Board Meeting Minutes – November 8, 2003




SATURDAY, November 8, 2003


1. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL: President Ron Frame called the regular meeting of the Irish Beach Water District Board of Directors to order at 10:00am at the Fire House in IrishBeach (Manchester). Present were Directors Burmania, Frame, Poling, Whitaker and Wolfe as well as Mr. Charles Acker, Operations Manager, and Dorothy Cong, the District's secretary. Members of the public present were Walt Rush, Bob Winters, Gene Cady, Dorothy Engle, Kathy Edelbrock, Wally and Bobbie Crafford, Russell Pasqualetti, Lynn Danner, Al and Loretta Thompson, Donald Jassowski, Steve and Sally Thompson, Judy Murray, Rick and Marylou Morton, Su Whitaker, and Thayer Prentice.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors on September 13, 2003: Director Whitaker moved and Director Poling seconded the motion that the minutes of the regular September 13 meeting be approved as presented


1. As a result of a memo from Dorothy Cong to the water board, PresidentFrame presented the gist of a conversation with a customer who was concerned the district was running out of water and he had better get his hook up request in right away. The end result was that the Board directed the District secretary to issue a memo to Ron Trathen requesting that he refer any questions pertaining to water to the water district.

2. Dorothy wrote a memo to the board suggesting it was time to put out a newsletter and recommended several topics. Individuals decided the subject they would write on and turn in an article to Dorothy to prepare a newsletter.


Input was offered but none was given.


A. Treasurer - Report on Finances/Approval of Expenditures:

Treasurer Wolfe explained his report would focus on the fiscal year Oct. 1, 2002 – Sept. 30, 2003.

1.) Treasurer Wolfe provided a review of current cash assets comparing where the District was at the beginning of the fiscal year vs where the district was as of September 30, 2003.

2.) Treasurer Wolfealso reported on theCash Flow Budget Performance for the fiscal year and a review of the Water Budget vs Actual for the same period.

3.) Also presented was a review of the Fire Department Budget vs Actual for the fiscal year Oct. 1, 2002 – Sept. 30, 2003.

4.) Treasurer Wolfe explained how the district made end of year adjustments on certain accounts rather than do so monthly.

5. Treasurer Wolfe expressed that overall the District did well in keeping within the budget with a performance of within 1% to 2% of the budget. Unanticipated expenses associated with the election amounting to slightly over $6,900 (mostly legal) resulted in a negative cash flow of -$2,398.00. Treasurer Wolfe further stressed the importance of getting estimates in advance from the district’s attorney for projects and attempting to keep them within the guidelines.

B. Water: Operations Manager Charles Acker reported on the following key items: 1) “Hunolt Project” has been completed. The purpose was to bury the water line deeper as requested by Mr. Hunolt who paid for all labor and materials related to his portion of the project. The District did some upgrades, i.e. installing a valve, at the same time. 2.) Operations repaired a leak in Unit 5. 3.) Operations changed the measuring process for the lower diversion to a more accurate process with the end result being an increase from 35 to 46 gallons per minute. All other work was routine system checks, etc..

C. Safety: Director Whitaker reported that the most significant item related to safety was the on sight occupational safety & health program review and hazard identification survey. Director Whitaker noted that Emerson Consultants will be issuing an extensive report within 60 to 90 days. See New Business 7F for further information.

D. Fire Department: President Ron Frame, acting fire chief, reported that he had met with Dean Watson, CDF Battalion Chief and filled out forms to get a $1,500.00 reimbursement for fighting fire as a result of lightening strikes. There were two call outs: 1) Ron and Gene responded to a motorcycle vs car. There were no injuries. 2.) There was an unattended fire in PomoLakePark.


A. Review of Action Items: Action items were reviewed. All on the agenda.

B. Status of annexation of the IrishBeach Volunteer Fire Department by the Redwood Coast Fire Protection District (Frame). President Ron Frame reported that he had met a couple of times with RedwoodCoast. They have re-prepared the application to LAFCO. There were apparently changes in the form since the original preparation.

C. Development of Lower Diversion (Acker): Operations Manager Charles Acker reported that he found all the easements in the files. The easement over the Slagle property was only temporary for the purpose of construction in 1982 of the lower diversion. The District has a 7 ½’ permanent easements on both lots 17 and 18 and a small easement on Unit 22. No additional easements are necessary. In extenuating circumstances the District can cross someone’s property as authorized under California Water Code if needed. Charlie reported that he just needs to complete the application for the PG&E.

D. Water Permit – Timeline, cost estimates and status of projects (Acker) Operations Manager Charlie Acker reported that the Sanitary Survey is nearly done; the company just needed a couple more forms. The Cross Connection resolution needs to be passed.

  1. Status of water permit renewal for MalloPass and related activities associated with the development of MalloPass Project (Acker): Operations Manager Charles Acker stated that the request for renewal of the water permit was put in along time ago. He has spoken with some consultants about the required “environmental impact study.” Mr. Acker also reported that he had to prepare an “open channel” method of measuring. The Board directed Mr. Acker to follow up with the Department of Water Resources about the MalloPass permit.
  1. Status of Refinancing of the Loan (Frame): All paperwork has been signed.
  1. General Election: Status of Finalizing the Election:

Director Poling moved to accept and file the certification of the Declaration of Candidates Elected at the Irish Beach Water District election held in the Irish Beach Water District on November 4, 2003. Director Whitaker seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Ayes: Directors Poling, Burmania, Frame, Whitaker and Wolfe. There were no dissenting votes.

Director Poling moved to amend the prior motion to include the Certificate of Secretary of Irish Beach Water District to result of the canvass of the Irish Beach Water District election held in the Irish Beach Water District on November 4, 2003. Director Whitaker seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Ayes: Directors Poling, Burmania, Frame, Whitaker, and Wolfe.

The Board directed the Secretary, Dorothy Cong, to mail a copy of the above mentioned documents to each candidate. The Board further directed the Secretary to send a letter to MarshaWharf, Mendocino County Registrar of Voters, indicating the results of the election.


  1. Resolution 2003-13: Adopting a Cross-Connection Control Program as required by the State of California Department of Health Services (Acker): This cross connection resolution is one of the requirements by the State of California to renew the District’s water permit. Director Burmania moved the resolution be adopted. Director Whitaker seconded the motion. The vote was as follows: Ayes: Directors Poling, Burmania, Frame, Whitaker and Wolfe. The resolution is to go into effect immediately.
  1. Resolution 2003__ Adopting procedures for handling landowner projects (Acker): The Board agreed to table this subject until the next regular board meeting.
  1. Contract with Zamboni regarding water usage (Acker): Operations Manager Charles Acker reported that the excessively high usage by Mr. Zamboni was due to a faulty float. Charlie repaired it so usage should drop significantly. The contract was not reconsidered.
  1. Resolution 2003___ pertaining to reimbursement for fire services (Acker): This resolution has not yet been prepared and the Board agreed to table it until the next meeting.
  1. Hunolt Project Status (Acker)): The project has been completed.
  1. Safety Issues largely resulting from outside consultant on-site visit (Whitaker): Director Whitaker provided a draft document outlining several key points Jim Emerson of Emerson Consultants noted during his on-site safety inspection, i.e.: need SCBAs for entry into confined spaces, fall protection for climbing into tanks, need to go through the iIlness & Injury Prevention Program line-by-line, MSDS sheets need to be available where they are needed, Tank #1 needs repair soon, an emergency action plan needs to be prepared, need a defensive driving course, operations building in violation of safety in several ways, tank #4 needs repair, … and so on. Director Whitaker stressed the importance of safety and the fact that some of the hazards identified will definitely have to be addressed and they will cost some money. Emerson Consultants will provide a complete report in two or three months.
  1. Precinct Board Stipend (Cong): Secretary Dorothy Cong in her capacity as having conducted the election for the Irish Beach Water District suggested that members of the precinct board be paid a stipend, as is done by the counties, the amount to be decided by the Board of Directors. It was moved and seconded that the Board compensate the precinct workers $70.00 for their efforts. The vote was as follows: Ayes: Directors Poling, Frame and Whitaker. Nays: Director Burmania. Abstain: Director Wolfe. The motion passed.
  1. Filling vacancies as a result of resignation of two board members: Director Poling stated that according to California Government Code 1780 the vacancies resulting from the resignations of Directors Wolfe and Burmania must be filled within 60 days from today’s date, November 8th. Director Poling suggested the board call a special meeting to discuss this matter. The Board decided to call a special meeting to be held on Sunday, November 9 at 12:30pm at the firehouse.

President Frame thanked Dean Wolfe and Chico Burmania for their efforts during their service on the water board.

10. Adjournment: Director Poling moved and Director Whitaker seconded that the meeting be adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,


Kathy Poling, Vice President

Prepared by Dorothy Cong



Director Steve Whitaker, Secretary to the Board