Do you have a small business? Want to show and sell your products to a lot of people? Then join us on November25, 2016 from 3-8pm as we host our 2nd annual Small Business Fair at Miller Park!

Our space is limited, so register early. This is your chance to reach out to your community, meet new people and contacts, promote your product and make lots of holiday sales.

For those wondering why they should visit and shop at our fair, WHY NOT? Not only do you get to see many different companies, you help support local businesses in your community, meet up with your friends and neighbours, have a chance to win a great prize AND help Miller Park Community School in their fundraising efforts! It's a WIN-WIN!

So if you, or someone you know, sells Epicure, Steeped Tea, MaryKay, PamperChef, Norwex, or you're a crafter, cake decorator, cookie maker and want to get the word out, register NOW! Please note: Until October 24, 2016, only those directly linked with Miller Park will be accepted, after that, we are open to the rest of the community, friends, and family.

Registration form available on other side and on Miller Park website.

For more information or questions, contact Erika

Vasquez at

Miller Park Small Business Fair information and Registration

Only registrations that are directly associated with Miller Park (parent/guardian/sibling) will be accepted until October 24, 2016. After that, registration will be open to all.

Only one company will be represented. Example, if Sue and Jan both sell MaryKay, only Jan's registration will be excepted because she paid and registered first. Both Jan and Linda sell make up, that is ok because one is with MaryKay and one is not.

You are not registered until you have paid in full AND received confirmation from Miller Park.

Cost: $25.00 per table (each station will have a table and chair) Cheques can be written to Miller Park PAC or PayPal through our PAC Chair Erika Vasquez at

All vendors that register are required to stay at the market the whole time the market is open and to clean up afterwards.


Name: ______

Ph #: ______Email:______

Company Name:______

Tables requested: ______x $25.00

Amount enclosed:______cash/cheque/other

I need: access to electricity / chair / garbage / other ______(please circle)

You need to bring: product, staff, display material, cash float, bags

I will accept as payment: Cash / Cheque / Visa / MC / Amex (double check wifi at school)

I will have a: draw basket at my table: yes / no samples: yes / no

We ask all vendors to donate ONE item to gift to Miller Park for our fundraising draw. If possible, please drop off prior to the night of event so that we can promote your prize.

Cancelations will not be refunded after November 1, 2016.