Teacher: Atkins-Gillespie Week Of:02.08.16
Grade:KindergartenSubject: Math
Standard(s): K.CC.1 count to 100 by ones and tens K.CC.2Count forward beginning from a given number within the known sequence. K.OA.1 represent addition and subtraction using objects, fingers, mental images, drawings, sounds.Assessment(s): Quick Checks 7.1 7.2, 7.3
Learning Target(s):
I can join parts to make a whole to show addition.
I can count to 100.
I can use technology to help extend math skills.
I can act out problems to solve them.
I can use the (+) sign to join to groups.
I can complete and addition number sentence.
Essential Question(s):
How can I join to groups together and use the (+) sign?
How can I use the (=) sign to show the groups make a whole?
How do you count up from 1-100?
How do you count back from 20-0?
How can I join parts to make a whole?
Artisan Theme: Clear Learning Goals, First Time Learning, Diagnosis, Overt Responses
Monday / No School-Professional Development / Instructional Strategies:
Tuesday / Topic 7 pretest
Read Danny Sings
Play Two More at the Music Store / Instructional Strategies:
Cooperative Learning
Whole Group Sharing
Small Group Learning
Individual Learning
Wednesday / Topic 7.1 –Stories about Joining
- Show Pearson Video7.1 Finding Sums
- Model problem
- Guided practice
- Independent practice
- Closure
- Any additional activities on adding needed to help the students in the class.
Cooperative Learning
Whole Group Sharing
Small Group Learning
Individual Learning
Thursday / Topic 7.2 – More joining
- Show Pearson Video7.2 Addition Sentences
- Vocabulary: addition sentence
- Model problem
- Guided practice
- Independent practice
- Closure
- Any additional activities on adding needed to help the students in the class.
Cooperative Learning
Whole Group Sharing
Small Group Learning
Individual Learning
Friday / Topic 7.3 – Joining Groups
- Show Pearson Video7.3 Addition Sentences
- Vocabulary: addition sentence
- Model problem
- Guided practice
- Independent practice
- Closure
- Any additional activities on adding needed to help the students in the class.
Cooperative Learning
Whole Group Sharing
Small Group Learning
Individual Learning
*All lessons must be aligned to the Missouri Learning Standards and/or Next Generation Science Standards.