Is there still such a thing called the American Dream?

What is the so-called "American Dream?" From the time we are children, nearly everyone in the United States hears of this mythical ideal. It is often used as a motivational tool to encourage us to pursue our dreams.

You could ask ten different people what they think the American Dream is and it is unlikely any two answers would be identical. The thing you could virtually count on, however, is that whatever their answer, it would require resources to make it a reality. For some, a life of leisure might be the dream. For others, meaningful service. Whatever a person’s passion, most of us spend a significant portion of our time doing something else to provide for the necessities of life. What time is left is rarely enough to fully realize our passions.

Some people are able to gain financial independence by spending years in college learning a specific set of skills that are in high demand. Others work multiple jobs, trying to save for a better future. Some even have a brilliant idea and achieve success breaking new ground in the business world. But sadly, many simply pay hundreds of dollars in voluntary taxes every year buying lottery tickets for a contest they have no chance of winning.

That is where real estate investing comes in. There are few opportunities to acquire wealth that are available to virtually everyone. Real estate investing is on that short list. Anyone who is willing to apply themselves and learn these principles can have a better life and a better financial future.

Is it easy? Of course not. It requires time to learn the principles and time to put them to work. But anyone can do this in their "spare" time.

You are about to learn a system that has the potential to take you from a financially distressed employee, to a person making deals and selling them to other investors, to a person making deals for themselves, to a person who manages their own real estate portfolio for a living. Within just a few short years, anyone can go from debt to wealth. If they are willing to put in the time and effort, that is.

As you read the pages that follow, keep this in mind. But don’t wait too long. Just gaining this knowledge is not enough. In order to prosper, you have to begin using it as soon as possible.

Our goal is to see you transform into a person who lives life on their own terms. We want you to be the person who drives right past the people lining up to buy their Powerball ticket to go collect the rent on all your properties. Don’t leave your future to chance. Take charge. Learn the principles. Put them to work. Be the success story.