April 27, 2013
ATTENDANCE: Lori Lund, Lin Metzger, Carrie Wachter Morris, Samantha Vidal, Julie Baumgart, Brandi Oliver, Julie Presley, Kathy Renie, Bonnie Colon, Bonnie Crawford, Mark Friedmeyer, Jennifer Borden, Sarah Altman
During the executive meeting (9:00 – 10:00 am) we had Trish Sipes special advisor to Supt. Ritz at the DOE speak to us about a school counselor summit this July. A pre-summit planning meeting will occur at our LDI this summer.
Carrie Wachter Morris called the meeting to order at 10:05 am. She requested an approval of the agenda with flexibility. Julie Baumgart moved to accept the agenda with flexibility and Mark Friedmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%. The minutes from the February board meeting were corrected with regards to changing the date of the elementary retreat from Memorial Day to Labor Day. Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the minutes as corrected and Jennifer Borden seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Lin Metzger reviewed the budget and treasurer report. She shared that one of our CDs came due and she moved it to another bank for a higher interest rate (from .01 to .06 percent interest). Mark Friedmeyer moved to accept the treasurer report and Bonnie Colon seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Our membership is currently 565 members. Lin Metzger encouraged everyone to spread the word to renew membership before conference time. She also shared that Learn 360 has been bought out by another company. Lin is currently in communication with them to keep the current agreement with us and our membership.
Brandie Oliver gave a conference update. She also gave a summary of the Evidence Based School Counseling Conference she attended. She thought it was very beneficial. At this point in time we will not be hosting a graduate student workshop due to lack of affordable meeting space. Other options are still being pursued. One option is incorporating it into the fall conference time.
Bonnie Crawford gave an update on her recent meetings with Commission For Higher Ed regarding 21st Century Scholars. There are changes that are going to occur this coming school year.
Julie Baumgart gave a legislative update. The Anti-Bullying law did get passed. The funding for REPA 2 was also passed at the last minute. Julie also shared we have several student scholarship applications at each level to review. Julie Baumgart will upload the applications and scoring rubric into DropBox so the board can read and score them.
Carrie Wachter Morris passed out her presidential thank you notes/gifts to this year’s board members.
We broke for our 30 minute lunch break. We sang Happy Birthday to Julie Presley.
The Principals Association will pay for the Gold Star plaques this year. On July 19th there will be a Counselor Education meeting and ISCA will cover the food. Julie Baumgart moved that ISCA set aside $200 to cover the food for this meeting and Samantha Vidal seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
LDI will be held on June 13 and 14, 2013 at St. Benedictine in Beech Grove, IN. Registration details to follow from Samantha Vidal.
Left over grant money will be rolled over into next year’s grant fund and the current applicants will be first in line for the first round of grants next fall.
Carrie Wachter Morris shared information about MultiView which is a non-dues based company that will put an advertising banner on our website. The Massachusetts School Counselor Association uses their services. We have compatibility questions with this service and Wild Apricot. They can also send out newsletters. Carrie will continue to research this option. Julie Baumgart moved to have the executive board proceed with this endeavor and make necessary decisions as needed. Mark Friedmeyer seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
Lin Metzger also shared information about Energizing Indiana and having ISCA be a 503c organization listed on their website that can earn $25 from each person who has an energy audit of their home. Mark Friedmeyer made a motion that we partner with Energizing Indiana and Bonnie Crawford seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%.
The Meeting Services contract has been renewed for one more year.
Mark Friedmeyer moved to adjourn and Julie Baumgart seconded the motion. Motion passed 100%. Meeting concluded at 12:15 pm.
Written by: Lori Lund, ISCA Secretary