Close the Gap Awards Nomination

Contact person details
Surname: / First Names:
Payroll/Volunteer ID No.: / Rank/position: / Region: Please select:Far NorthernNorthernCentralNorth CoastBrisbaneSouth EasternSouth Western
Indicate category:
Individual Team Partnership
Indicate which QFES Strategic Plan objective/s this nomination links to:
Prevention and preparedness Strategic capability
Response Business-enabling services
Nomination Statement
Provide a brief overview (no more than 300 words) of the project/initiative/body of work, including key outcomes, achievements. Ensure that the nomination demonstrates contributions to one or more of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan principles.
Supporting documentation
Attach any supporting evidence e.g. newspaper articles, letters of appreciation, publicity photos or videos of the achievements of the project/initiative/body of work relevant to key aspects of this nomination.
List attachments:
Nominationsmust be endorsed by the applicable Assistant Commissioner/ Executive Director prior to submission.
To the best of my knowledge, the nominee meets the eligibility criteria and I endorse this nomination.
Name: Position:
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services is collecting personal information for the purpose of processing nominations subject to the requirements of the Information Privacy Act 2009 (the IP Act) which are defined in the 11 Information Privacy Principles (IPPs). For information on the 11 IPPs, refer to Schedule 3 of the IP Act.
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General Information

Closing the Gap is a strategy that aims to reduce Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage with respect to life expectancy, child mortality, access to early childhood education, educational achievement and employment outcomes. For more information visit the Australian Human Rights Commission or read about the history of Closing the Gap.

Queensland Fire and Emergency Services (QFES) supports the Close the Gap strategy. The QFES Close the Gap Awards recognise and celebrate the significant contributions the Department has made towards closing the gap.

The Awards coincide with the National Close the Gap Day, held on the third Thursday in March.

Award Categories

  • Nominations can be submitted for:
  • Individuals
  • Teams or
  • Partnershipswith external stakeholders

Nomination Process

  • Nominations are to be submitted using the QFES Close the Gap Awards nomination form.
  • Nominations must include specific examples of how nominees meet the criteria as outlined below.
  • The applicable Assistant Commissioner or Executive Director must endorse the nomination prior to submission.
  • Nomination will be considered by the Honours and Awards Advisory Panel and a recommendation for each award will be provided to the Commissioner for consideration and final approval.

Nomination Criteria

  • Nominations are open to all QFES staff and volunteers.
  • Nominees must have within the last 12 months demonstrated significant contribution towards one or more of the principles of the QFES Aboriginal and Torres Islander Cultural Capability Action Plan:
  • Valuing culture
  • Leadership and accountability
  • Building cultural capability to improve economic participation
  • Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander engagement and stronger partnerships
  • Culturally responsive systems and services
  • The nomination statement should include specific example/s of how the nominee has contributed to Closing the Gap and align to a minimum of one of the strategic plan objectives.

Presentation of Award

The award will be presented on National Closing the Gap day.