The regular meeting of the Island Heights Planning Board was called to order by Vice-Chairperson Woods at approximately 6:35pm. Following the flag salute roll call was taken and present were: Richard Woods,Stu Challoner (6:45PM), Anne Garvin, Florence Kernaghan, Elizabeth Leahey, Joe Connors, Bob Snedden,Ken Kukfa, Esq.,and Wendy Prior, Secretary. Absent:Garrett Joest,John Bendel, Karen Kier, Richard Morrison, and Michael O’Donnell, Engineer. Vice-Chairperson Woods then read the Open Public Meetings announcement.
Motion to approve voucher from Ken Kukfa for August11, 2010 meeting attendance in the amount of $250 was made by Ms. Leahey second by Ms. Kernaghan.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. ConnorsYes
Ms. KernaghanYesMr. SneddenYes
Motion to approve minutes from the July 14, 2010 meeting was made by Ms. Garvin second by Ms. Kernaghan.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. ConnorsYes
Ms. KernaghanYesMr. SneddenYes
Motion to approve Resolution for Vivola, amendment to site plan, Block 19, Lot 11 was made by Ms. Kernaghan second by Mr. Snedden.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMs. KernaghanYes
Mr. ChallonerYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. ConnorsYes
Mr. SneddenYes
Discussion was held that Mr. Anderson should be made aware of the fact that the sign is still not in compliance with original site plan resolution. Ms. Prior will send a cover letter with resolution bringing this fact to Mr. Anderson’s attention.
Motion to approve Resolution for Doyle with amendments to page 2, insert side setback along with the rear and change to no windows on the side or rear of the accessory building was made by Ms. Kernaghan second by Ms. Leahey.
Roll Call Vote:
Mr. WoodsYesMs. KernaghanYes
Mr. ChallonerYesMs. LeaheyYes
Ms. GarvinYesMr. ConnorsYes
Mr. SneddenYes
Ms. Prior will contact Mr. Pascarella to have the Resolution amended prior to signing and distributing.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:45pm was made by Ms. Garvin second by Ms. Kernaghan. Unanimous Voice Vote.
Respectfully Submitted by Wendy J. Prior