Irene Lopez School

Irene Lopez School

Irene Lopez School

Homework Policy

Our Beliefs:

-Homework is a valuable way to practice, review and solidify skills and concepts learned in school.

-Homework should only include practice problems that a student can do independently and should not include skills that have not yet been taught for that grade level.

-The amount of homework a student receives should be equivalent to approximately 10 minutes per year in school. For example, a 4th grader should have roughly 50 minutes of homework.

-Homework is separate from recommended nightly reading, which should range between 15-30+ minutes per night.

-Homework is an expectation that spans into high school and college. As an elementary school, by assigning consistent homework that increases in quantity

Student/Family Responsibilities:

-Students will make sure to correctly record what their homework assignments are each night.

-Students will complete their homework to the best of their ability, showing all work as instructed by their teacher.

-Parents will check their child’s homework to make sure that it is COMPLETE.

-Students will make sure that their homework is kept in the correct location within their school binder.

Teacher Responsibilities:

-Ensure that homework assigned is appropriate in rigor and length, adhering to the 10 minutes/grade level guidelines.

-Use the school STAR Cards to record whether a student has completed required homework and what consequence has been assigned.

-Ensure that parent contact is made before a child has to complete after school Homework Club.

-Proactively communicate with parents when an ongoing issue around homework occurs and work with parents to create plan for student, possibly long-term attendance at after school Homework Club.

-Connect homework completing to classroom incentives. For example, students who complete all their homework will have the opportunity to re-take assessments for better scores.

Homework Consequences and Support (4th-8th grade):

  1. Any No Homework (NH) mark will result in 1 day of lunch detention, to be served at the earliest date possible. Students should complete missing homework during their assigned lunch detention.
  2. 2 NH marks in one week will result in 1 day of after school homework club. Parents must be contacted.
  3. 3+ NH marks in one week will result in 3 additional days/1 week of after school homework club.
  4. Any 4th-8th grade student, with parent and teacher permission, is allowed to attend after school homework club. This must be arranged at least 1 day in advance.
  5. After School Homework Club will be held 3 days a week from 2:35 – 3:55 PM. A late bus will be available to transport bus riders home.