Arthur's Tooth
Everyone in class has lost a baby tooth. Everyone except Arthur.
Will he ever lose that loose tooth? Will Francine stop giving him a
hard time? She may even be the reason Arthur loses that tooth!
--- Conversation Questions---
1. Tell me what Arthur wanted to lose.
(Answer) His tooth.
(Follow Up) How long ago did you lose your last tooth?
2. Tell me what Arthur could have said to the kids who were teasing him.
(Answer) Any Logical Answer.
(Follow Up) Have you ever been teased about something?
3. You are Arthur. Explain why it bothers you so much that you haven't lost a tooth
(Answer) Any Logical Answer.
(Follow Up) Do you know someone who hasn't lost any baby teeth yet?
4. Should Arthur have been nervous about seeing the Dentist?
(Answer) Any Logical Answer.
(Follow Up) Have you ever been to the dentist?
5. Define ‘wiggled’.
(Answer) Moving back and forth.
(Follow Up) Does anyone tell you that you wiggle too much?
6. Name the foods Arthur convinced his father to make him for supper.
(Answer) Steak, corn on the cob, and peanut brittle.
(Follow Up) Tell me something else he could have eaten to help get the tooth out.
7. Arthur's sister said he could get what, like Grandma Thora?
(Answer) False Teeth.
(Follow Up) Do you know anyone with false teeth?
8. Describe Francine's trick.
(Answer) She can drink water through a straw and keep her teeth closed. She can also
squirt water.
(Follow Up) Have you ever done Francine's trick?
9. Mother said Arthur needed professional help. Who does he go see?
(Answer) The dentist, Dr. Sozio.
(Follow Up) Do you go to the dentist every six months?
10. Explain how Arthur finally lost his tooth.
(Answer) Francine accidentally hit Arthur as she was turning around.
(Follow Up) Have you ever been hit accidentally on the playground?
1. Pretend you are Arthur. Write a note to Francine thanking her for
knocking out your loose tooth.
2. Make a list of the steps necessary to take good care of your teeth:
Brush three times a day, Floss, Use mouthwash, etc.
3. Draw the silliest ways you can think of to get a tooth pulled. Write
2-3 sentences of that silly way.
4. Write a journal entry for Arthur, talking about how upsetting it is to be the only
one in class to not have a lose tooth.
1. Have a tooth or a picture of a tooth. Ask the students if they have ever lost a tooth. Ask if several of their friends have lost teeth at the same time and how would they feel if they were the only one in the class who hadn't lost a baby tooth. Say, " Today we are going to read about Arthur, who hasn't lost a tooth yet. He has a loose one, though! Let's read and see if it comes out!"
2. Have a picture of a tooth. Ask the student what’s the funniest story they have heard about someone losing a tooth. Tell them about a time you lost a tooth. Say, “In today’s book Arthur still hasn’t lost a tooth! Everyone in his class has lost a tooth except for him. Can a playground mishap help? Let’s read and find out!”
Book Title: Arthur’s Tooth
Author: Marc Brown / Illustrator: Marc BrownISBN: 0-316-11245-3 / # of Text Pages: AR: 1.7 LEX: 450L
Building Oral Vocabulary
6 / interest / 6 / investment / 8 / practiced
Prediction Questions
3 / What do you think Arthur will do?
7 / Do you think his tooth will come out now?
12 / Oh, no! Will the dentist pull Arthur’s tooth?