Newsletter No 245August2012

Mr J. Biddlecombe / Secretary
Mr D. Greensweig
36 Tuffley Lane
Gloucester GL4 6DU
01452 524097

Editor: Martyn Bailey

Any opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the editor.

Hello One and all, this edition comes to you in a déjã vu format i.e. basically it’s the June issue with all the dates changed to accommodate the new meeting time slots. I have however shortened it up by removing the articles that ran in the June issue. However should you have not had an original one and would like to read the articles I have them on file so please just ask.

Subscriptions for 2012/13season may now be paid either by paying the Treasurer at the first meeting or post direct to:-

R Browning

76a Church Road


Gloucester GL2 0AA

£5.00 single membership

£7.50 family membership

Free for life members.

The Stamp Hinge will continue to be produced quarterly so I will once again therefore provide copies of all the entry forms and auction lot forms at each meeting, so there will be plenty of opportunity for everyone to enter; they are also included in this Stamp Hinge as is a copy of next seasons programme.

Letter K Six sheets Competition January 7th 2013

I intend to enter the following display ______
Please return to The Secretary
36 Tuffley Lane
Gloucester GL4 0DU

Open Competition 9-18 sheetsMarch 4th 2013

I intend to enter the following display ______
Please return to The Secretary
36 Tuffley Lane
Gloucester GL4 0DU

Auction ItemsApr1st 2013

I have the following items which I wish to enter into the auction
Please return to Pat Patrick
Programme for 2012/13
Sept 3rd Hon President presents
October 1st B Jones Fiji
Nov 5th J DavisEgypt
Dec 3rd Christmas Display, members and social with food
Jan 7th Members evening letter K (six sheets philatelic related)
Feb 4thVisit from Stratford on Avon PS
Mar 4th Annual Competition (Up to 18 sheets of philatelic related material)
April 1st Annual Auction
May 7th(TUESDAY)J Walker Confederate States
June 3rd AGM with larger raffle and food
June 6thVisit to Redditch

I still have in my possession some items that have been passed to me for the Stamp Hinge rest assured that I haven’t forgotten or lost them, and I will get round to using them in future issues.

Well that’s about it for this issue except to say any items for the Stamp Hinge can be passed to me at meetings or posted to

Martyn Bailey

13 Sandalwood Drive



