November 14, 2002

IPUMS-Europe project details reply form for Country: ______

Date______Name______email address: ______

Please provide details regarding the census microdata available to the project and how they will be worked. This information is needed to complete the funding proposal. Replies will be summarized and presented at the census-2000 conference schedules for February 19-21, 2002:

1.Calendar year preferred to do project work: ______

2.If support will not be provided on a pro-bono basis, approximate total budget requested for:

a.Dissemination license ($2,500 per sample): ______

b.Expert assistance to project:

i.Translations: ______

ii.Technical reports: ______

3.Documentation. Please return copies of any readily available materials in enclosed pre-paid FEDEX envelope; computer files on CD or floppy disc are particularly welcome!. Taking into account the censuses for which microdata will be available and translations into English will be required, please note the approximate total number of pages to be translated (example: None, <10, ~50, ~100).

a.Census questionnaires: ______

b.Enumerator instructions: ______

c.Data definition dictionaries (codebooks): ______

d.Technical reports (sample design?, post-enumeration surveys?, ???) ______

4.Samples. Please supply the following information for each census for which microdata will be made available to the project (see table below):

a.whether the data need to be recovered

b.if a "public use" sample exists, what is the approximate density (%) and sample design?

c.if a new sample can be drawn, what is the likely sample density (10% preferred, 1% minimum)
For new samples (or old, if no new samples can be drawn):

d.sample type (household preferred; individual where there is no alternative)

e.sample design (every nth household, other random, cluster, "long form", ??)

f.If a new sample may be drawn is the sampling likely to be done by the Official Statistical Agency, or MPC working in an authorized European site, or MPC working in Minnesota

5.Data cleaning and editing. For each dataset, will additional cleaning be required and, if so, will the work be performed by the Official Statistical Agency or MPC.

6.Anonymization: will anonymization of the samples be performed by the Official Statistical Agency or MPC.

Please supply information about the microdata available for each census for Country______Official Statistical Agency (OSA) ______
Samples census round - / 1960 / 1970 / 1980 / 1990 / 2000
Census date (day(s)/month(s)/year)
Data recovery needed (# of tapes, boxes of cards)
If a "public use" sample exists, indicate density (%)
Sample design (nth, random, cluster, long)?
If a new sample can be drawn, what density?
_by OSA or MPC (in capital city, or Minneapolis?)
New/old sample type (dwelling, household, person)?
Data cleaning by OSA or MPC?
Anonymization by OSA or MPC?

Explanations and additional details are welcome.

Please supply information about documentation for each microdata set
Documentation census round - / 1960 / 1970 / 1980 / 1990 / 2000
Indicate types of enumeration questionnaires (single form, short/long forms)
Enumerator instructions: separate booklet?
Machine-readable data dictionaries (codebooks)?
List other types of essential microdata documentation, if any (published or not):

Please email your reply to or return in the enclosed prepaid, addressed envelope.

Thank you! Bob McCaa