Look in Isaiah 55:10, Job 36:27-28, and Psalm 135:7 and you will find there the whole description of the hydrological cycle. Look in Isaiah 40:12 and Psalm 104:5-9 and you will find there a perfect description of geological isosceles that is acceptable to any scientist who knows anything about what he is studying in the 21st century.

The Bible has made predictions that have continuously come to pass. If just a few of them didn’t come to pass, we could junk the book. But they keepcoming to pass.

Just for example, take 30 Biblical predictions about Jesus (and there are many, many more), but let’s just take 30, and let’s say: “Could these have happened by chance?”

Now listen to this. If you take a coin ~ a dime, perhaps ~ and flip it twice, there are four possible results. It will land heads both times or tails both times; or heads, then tails; or tails, then heads. So the chance of it landing heads both times is 1 out of 4. Or to put it another way, if four people each flipped a dime two times, one of them could be expected, by the laws of chance, to come up with 2 heads in a row. Now the chance of getting heads 3 times out of 3 flips is, of course, greatly reduced. If eight people each flipped a dime three times, one of them could be expected to come up with 3 heads. One person in sixteen could expect 4 heads in an uninterrupted flip sequence, and so on.

Now stick with me a minute … If slightly more than a thousand people were all flipping dimes 1,000 times, chances are one of them could turn up heads 10 times in a row without tails breaking the sequence. That’s the law of averages. To get 20 heads in an unbroken sequence would require more than a million people. An uninterrupted run of 30 heads would require a billion people. A run of 40 heads in 40 flips could happen by chance less than once in a trillion times. Or, if there were 4 billion people, on each of 250 Earths like ours, and if all of them were flipping dimes, then chances are only one of them could be expected to come up with 40 heads in 40 tosses. Incredible!

Now, wait a minute … I’m not done yet. Now think of each prophesy about the life of Christ as a coin flip. And each accurate prophecy is a flip that comes up heads. If every person living when Christ was born were to have made 30 predictions concerning His life, the odds are notoneof them would have scored 100% in his guessing. Every living person would have been stoned to death as a false prophet!

So, just suppose you wanted 100 heads out of 100 tosses. The probability of doing this is less than 1 in 30 zeros. But when the Bible makes predictions, not 30 of them, not 40, not 50, not 100, but over 300 of them come to pass with absolute accuracy!

The Bible is not obsolete! God’s Word is alive and well!