Biennial Sports Meet 2015

Ira international school gracefully observed the Biennial Sports Meet 2015-16 on 19th Dec 2015 at its premises. The opening ceremony included the enlightenment of sports spirit occurred with carrying of Torch by Ira’s Sports Star, Shreya Singh. Balloons symbolizing the emotions of harmony and peace were flown in the sky.

And then inspection of different racing events with prize distribution brought the zeal and enthusiasm in the air. The fabulous Drill Dance performance of tiny tots of Ira filled the ambience with serene beauty of purity and innocence. The yoga Dance performance of class III & IV revived the rich heritage of our country in the hearts of the audience. Fitness With Aerobics and Lezim and the wonderful performance of Saree Formation were the events that seeked the utter admiration of parents present there as audience. Class IX X XI Presented their elegant March Past accompanied by the School Band.

Later the Sports Spirit was more enlightened by the speech of the Chief Guest Mr. Ashok Major Dhayanchand, Arjun Awardee who stressed on taking up sports with interest and excelling in it.

Mrs. Lavneet Kaur Randhava was felicitated at the hands of Mr. Dhayanchand for being appointed as a coach of International Women’s Handball Team. The galaxy of eminent guests who graced the occasion were Dr. Kalpana Jhadhav, HOD Physical Education Dept, Hislop College, Mr. Iqbal Kashmiri, Secretary, NDFA,

Dr. Neeta Shah Principal MBA Dept, Baba Ramdeo College of Engineering. Dr. Asif Sheikh , Principal , Ramesh Dhawad College of Physical Education. Mr. Surya Prakash Yadav President , Youth Sports Association, Mr.Abhay Upadhaya, from K. K. Mankeshwar, Mr. Mukul Dixit , Site Head Indo Rama Syn Ltd., Mr. Rajesh Goyal Treasurer- Ira International Society , Mrs. Kana Roy Choudhary, Ex Principal & Director Centre Point School.

The sports meet saw its concluding part with school Anthem and National Anthem. Vote of thanks was proposed by the Principal of the School, Mrs. Reena Dargan. President of the School Mrs. Rimple Lohia Congratulated the School’s Staff and the Students of Ira for conducting successfully the Biennial Sports Meet 2015-16.

The Event of Alumni Meet marked the school’s spirit of harmony & integrity that seeked the presence of 70 Ex Students who came all the way from different cities and enjoyed getting nostalgic . They had a sumptuous Lunch thereafter.