List of supplies for Kindergarten
1 large book bag 2 boxes of tissue
1 lunch bag 1package of sharpened pencils
1 box of washable markers 1 package of dry erase markers
1 box of 24 pkg of crayons $ 5.00 to cover cost of duotangs and
1 activity book or coloring book (for indoor recess) specialty notebooks and pencil box.
2 large white glue sticks (no purple) 1 pair of Velcro sneakers (to be used for indoors)
1 pair scissors 1 child size head phones(not ear buds)
1 jar of play dough 4 white erasers
1 package of straws 1 package of spoons
Change of clothing with an extra pair of socks and mittens – please put in a bag
with child’s name on the bag.
List of Supplies for Grade One
All starred items will be collected for classroom use, please do not put names on them
* 24 good pencils (Sharpened) 1 pair child size headphones
*1 smallbox of crayons * 2boxes of tissue
1 box washable markers (not fine tip) Scissors
* 6 large glue sticks * White erasers(pack of 3- 4)
1 package of dry erase markers * 1box of large zipper freezer bags 1 activity book or coloring book for indoor recess) Sneakers for gym (Velcro if they cannot tie) * 1 package of construction paper
$5.00 for duo tangs, pencil box, writing folders, and notebook.
List of Supplies for Grade Two
All starred items will be collected for classroom use, please do not put names on them
1 empty Memory Stick (4GB is fine, can be recycled from another year)
24 pencil crayons (sharpened at home)* 24 good quality pencils (sharpened at home)
1 package of markers* 2 boxes of tissue
* 4 white erasers* 2 glue sticks (big)
Scissors* 1 white glue
1 pair head phones* 1 package large re-sealable bags
Girls * 1 box snack-sized re-sealable bags* 2 x 40 page notebooks no coils
Boys * 1 – box of straws Sneakers for gym (with name on them)
* 4 white board dry erase marker(only small black markers) 24 wax crayons
$6.00 for duo tangs, homework books, pencil holders, homework bags, journals and construction paper
List of Supplies for Grade Three
Items to be collected and shared (please do not label):
40 sharpened pencils2 boxes of tissue
1 bottle white glue6 white erasers
4 glue sticks1 box crayons
1 box large re-sealable bags (boys)1 box snack/sandwich baggies (girls)
1 package washable markerssharpened pencil crayons
1 white board (paper size)pencil sharpener with cover
Scissors30 cm ruler
Pencil box (plastic are best)straws
4 dry erase markers (Expo work best and last the longest)
$5.00 for supplies from teacher (duotangs, notebooks, paper, folders)
Personal Items (please label):
-Sneakers for gym and indoor use
-1 pair of headphones
-1 empty USB memory stick (doesn’t have to be new)
Please other side
List of Supplies for Grade Four
36 sharpened pencils (good quality) 1 good quality pencil sharpener
4 white erasers Scissors
1 package of washable markers 3 glue sticks
1 package of pencil crayons (sharpened) 30 cm clear plastic ruler
2 boxes of tissue 1 package of white board dry erase markers
1 pencil box/case 1 pair ear bud phones
Indoor sneakers for gym 1 box large Ziploc bags
1 campfire notebook 8- 32to 40 page Hilroy notebooks
1 USB memory stick (less than 1G would be more than adequate)
$5.00 to be used to purchase duotangs, folders, and other supplies purchased by teacher
4 chair leg covers (look like tennis balls – can be found at the dollar store).
Supply List for Grade Five English/French
Headphones with microphone2 boxes of tissue
2 package loose-leaf1 large white eraser
1 package graph paper2 ½ lined ½ plain notebook
1 yellow twin pocket duotang with ringsIndoor sneakers
2 blue duotang with rings and pockets (Social Studies)Gym clothes
1 red duotangDeodorant – unscented
1 box large baggies Markers
3 packages of 4 lined 32 page notebooksUSB memory stick
3 packages of 12 pencils (may request more throughout the year)1 pencil sharpener
2 package of sticky notes2 glue sticks
Scissors25 plastic sleeves
1 campfire notebook1 package card stock-bright coloured
1 – large “2” inch ring binder1 - “1” inch binder
2 (8 package) binder inserts that you can write the name of the subject on the tab
8 chair leg covers (these are NOT tennis balls but look like them. They can be found at the dollar store)
1 package of pencil crayons
1 package of construction paper
Please note: IVS will have a school student fee for the 2015-16. It is $20 per student or $50 for a family of three or more.
After consultations with our PSSC, the school conducted a survey of our community in regards to student fees at IVS. The results indicated parents were accepting of a student fee with the large majority choosing the $20 option. This student fee will cover the following: Bussing costs for 2 co-curricular trips, bussing costs for our winter carnival skating trip, supplies for school wide special events (eg. Day 100), additional fee’s associated with a trips, as well as two enrichment experiences.