IS4L Cohort 2, Workshop 3
The Landing, Manchester
7-9th February 2017
Day 1Time / Topic / Facilitator / Objectives
08:00 / Arrival and Refreshments
08:15 / Coaching Time
09:00 / Welcome and Refocus / Kurt Bramfitt
IS4L Course Director /
- Recap of journey so far
- Theory covered
- Plans for workshop 3
09:10 / My Improvement Journey / Alumni Name - TBC /
- Project presentation
09:40 / Coin Exercise / Lloyd Provost
Improvement Advisor /
- Demonstrate the ability to apply improvement methodology to a small project from start to finish.
11:00 / Refreshments and networking
11:10 / Coin Exercise / Lloyd Provost
Improvement Advisor /
- Developing change ideas
- Running and documenting PDSA’s
- Measuring change over time
- Implementing a change
12:00 / Team Presentations / Team X
Team X /
- Project presentation & Feedback
12.40 / Networking and Lunch
13.25 / Engaging Others in Improvement / Maxine Power
Haelo CEO /
- How do you build the will to change
- The use of film to engage others
- Examples of using film in improvement
14:10 / (Lights camera improvement?)
Including Break / Stephen Miller
Thomas Harvey
Film…. /
- Practical film making exercise
- Learn simple methods and techniques to create films to engage others
- Develop a short project related film.
15:50 / Team Presentations / Team X
Team X /
- Project presentation & Feedback
16:20 / Day 1 summary
16:30 / Coaching Time
Day 2
Time / Topic / Facilitator / Objectives
08:00 / Arrival and Refreshments
08:15 / Coaching Time
09.00 / Welcome and Recap / Kurt Bramfitt
IS4L Course Director /
- Recap from day 1 and overview of day 2
09:10 / Study Design Principles / Lloyd Provost
Improvement Advisor /
- Develop an understanding of the theory and methods involved in designing a multi factor test.
10:25 / Refreshments and networking
10:40 / Blowing Bubbles / Lloyd Provost
Improvement Advisor /
- Opportunity to plan and run a factorial design.
- Understand how to analyse results from experiments.
12:30 / Networking and Lunch
13:15 / Applying Planned Experimentation / Lloyd Provost
Improvement Advisor /
- Opportunity to apply learning to own project
- Create a factorial design
- Plan methods for analysis
14:45 / Refreshments and networking
14:55 / Qualitative methods and their use in quality improvement / Graham Martin /
- Understand how qualitative methods can be used in improvement
- Case Study examples
- How to capture and analyse data
15:50 / Team Presentations / Team x
Team X /
- Project presentation & Feedback
16:20 / Day 2 summary and close
16:30 / Coaching Time
Day 3
Time / Topic / Facilitator / Objectives
08:00 / Arrival and Refreshments
08:15 / Coaching Time
09:00 / Coming to a small screen near you… / Kurt Bramfitt
IS4L Course Director /
- Film showcase
10:15 / Team Presentations / Team x
Team X /
- Project presentation & Feedback
10:45 / Refreshments and networking
11:00 / Holding the Gains / Maxine Power
Haelo CEO /
- Develop an understanding of what is needed to sustain and spread improvement
- Embedding measurement and processes
- Case study example
12:00 / Team Presentations / Team x
Team X /
- Project presentation & Feedback
12:30 / Networking and Lunch
13:15 / Spreading and Scaling Up Improvement / Maxine Power
Haelo CEO /
- Understanding the difference between implementation and scale up.
- Develop an understanding of models and frameworks for scaling up and spreading change
- Case study example with table exercise
14:30 / IS4L Team Reflections /
- Feedback on the teams journey and experience so far.
15:10 / Refreshments and networking
15:25 / Graduation Preparation /
- Graduation requirements
- Getting your project ready in AP3
- Next Steps
15:45 / Team Presentations / Team x
Team X /
- Project presentation & Feedback
16:15 / Day 3 summary and close
16:30 / Coaching Time