood in the sun for 45 minutes to get a ticket then another half hour to get in. Shade tents and or chairs should be provided for chapel line ups. Chapel stage needs risers so people in the back can see better if the performers are sitting down. Preference should be given to people with mobility issues and escorted to the elevator and into the chapel before general public allowed in and escorted back to elevator after performance. Probably need to increase crew numbers to accommodate this change. Please inform AD immediately if you are experiencing sound ‘bleed’ issues from other stages. This is fixable if I know about it. Chapel co-ordinator needs to have a radio at all times while stage is active.
15. Vendors. Requests for more vegetarian options. More fresh food options.
Will negotiate with farm for no free store at all next year.
16. Sanitation. Set up cleaning schedule for main bathrooms and porta-potties.
No need to be present 24 hours a day.
Overall I thought the Festival was the most smoothly run since I have been involved.
Performers by the dozens have sent in thank you letters and Cudos. (see attached)
I am very humbled and appreciative of all the work the co-ordinators and their volunteer teams contributed. They were all awesome and because of your efforts many positive memories of the Islands Folk Festival abound.
It was a pleasure to see so many smiling faces all weekend. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood. The Festival for me went by in a flash. It seemed we just opened the doors and it was time for the closing ceremonies a few hours later.
There is always room for improvement in any Festival but I think we are well on our way to being one of the best run Festivals in Western Canada. The compliments speak for themselves.
The new Mantra for the Islands Folk Festival should be, “We don’t want to get bigger, we just want to get better.”
The best thing each one of you can do to keep the Festival alive for years to come is to spread the good word and make it a point to bring one new person with you to the Festival next year. If you and everyone on your vollie crews did this, we would be sold out. This is my personal goal for next year, to have a sold out Festival.
Thanks again to each of you for all your hard work and dedication. Give yourselves a standing ovation.