
Rotary Club of Lexington Park

Board of Directors’ Meeting

at the Elements

Thursday May 28th. 2015

Present: Rotarian Board Members Davis, Rooney, Pappas, Weston, Merritts, Rymer, B. Parkinson, Coxon, Moody, Lymas, Kolliopoulos and Andreacci.

Absent: DeManss.

Other Rotarians Present: L. Branthoover, G. Hurlburt (part of meeting), Faust, and Gonzalez.

Call to Order: was at 5:35 PM by Pres. Davis, finding a quorum present.

Priority Discussion: Larry Branthoover gave a verbal report on the 2014 Oyster Festival. [Note: I could not keep up with the figures…had $15K to start out, etc. I request added notes from others and/or Larry.]

- Funds are still coming in from stragglers

-  New: may not do the “carnival” at the Festival. We only make $800 off of it.

-  Planning is well under way of course and much work toward the 2015 festival.

-  There are monthly meetings with the Oyster Board

-  Considering credit card acceptance

-  Rejected Rotarian Danny K. cash drawers proposal.

-  Expressed a candid “ain’t broke don’t fix it” approach

-  Feels the Oyster Board should run the Festival and this Board should not digress into micromanaging it.

-  He and Petra will no longer associate with the Oyster Festival effective now. He was co-chair of the Festival along with Moody.

-  Karen (administrator) does NOT do everything Dave Taylor did. She does not write checks for example.

After discussion, Larry expressed willingness to readdress their resignation from Festival preparation with Petra which puts their resignation on hold for now. Larry is very concerned about volunteerism and the participation of all club members. He agrees to provide us “what he needs in order to continue in his role.”

1.  Minutes from 4/30/15 were tentatively approved as amended with item #9 removed. Those revised minutes are to be resubmitted for review.

2.  Treasurers Report: Paper report provided and approved.

3.  Golf Tournament Status: Pres. Davis states he will continue heading the project until he can find a new leader. He recommends (moved that) it be 29 Sept. Approved by vote with one nay vote. Comments included that Sponsorship is the key, where the money comes from. Recommended that each last year Sponsor be contacted.

4.  Charter Night: June 24th. Things like a band, etc. are under consideration. $40 is ticket price and many sold so that p[rice will not change. Instructions: SELL TICKETS. Jim and Bob M. are working on an agenda which Linda will use to produce the program. Break-even is 75 tickets.

5.  Lunch Revenue Deficit Issue: Lengthy discussion. Incomplete at best.

a.  “Urging attendance” calling by sponsors to those not attending was listed as an idea (a la Frederick Club.)

b.  Cash flow is the Treasurer’s concern, week to week.

c.  James A. as Membership director will study the issue

6.  A vote was taken on raising dues to $250. The vote tied with 6 for and 6 against, President already voting, and thus failed. Null result.

7.  Motion was made to move a total of $1000 to the club admin acct from the Foundation to ease the cash flow problem with lunches. Passed (and already in the Foundation Budget previously approved.)

8.  Foundation Treasurers Report: Paper report provided. “We are solvent.” The IRS 990 is under preparation. Adopted as delivered, by vote.

9.  Lane Reports: (Only some were entertained in a long meeting)

a.  Special Projects – Kolliopoulis – raised the issue/question as to why we cannot do “basket bingo” like another club did and made $14K ? Under consideration.

b.  Public Affairs – Moody – nothing to report

10.  Secretary Rymer: will be meeting with incoming Secretary Connie the week of 15 June on transition. Was authorized to proceed with Invokes for 2015-2016 Dues at the rate of $200 per active member. Stated that Invoices will be out NLT June 1st.

New Business:

1.  Geo. H. on the SMJWU – Motion to establish a named $1,000 single scholarship from the existing Rotary Club scholarships for a successful "So Many Journey’s Waiting for You” (SMJWU) student. As SMJWU is for freshmen and Sophomores at Great Mills High School, this scholarship would commence in 2017 and extend the life of the SMJWU program. Students who qualify must be faithful SMJWU attendees in their Sophomore year, be accepted by a college in their senior year, clearly demonstrate need and pass an interview. The proposal passed by unanimous vote. On 10 June at 3PM there is an event at GMHS showcasing this project.

2.  The Sign for the Oyster Festival at the county fairgrounds needs to be updated to show Rotary Sponsorship of it. This item is the responsibility of the Oyster Board, not this Board and Moody took it for action.

Adjournment was at 7:22 PM.

Next meeting: Agenda said 6/25/15 ?? TBD… That’s the night after Charter Night…. Unlikely…

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