Ipswich GroupAnnual General Meeting

7th September 2013


  1. Welcome – Please sign in so we can keep our contact details up to date.
  1. Minutes of previous AGM ( 23/11/2012)

A number of events were supported over the year including cookery demonstrations from Juvela and Glutafin. Meals out and a summer walk were well supported and we saw our membership grow.

The retiring committee members were thanked for their dedication and help over several years, particularly Gwen and Roz for their very long service to the group.

The treasurer’s report was presented and accepted by the floor.

Election of 2012/13 Committee:

Group OrganiserJean Rogers (P – Jill Richardson, S – Diane Bradford)

Group TreasurerCath Marjoram ( P: Jean Rogers, S – Jill Ricahrdson)

CommitteeGerald Thrower, Jill Richardson, Lynn Scannell, Diane Bradford, Angie England, Lynn Beal

Children’s LeadLindsay Langsley

DoNM was set for September 2013.

These brief notes were proposed by Jean Rogers and accepted by the floor.

  1. Apologies were received from a small number of members.
  1. Group Organiser’s report 2013

Since last November there have been a number of very well attended events covering meals, a Dunwich Heath walkand events at Martlesham and again we have seen our membership grow.

A summary of our key highlights:

NHS Prescription List – this was reviewed by the new NHS Commissioning group and after a successful local survey and pressure from Coeliac Uk, fresh bread was added back onto the list for Ipswich.

Lynn Beal has set up heIpswich Facebook site online, which she keeps it very up to date. Jill refreshed the “Eating out in Ipswich Guide”. This can be found online on the local group page for Coeliac UK.

Juvela provided an excellent cooking demo and product update in February.

Saigon meal out received the thumbs up and we had a very good attendance and enjoyed a wide range of Asian GF dishes.

We enjoyed morning tea with the Mayor in her parlour in the Core Exchange in March. Andrew Beal provided a very informative session on the history of Ipswich from 1206 right through to the present day. We were able to also donate £70 to the Mayor’s charities which are Ipswich Women’s Aid, Town 102 Kids Trust and Crisis UK.

Coeliac Awareness week in May was celebrated with a scrumptious afternoon tea at the The Oaks in Felixstowe. Plates were cleared and piles of food were consumed; sandwiches, scones, cakes, macaroons and sponge cake. No one went away feeling hungry.

Our summer walk across Dunwich Heath to East Bridge for lunch was really very enjoyable and the weather was just right. My thanks to Jill for organising this year’s walk.

However not all areas were plain sailing but it wasn’t without Lindsay really trying hard to pull together two events for our younger members. The swimming and Picnic/games events were cancelled simply due to lack of support.

Thank you to all organised or supported these events.

  1. Group Treasurer’s report 201

Cath presented the current treasurer report and it was proposed by Jean Rogers, Seconded by Jill Richardson and accepted by the floor.

At 07/09/2013, the total balance of petty cash and bank account is £1430.21

  1. Election Of committee – Most roles are available for election

Now for more formal matters: Over the last few weeks, Gerald Thrower, Lynn Scannell, Angie England stepped down from the committee. We would all like to thank them all and in particular, Gerald who has been a very active member of the group for 10 years. Thank you for all you have done from serving tea, organising donations and advertising in the local newspapers and radio stations.

To ensure the continuity of the group it is essential that we need your help to cover some of these keys roles and we desperately need help so the jobs can be shared!

  1. Group Lead – Jean Rogers ( nb - role accepted until May 2014)

Proposed: Lynn Scannell, Seconded – Diane Bradford

Ensures regular events / planning sessions are set up and chaired

Liaises with Coeliac UK

Co-signs cheques

Leads the team in accordance with the Coeliac Volunteer’s handbook

  1. Group Secretary – No volunteers to take on this role were received

Notifies members of meetings, writes up minutes

Prepares newsletters

Handles correspondence

  1. Group Treasurer – Cath Marjoram

Proposed: Jill Richardson, Seconded – Lynn Scannell

Collects donations

Lodges money into the Bank

Records all incomes and expenditure

Prepares / presents accounts to AGM and 6 monthly reports to Coeliac UK

Co-sign cheques

  1. Committee

Standing Down: Lynn Scannell, Gerald Thrower, Angie England

Re-elected: Jill Richardson, Diane Bradford, Lynn Beal

New:Emma Pitt-Steele

Participate in fund raising

Organise specific events e.g. meals out, walks

Supports functions

  1. Any other business

GPs not adhering to the Commission Group Prescribing Policy

Members requested to contact Jean who will forward details to Coeliac UK for support.

Ipswich Hospital Open Day 10am -2.oo pm on Saturday 28th September.

“Friends of the Group” – during the course of the afternoon a number of people offered to help at future events. This is greatly appreciated.

  1. Date of next AGM

I will plan to hold the next AGM late April / May.

******************* Next Events ************************

Tuesday 7pm29th October Bangers and Mash at No1 Bistro, near Corn Exchange, Ipswich

Please contact Lynn on 07886176164 or email;

December Christmas Meal TBC

Please let me know if you are interested in attending a Christmas meal this year.We will need to have at least 20-24 people signed up.We are in contact with a couple of restaurants. Cost approx. £20-22 per person.

Children’s Pizza Evening 19th November at 4.30 at Pizza Express

Please contact Lindsay Lansley on email;