Island Heights Environmental Committee

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 6/16/10 Time: 7:00 PM

Attendees: B. Hyle, M. Judge, G. Kotzas, D. Roberts, P. Sherwin, M. Cudworth

Absent: N. Scheer, M. Laratta, J. Pomeroy, R. Harrington



New IHEC / · IHEC filled out Citizen Leadership forms from the IH Borough to indicate whether or not remaining on the committee as of July 1st, 2010
Approved Minutes / · M. Judge made a motion to approve the May minutes, 2nd by P. Sherwin / · Approved the May minutes / M. Judge
P. Sherwin
IHEC Bylaws / · B. Hyle stated that the committee attorney will tailor the bylaws in terms of the excused and unexcused absences by the next meeting in July
· Discussion of new stipulations with the bylaws and attendance
· Discussion of the process of voting members onto the committee, as well as off of the committee
· As of July 1st, 2010, there will be a new IHEC
· M. Judge suggested having people write a letter to the Mayor if interested in joining the IHEC
· B. Hyle noted that IHEC interest forms are available to the public
· M. Judge said that the bylaws should mention that there is a mandatory form for people to fill out in order to join the IHEC
“Talk of the Town” / · B. Hyle announced that this summer there will be a meeting for all of Island Heights, called “Talk of the Town” where all of the clubs and organizations can meet together
-It will be at the school and IHEC forms for joining the committee will be available for the public
Barnegat Bay Day / · M. Judge announced that she added the names from the IHEC recruitment list to the IHEC volunteers list
· Additionally, M. Judge pointed out that the IHEC had the most entries for the Rain Barrel raffle
TPL Rivergrass / · D. Roberts stated that there is officially a link to TPL from the IHEC website
· G. Kotzas said that at the Barnegat Bay festival, a professor from Rutgers commented on the lovely Rivergrass poster
· B. Hyle said that until the issue of watering is dealt with, the July planting should be cancelled and that there should only be fall planting
-D. Roberts confirmed that there will be no July planting
·  M. Judge suggested that the IHEC find out what Public Works is actually able to do, as far as watering goes
·  D. Roberts would like to see if the fire department can do the watering as a civic duty
·  D. Roberts said he spoke to John about using a hydrant on the riverside and possibly using sprinkler heads with a hose as a temporary means of watering
·  Discussion of buying or borrowing sprinkler heads
·  D. Roberts suggested using IHEC budget money to purchase more soil to build the berms needed for finishing the boardwalk planting. The recent anonymous donation of 25 tons of soil cost approximately $500
·  M. Judge made a motion for the soil to be purchased at a cost of no more than $600, 2nd by D. Roberts
·  M. Judge recommended having mulching days
·  D. Roberts stated thatcopies of the'Maintenance of River Plantings' were received by Adrian Fanning, John Brodbeck andby the Town Clerk. Suggesting mowing requirements at / around the riverfront grasses / ·  Motion by M. Judge to purchase soil for the boardwalk rivergrasses, 2nd by D. Roberts / M. Judge
D. Roberts
4th of July / · B. Hyle announced that there will be about 50 feet of netting placed around the plants along the boardwalk
· The IHEC will go through Jeff about this matter
Tree Ordinance / · B. Hyle sent the first draft of the tree ordinance to the subcommittee for review
· B. Hyle stated that the subcommittee met, crafted a tree removal permit available a price of $25 to remove two trees, discussed designation of heritage trees
· Discussion of new stipulations in the ordinance draft, in terms of significant trees for heritage trees and responsibility of owners in possession of such trees, and how many trees can be removed before replanting is needed
IHEC Mission Statement / · D. Roberts brought up the IHEC mission statement reconstruction
· M. Judge presented a draft of the mission statement: “To advise Mayor and Council regarding environmental issues impacting the residents of Island Heights and to help educate its citizens in sound environmental practices.”
· P. Sherwin made a motion to accept this as the new IHEC mission statement, 2nd by D. Roberts / ·  Motion by P. Sherwin to accept new IHEC mission statement, 2nd by D. Roberts / P. Sherwin
D. Roberts
Kiosk / · M. Cudworth addressed the issue of the warping of the kiosk board backing
· She suggested framing the cut edge and molding it in place
· M. Judge volunteered antique molding to be used for this project
· Motion by M. Judge to purchase new kiosk backing that is not to exceed $75, 2nd by M. Cudworth / ·  Motion by M. Judge to purchase new kiosk backing, 2nd by M. Cudworth / M. Judge
M. Cudworth
Other News / · D Robertsreminded the Committee that the plexiglas handoutholders were going to be reinstalled at the Post Office and suggested that one of the handouts should befilled with 'Sustainable Jersey' information.
· M. Judge mentioned a program for June 17, 2010 about environmental landscaping for communities
· M. Judge stated that she would like for the IHEC to be involved with the Green Team and their activities
· M. Judge discussed posting events on the town calendar
· D. Roberts said that the rivergrass signage will most likely be put in after July 4th
· -DRoberts also said thatsome of theplants were strugglingbecause of water needs, however, generally, OK. This past planting included native perennials, site appropriate to poor soil
Adjournment / · Motion by M. Judge to adjourn the meeting at 8:36pm, 2nd P. Sherwin

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, July 21st at 7:00PM