Jan. 25, 2018
Drew Mogler, Producer Education Director
(800) 372-7675,
For Immediate Release!
IPPA recognizes Delaware County nutritionist/producer as 2017 Master Pork Partner
(CLIVE, Iowa) — The Iowa Pork Producers Association and Iowa State University Extension and Outreach have selected a production company nutritionist and producer for a 2017 Master Pork Partner Award.
The emblematic brass belt buckle was presented to Paul Mossner of Manchester at the Iowa Pork Congress Banquet in Des Moines last night. The recognition included a multi-media presentation of his work.
The 35-plus-year veteran of the pork industry formulates rations and provides nutrition consultation for JBS United, focusing on utilizing a benchmarking program with clients. He spends time with producers pouring over records teasing out additional efficiencies and exploring ways to drive down costs. Mossner has always stayed current with technology and figuring out how best to implement it within the businesses of his clients.
Paul also is a partner in New Horizons Pork in Delaware County. The enterprise consists of two 2,500-head sow farms with wean-to-finish production taking place in the area. Paul provides nutrition consulting for the system and oversees the relationships with their contract growers and packers.
Mossner’s wife, Bobbi, serves as the dispatcher for the system, communicating with the sow farm managers, growers and packers.
Mossner graduated from Michigan State University after leaving his family’s diversified farm. He worked as a carpenter for about a year in northern Michigan and then a local manufacturing company that was later purchased by a feed company. Paul built an extensive network of people in the pork industry while in Michigan and eventually moved to northeast Iowa to provide nutrition consulting to pork producers.
Paul has always been willing to help the local pork producer groups in Buchanan and Delaware counties with grilling events. The Mossners also are active members of their local church.
The couple has two adult children.
The Master Pork Partner Award recognizes pork production company employees who have demonstrated positive impacts in their production systems and a commitment to the We Care ethical principles, but don’t have active daily roles at a specific production site. This is the fourth year of the award.