Professional Development Workshop

ISACA One-Day Workshop: Overview of System Test and Data Center
Workshop Leader / Mr. H P Suen
Principal Consultant
ECT Service Limited
Medium of Instruction / Conducted in Cantonese with English Handout
Date / Friday, 11 May 2012
Time / 9:00am - 5:00pm
Venue / Ching Room, 4/F,
Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers
20 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
CPE Hours / 7 in total
Fees / Early bird rate for registration before 2 May 2012 / Registrations received
after 2 May 2012
ISACA Member / HK$1,800 / HK$2,000
HKCS/HKICPA/CGA/ITAA Member / HK$1,900 / HK$2,100
Non-member / HK$2,000 / HK$2,200
Registration and Payment Method / Please refer to the enrolment form on page 3.
Deadline / Registration Deadline: Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Certificate / A Certificate of Completion will be given on full participation of the workshop.
(Please keep the certificate as a CPE proof.)
General Enquiries / Please contact our Administration Team at (+852) 8101 2801 or email .
Remarks /
  1. The workshop will be rescheduled if there are less than 10 registrations.
  2. There is no refund once payment is made except the course is cancelled.
  3. The outline is subject to change at any time prior to the workshop.


The delivery of quality IT system does not depend only on good architecture, design and programming, but more importantly on comprehensive testing and quality service operations inside the data centre. You will receive professional input on the relevant best practices in system testing and data centre operation.

Benefits to Your Business
  • Appreciate the benefits of system testing and its important in the service lifecycle.
  • Enhance the relationship with data center professionals, and improve the service delivered to data center.

Course Agenda

- The value of testing in the system development lifecycle

• A1: Introduction to Testing in IT

• A2: Test Strategy

• A3: Test Execution

• A4: Test Environment

• A5: Defect Management

• A6: Use of Test Tools

- The roles and responsibilities of data center in the delivery of IT services

• A1: History of Data Center

• A2: A typical organization chart

• A3: The relationship between Data Center and IT departments

• A4: The adaptation and adaptation of ITIL in Data Center

• A5: The Impact of Cloud Computing to Data Center

• A6: Green Data Center

Who should attend?

The target audience is for anyone who would like to get familiar with IT Testing and Data Center Operation, especially for those who are IT auditors or professionals who are interested in learning the contribution of IT Testing and Data Center Operations to quality IT services.


Mr. H P Suen has over 30 years IT experience at The Hong Kong Jockey Club, HSBC, Bank of America, Bank of China, Hong Kong International Terminals, Bank of Montreal, Canada. On top of solid data centre operations and management responsibilities, Mr. Suen was Head of System Assurance at The Hong Kong Jockey Club, MVS system programmer and IT auditor at Bank of Montreal, Canada.

Mr. Suen had both functional and managerial experience in all areas of data centre operations and had led numerous large scale data centre projects in technology upgrade, system management, outsourcing, facilities upgrade. ITIL and process re-engineering. In System Testing, he was responsible for setting strategy, enhance test effectiveness, efficiency and coverage, and resulting higher awareness of quality.

Mr. Suen obtained B. Comm. Degree from McGill University, Canada, and completed the Kellogg-HKUST Executive MBA Degree in 2001. His professional qualification includes CISA in 1993 and Manager’s Certificate (Distinction) in ITSM in 2004, ITIL Expert and Certified Software Tester (CSTE) in 2008. Mr. Suen is the founding chairman of itSMF Hong Kong Chapter. He now serves at the itSMF International Executive Board.

Enrolment Form
Registration Deadline: Wednesday, 9 May 2012
Tel: (852) 8101 2801 Fax: (852) 8101 2802 Email:
Address: 15B, Yam Tze Commercial Building,23 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong

ISACA One-Day Workshop: Overview of System Test and Data Center

Date:Friday, 11 May 2012 / Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm
Venue: Ching Room, 4/F, Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers, 20 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong
Membership no. / Early bird rate for registration before 2 May 2012 / Registrations received
2 May 2012
ISACA Member / HK$ 1,800 / HK$ 2,000
HKCS/HKICPA/CGA/ITAA Member / HK$ 1,900 / HK$ 2,100
Non-Member / HK$ 2,000 / HK$ 2,200
Surname / : ______/ First name / : ______
Company / : ______/ Title / : ______
Contact no. / : ______/ Email / : ______
Postal Address / : ______
Payment / By Cheque (HKD Cheque in name of “ISACA China HK Chapter”)
Bank : ______
Cheque no.: ______
Direct deposit to Citibank account:
Account number: 250390 14512025
Account name: ISACA China HK Chapter
Please fax to 8101 2802 or email pay-in slip to once the payment is settled.


  1. ISACA China HK Chapter reserves the right to cancel the workshop or change the schedule
  2. There is no refund once payment is made except the course is cancelled.
  3. The outline is subject to change at any time prior to the workshop.


  1. Please note that all personal data collected will only be used for this enrollment and administration purposes. They will not be disclosed by the ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter (“the Chapter) to any party outside the Chapter except as notified to you at the time of collection, or with your prior consent. For details of Chapter Privacy Policy, please visit
  1. The Chapter reserves the right to change the event details at any time in circumstances beyond our control. In case of such changes, the details will be announced at the chapter websites (
  1. In addition to any specific purpose, where personal data is provided by you, the Chapter may occasionally use such data to send you materials regarding our services. If you opt not to receiving these materials, please at any time let us know by sending e-mail to .

This leaflet is provided for informational purposes only, and contains a general outline of the upcoming workshop and proposed speaker. The views and opinions of the speaker do not necessarily represent or reflect the views or opinions of the ISACA China Hong Kong Chapter. In the event you have any questions concerning a particular topic, you may wish to contact the speaker directly.