Questionnaires & Inventories

About Careers

ISEEK Career Cluster Interest Survey

This American based survey lets a student rate activities they enjoy, their personal qualities, and school subjects they like. Then they can see which career clusters are a match for their interests. It will take about 10 minutes. At the end of the survey they will have a list of career clusters that match their interests.

Job Outlook

This quiz will help students identify what types of work they most like doing. It has 15 questions which lists six tasks that people do. The result shows them occupations that they are most likely to enjoy. It will take about 5 minutes. This Australian website has information covering around 350 individual occupations.

(A Career Quiz app can also be downloaded free from the iTunes app store and Google Play by searching for ‘Career Quiz Australia’).

Education Planner’s Career Clusters Survey

This survey is a quick activity to get students thinking about what they like to do at school and how this information can help them choose a job. Career "clusters" are groups of careers that share common themes or require similar skills.

For this activity, students read each statement and select the statements that are true for them. The results will prioritize the career clusters based on their responses.

Paws in Job Land

This is a very cute site for younger students to explore. It has heaps of information and pictures presented in an interactive format about many careers. It also has a very simple survey to identify jobs kids may like in the future.

About Character & Personality

Via Character Strength Survey

The VIA Survey of character strengths is a simple online test that takes about 10-15 minutes to complete and provides a wealth of information to help you understand your students core characteristics. Created under the direction of Dr Martin Seligman, the "father of Positive Psychology"and author of Authentic Happiness and Flourish.

It is the only free, scientifically validated online character strengths tool available (view VIA Survey psychometric data).

Take the VIA Survey (available in adult and youth versions) and get your free Character Strengths Profile. Start using the full measure of your 24 character strengths for a closer understanding of your core personality.

You do need to register to take the survey and students will need to enter their email address.

Reach Out- Personality Strengths link is Australia’s leading online youth mental health service that is accessed by more than 4,500 people every day. It provides a wealth of practical information, resources, tools and support to young people for everyday troubles to really tough times.

Check out the Happiness Institute's list of the twenty four different personality strengths linked from this page.

About Learning

Identifying your learning Style

Everybody has a preferred learning style and this survey assists students finding theirs. Results would be helpful in planning lessons based on students’ preferred style.

Primary Multiple Intelligence Test

This is a great interactive worksheet suitable for younger students which produces a colourful Multiple Intelligences wheel based upon Gardner's eight multiple intelligences.

Scholastic Printable Multiple Intelligent test

A free printable test for students to complete.

Edutopia Multiple Intelligences Self-Assessment

This interactive quiz asks 24 questions and will take less than five minutes to complete. The results are presented in a colourful bar graph with percentages.

About Student’s Personal Interests

Know Your Students

This website is packed with links and information about reading surveys and student inventories.

International Centre for Talent Development

This website has a number of instruments that may be of use to you in helping to identify the talents of children and students. Most are at a primary level and are printable.