
2002-2003 FISAP Message Classes, 3–3

2002-2003 Modifications at a Glance, 3–2

Acknowledgement file, 3–7, 3–9, 3–11

Additional Information Record Layout, 4–103

Automatic Validation, 5–2

Batch Edit/Reject Codes, 3–13

Branch Campus Record Layout, 4–101

CPS/WAN Technical Support, 1–7

Current/Edit FISAP Data Record Layout, 4–7

Custom System

Developing your own, 1–4

Direct Loan

Client Account Managers contact information, 1–8

Consolidation contact information, 1–9

Operations Staff contact information, 1–9

Origination Center contact information, 1–10

Program Development Division contact information, 1–10

Servicing Center contact information

Borrower Referral, 1–11

School Services, 1–11

E40-4P Form, 4–117

Edit Error Codes and Suppressions Record Type, 4–116

Edit Error Messages, 5–3

Export Message Classes, 3–5

External FISAP Data

Requirements for Importing, 2–6

Steps for Importing, 2–7

FAFSA Express Customer Service, 1–12

FAFSA on the Web Customer Service, 1–12

Federal Student Aid Information Center, 1–14

Field Edits, 5–3

File Creation Requirements--FISAP Data Processing Flow Requirements, 3–4

Export Message Classes, 3–5

Import Message Classes, 3–6

FISAP Data Processing Flow Requirements, 3–4

FISAP for Windows, 1–4

FISAP for Windows Checklist, 2–19

Continuing Schools, 2–19

Export the FISAP Data File, 2–20

Export the Reallocation Form, 2–19

Import FISAP Edit File, 2–20

Import Prior Year Data File, 2–19

Print, 2–20

Setup, 2–19

Update, 2–19

New Schools, 2–21

Export the Edit File, 2–19

Export the Current/Edit FISAP Data File, 2-21

Import FISAP Edit File, 2–22

Print, 2–21

Setup, 2–21

Update, 2–21

FISAP Header and Trailer Record Layouts Description, 4–2

FISAP Header Record Layout, 4–3

FISAP Process Using PC Software Products, 2–9

Certification Forms, 2–17

Exporting, 2–16

Funding Level Setup, 2–11

Importing, 2–11

Continuing Schools, 2–11

New Schools, 2–11

Installation and Setup, 2–9

Reallocation Form Setup, 2–13

Signature Page, 2–17

Transmission Setup, 2–11

Updating, 2–14

Validation Process, 2–15

FISAP Report Request Record Layout, 4–118

FISAP State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes, 4–132

FISAP Technical Support, 1–15

FISAP Trailer Record Layout, 4–6

Grant Administration and Payment System (GAPS), 1–14

Header and Trailer Record Layouts Description, 4–2

Header Records

Description of, 3–4

Layout, 4–3

How Do I Import External FISAP Data into FISAP for Windows?, 2–6

Implementation Guide, 3–1

Introduction to, 3–1

Import Message Classes, 3–6

Important Telephone Numbers, 1–3

Importing External FISAP Data into FISAP for Windows, 2–6

Requirements, 2–6

Branch Campus Information, 2–6

Continuing Schools, 2–6

New Schools, 2–6

Steps for, 2–7

End of Entry Edits During Export, 2–8

File Validation for External Export, 2–8

Interface with Other ED-provided Software Systems on PC, 2–5

Items to Consider in Choosing a System Option, 1–6

Message Classes

Export, 3–5

FAWD02OP, 3–3, 3–11

FAWD03OP, 3–3, 3–11

FCUA03OP, 3–3, 3–7, 3–8

FCUR03IN, 2–18, 2–20, 2–21, 2–22, 3–3, 3–5, 3–7, 3–8

FEDA03OP, 3–2

FEDT03IN, 3–2

FEXT03OP, 2–6, 3–3

FFIN02OP, 3–3, 3–11

FFIN03OP, 3–3, 3–11

FIDT03OP, 2–18, 2–20, 2–22, 3–3, 3–6, 3-7, 3–8

FPYD03OP, 2–11, 2–19, 3–3, 3–6

FREA03OP, 3–3, 3–9

FREL03IN, 2–19, 3–3, 3–9, 4–117

FREQ03IN, 3–3, 3–11

FRQA03OP, 3-2, 3–3, 3–11, 3–12

FTCP02OP, 3–3, 3–11

FTCP03OP, 3–3, 3–11

FTEN02OP, 3–3, 3–11

FTEN03OP, 3–3, 3–11

FYTD03OP, 3–3, 3–7

Import, 3–6

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS), 1–14

Overview, 1–1

PC Requirements, 2–3

Interface with Other ED-provided Software Systems on PC, 2–5

Optional Items to Consider, 2–4

PC Software, 2–1

Pell Grant Program contact information, 1–13

Preface, 1–1

Prior Year Data Record Layout, 4–104

Process Edits, 5–1

Description of, 5–1

Automatic Validation of, 5–2

Error Edit Messages Table, 5–3

Field Edits, 5–3

Rounding, 5–3

Screen Edits, 5–2

Validate Option, 5–1

Error Edit Messages, 5–4

Sample Verification Edit Report, 5–57

Reallocation/Supplemental FWS Export, 4–117

Reallocation/Supplemental FWS Record Processing Flow/Requirements, 3–9

Record Layouts, 4–1

Additional Information, 4–103

Branch Campus, 4–101

Current/Edit FISAP Data, 4–7

Edit Error Codes and Suppressions, 4–116

FISAP Report Request, 4–118

Header, 4–3

Overview of, 4–1

Prior Year Data, 4–104

Trailer, 4–6

Report Request File Processing Flow/Requirements, 3–11

Report Request Record Layout, 4–118


File Creation, 3–4

Importing External FISAP Data into FISAP for Windows, 2–6

PC, 2–3

Reallocation/Supplemental FWS Record Processing Flow, 3–9

Report Request File Processing Flow, 3–11

Rounding Logic, 5–3

Sample Verification Edit Report, 5–57

Screen Edits, 5–2

Screen Review Flag, 5–2


Continuing Schools, 2–19

New Schools, 2–21

SFA Customer Service Call Center (CSCC), 1–15

SFA Customer Support Inquiry Center, 1–15

Sources of Assistance, 1–7

Client Account Managers contact information, 1–8

Consolidation contact information, 1–9

Operations Staff contact information, 1–9

Origination Center contact information, 1–10

Pell Grant Program contact information, 1–13

Program Development Division contact information, 1–10

Servicing Center contact information

Borrower Referral, 1–11

School Services, 1–11

State/Country/Jurisdiction Codes, 4–132

Steps for Importing External FISAP Data, 2–7

End of Entry Edits During Export, 2–8

File Validation for External Import, 2–8

System Options, 1–4

Combination FISAP for Windows/Custom System, 1–4

Custom System, 1–4

FISAP for Windows, 1–4

Technical Support, 1–15

Trailer Record Layout, 4–6

Description of, 4–2

Trailer Records

Description of, 3–4

Layout, 4–6

Validate option, 5–1

Validation Error List, 5–1, 5–57

What Is FISAP for Windows?, 2–1

Why Would I Use FISAP for Windows?, 2–2

July 2001 (2002-2003)FISAP Technical ReferenceIndex

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