IPM Field Activities by the involvement of Master Trainers
The IPM field activities for management of apple pests with major emphasis on Woolly aphid Eriosoma lanigerum were continued by the involvement of Master Trainers and community organizations of National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) in Tehsil Murree. The Master Trainers were instigated to teach the members of their community organizations about IPM of Woolly apple aphid what they had learnt during their training held at NRSP Field Unit. Following activities were undertaken as a follow up:
Mr. Mohammad Hafeez conducted a demonstration for the members of their Community Organization (CO) for IPM of Woolly apple aphid in his orchard during the regular community meeting in June. The community members visited his orchard and he demonstrated them about right methods of diagnostic pruning, application of farmyard manure and removal of root suckers and water sprouts that help reduce the pest infestation.
Ms. Naziraan Bibi and Ms. Rabia Bibi invited the women folks of their CO to their apple orchard and showed them how to identify the infestation and apply different management measures.
Mr. Tufail Ahmad invited the NRSP-IPM Team as well as some of the members of his CO to his apple orchard and demonstrated that how he was managing his apple orchard by application of the measures what he had learnt during the IPM training as well as his own indigenous practices based on many years experience.
Ms. Shahida Parveen taught her community members how to identify the pest problems and apply preliminary measures for management of the pests.
Mohammad Ashfaq Abbasi practically applied the skills in his orchards that he had learnt during the training held at NRSP Field Unit.
Ms. Parveen Akhtar familiarized the members of her CO about apple pest problems, dangers of misuse of pesticides and true application and processing of farmyard manures.
The ECI-NRSP-IPM Team regularly visited COs of NRSP in Tehsil Murree. Beside the problem of apple Woolly aphid, they helped farming communities to manage their other pest problems on apple. Mr. Iftikhar Raja along with his team members raised greater awareness during his community visits to the villages of …….
Rehearsal for Transfer of Integrated Pest Management technology to the farming communities
As a follow up of the Master Trainers, they were provided sufficient time during each training to undergo learning exercises, question answer sessions and presentation opportunities. This helped them tremendously to build confidence in them. As a result of these steps they improved a lot in making the informal presentations to their community members when they go back to their COs. It was generally observed that the female Master Trainers were more enthusiastic to gain skills in identification and management of pest problems at the field level.
Capacity building
On 21 July, the ECI-NRSP IPM Team conducted an Apple IPM Field day at village Tangali Behak Charehan, Tehsil Murree. The important aspect of this event was that the Master Trainers managed it themselves. They were provided an opportunity where they planned, organized, prepared and then delivered their presentations to invited community members in the field from Community Organizations (COs) around neighboring areas and from the villages of the Master Trainers. A total of 35 community members participated in the event.
Mr. Iftikhar Raja, Incharge NRSP Murree Field Unit and IPM Team member welcomed the participants. He highlighted the importance of conducting this field day with the full involvement of the Master Trainers from the stage of organizing their groups and delivering the presentations. The Master Trainers divided themselves into three groups; each having 6 members. Each group was assigned a topic for the community presentation, which they had already digested in the current training series. Following were the topics:
Community IPM for woolly apple aphid and importance of prunning
Organic manures and their application in IPM
Safe and efficient use of pesticides in IPM
The quality of presentations delivered by the Master Trainers during this event was beyond our expectations. Each one from his/her group was eager to lead the group and explain to others what they had been taught regarding Community IPM. Each presentation was followed by questions from the invited community members and their answers from the Master Trainers. The IPM Team members intervened wherever required. This exercise played an important role in building confidence and raising awareness that how to guide the farming communities at large regarding apple pest problems and their integrated pest management based on a range of environmental friendly control measures.
Soon after the presentations, the list of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) was explained in detail and introduced to the community members. On request of the participants, a Fact Sheet on POPs and Woolly Aphid has also been published for large-scale dissemination of information in the entire apple growing areas under NRSP mandate.
In consultation with the Master Trainers and NRSP IPM Team, the date for next training was decided as 18 August 2002. On the suggestions of Malik Fateh Mohammad Khan, this would be held in Rawlakot. Along with the Master Trainers, the staff of NRSP from apple growing areas will also participate.
At the end of the Day, group photo of both the male and female participants was also taken. On behalf of ECI, Mr. Azhar Qureshi thanked the participants. On behalf of participants Ms. Naziraan Bibi, PresidentTangali Behak Charehan Community Organization thanked the IPM Team and her Master Trainer colleagues for selecting her as hostess of the event. A number of pictures of the event are attached.
On 18 August, a daylong Training of Trainers (TOT) in horticultural crops with focus on apple IPM was organized by the ECI-NRSP IPM Team at NRSP Rawalakot Region. The basic objective of this training was to highlight the concepts, methodologies and implantation strategies of IPM for the concerned staff and Community Organizations (COs) of NRSP, Tehsil Murree. On the suggestions of Malik Fateh Mohammad Khan, RGM Rawalpindi Region, the event was held at NRSP Rawalakot Region (Azad Kashmir) so that the NRSP staff from all the apple growing areas including Rawalakot, Malakand and Charsada could also participate and take benefit of this opportunity.
The arrangements for the TOT were made by Mr. Mohammad Rahim RGM and Mr. Rabnawaz, Social Organizer, Rawalakot Region. Beside the selected Master Trainers as well as NRSP staff from Tehsil Murree, the local staff of NRSP Rawalakot Region also participated. As a whole, there were 35 participants who benefited from this event.
The event was started in the morning with the welcome note delivered by Mr. Mohammad Rahim RGM Rawalakot. He welcomed the participants and expressed his gratitude for conducting such an activity in this area. In his viewpoint, IPM is the most appropriate technology that is needed for Rawalakot area in an organized way just as in Tehsil Murree. The number of apple orchards in Rawalakot Region are more in number than in Murree hills. Because of lack of IPM knowledge and skills, there was no proper arrangement for their protection from insect pests and diseases. In case of any pest or disease outbreak, the farmers usually resort to chemical sprays to get immediate results, which not only disturb natural balance but also create insect resistance and pest problems. Therefore we wish to introduce and adopt IPM ethnology for protection of horticultural crops in Rawalakot area. Soon after the welcome note, the IPM team delivered the presentations that were followed by interactive discussion.
The following major contents were thoroughly discussed and analyzed for the common understanding of the participants:
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) leading towards Integrated Production (IP).
Different models of IPM
Benefits of IPM
Understanding cropping systems and pest association
Post-Harvest IPM
Achievements of IPM made in Pakistan
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and their impact on human health and the environment
IPM national policy for Pakistan.
In the last session, the participants were divided into three groups for an interactive exercise. They were provided guidelines to prepare an IPM model for horticultural crops in any agora-ecological zone. After the specified time the representative from each group presented his/her group findings to all the participants. The presentations were based on season-long crop management for IPM of their target crops. As indicated by their presentations they prepared their IPM models by proper planning. In their view point IPM activity must start in the beginning of crop season with the selection of seeds / rootstocks till the period of crop harvest followed by Post-Harvest IPM activities. Each presentation was followed by interactive discussion among the group members. During the presentation the Fact Sheets on Persistent Organic Pollutants as well as Apple Woolly Aphid both in Urdu and English were also distributed among the participants in addition to other relevant written material.
The management of NRSP Rawalakot Region highly appreciated ECI-NRSP IPM team to conduct this event in their region. Following suggestion were made by them:
Disease infection is more serious than insect infestation on apple in the Rawalakot area. Therefore some attention may also be taken for management of diseases on apple in the Rawalakot Region.
The daylong session for IPM training is quite insufficient. ECI-NRSP team may consider arrangments to conduct 4-5 day IPM training for the staff and COs of Rawalakot Region.
To combat the disease infection in apple orchards in Rawalakot, Post-Harvest IPM training may also be conducted so that diseases could be drastically reduced in the active season.
The ECI-NRSP IPM team and NRSP Rawalakot Region may collaborate to develop an IPM project for promotion of horticultural crops in the area with financial support from some donor organizations.
The training event was concluded with vote of thanks from the organizers. Sunday, 22 September 2002 was selected as the date for next training that will focus on Post-Harvest IPM of apple in Tehsil Murree.
Laboratory and field activities
Beside the TOT, NRSP-IPM Team has been regularly monitoring the area for collecting incidence of the pests. Initially three apple orchards in different areas have been selected, where monitoring is being done and data is being taken for lab. records and training module to be prepared in 3rd quarter of the project. All these activities are jointly undertaken by the NRSP-ECI Team.
Because of the smooth and effective implementation of the project activities according to its objectives, COs have insisted to include other pest problems in the project activities instead of concentrating only on a single pest problem. This was thoroughly discussed by the ECI-NRSP Team and with GEF management. Therefore, it was felt necessary to include other pest problems in the programme as well keeping in view the budgetary limits.
Publications and dissemination of information
During first quarter of the project, following publications were produced as part of the training module:
- Safe and efficient use of pesticides in IPM (Urdu)
- Fact Sheet on apple Woolly aphid
- Fact Sheet on Persistent Organic Pollutants
Networking with GEF/SGP Community based Projects
An Overview: In March 2002, UNDP/GEF-Small Grants Programme sponsored an IPM Project to Eco-Conservation Initiatives (ECI) for capacity building of National Rural Support Programme (NRSP) and their Community Organizations (COs) in Tehsil Murree. Besides making achievements against the set objectives as indicated in the workplan, this project has leveled the ground for very effective networking among various GEF partner organizations. Within the first two months, this project proved to be a focal point for development of linkages among various GEF sponsored projects because of the catalytic role of UNDP/GEF and has been a focal point for development of linkages among a number of partner organizations of UNDP/GEF – Small Grants Programme, Islamabad. Because of the first project with financial assistance from UNDP/GEF, ECI has not only adopted a new style of working such as community based IPM activities but also has become a part of a network of development organizations who are conscious about community based development initiatives. This interaction is further strengthening because of several joint activities as part of enhanced working collaboration. Following is the outline of linkages in progress:
ECI – NRSP: Since March 2002, ECI and NRSP are working together in Tehsil Murree according to a workplan for development of Master Trainers in Integrated Pest Management. Under this programme, about six training events have been organized and 8 brochures published so far. The Master Trainers and relevant staff of NRSP are being trained up to the level where they can independently work with their communities for implementation of Community IPM after the project ends. This interaction has provided an opportunity to partners from ECI, NRSP and local communities to learn from each other experiences, enhance their working relations and explore new avenues of cooperation in the field of IPM, community development, Training of Trainers (TOT) and Farmers Field Schools (FFS). The publications produced under IPM Capacity Building Project are also being utilized for education and training of NRSP staff in other apple growing areas of the country.
As part of networking and development of linkages, ECI organized a field visit of NRSP staff to one of its sugarcane IPM projects in Hyderabad, Sindh. To formalize this interaction and for further development, a five-day training programme is also being organized for staff of NRSP, Hyderabad from 8 – 13 August 2002. This is being sponsored by NRSP and organized by ECI. Moreover, ECI is also conducting one-day training workshop on IPM for staff of NRSP and their community organizations in Rawlakot on 18 August 2002 under Capacity Building IPM Project.
ECI-HDC: The first linkage between ECI and Hirrak Development Center (HDC) was established because of the catalytic role of GEF staff. Both the organizations were introduced for possible working collaboration in the field of IPM and pesticide reduction techniques. Recently ECI has helped HDC to import insect pheromone from abroad. These are being applied in HDC field area for monitoring of insect pests and reduction in use of insecticide sprays. ECI is also providing training to the staff of HDC in this regard. Moreover, senior staff of both the organizations are also interacting on regular basis for dissemination of information, training and planning for development of new projects.
ECI – SVDP: The senior staff both from ECI and Soan Valley Development Project (SVDP) are closely linked with each other regarding development of new projects, possibilities of IPM implementation in SVDP area, and cultivation, promotion & marketing of saffron in Pakistan. They have also initiated a network on saffron with the involvement of like mined people and have collected the baseline information on availability, use and marketing of saffron in Rawalpindi and Faisalabad areas. Moreover, they are collaborating to raise awareness for environmental protection, reduction in use of chemical insecticides and development of an integrated rural development project for Soan Valley. At this stage baseline information is being collected. The interaction with SVDP has also provided an opportunity to ECI for their introduction with staff of Orangi Pilot Project (OPP).
ECI – ADO: On recommendations of UNDP/GEF staff, ECI organized two field visits of its trainees to Alflah Development Organization (ADO) in Dhok Hassu area, Rawalpindi. This was a first step for development of linkages with this community-based organization. Recently, they are planning to initiate joint activities for promotion of education and environmental awareness in Hattar area. In this connection, preliminary meetings have been held with the CBOs working in that area. Moreover, ECI is helping ADO in the extension of its Teachers Resource Center (TRC) by developing a project proposal. Besides, staff of ECI and ADO are actively participating in each other’s training activities and awareness raising programmes in education and environment.
Mid-term monitoring of the project:
To review the project activities and output, the Project Monitoring and Evaluation Officer of UNDP/GEF-SGP, Mr. S. Nadeem Bukhari visited Murree Hills on 5 September 2002. The Master Trainers and relevant staff of NRSP were informed about this visit before hand. On behalf of NRSP, Mr. Iftikhar Ahmed Raja and Mr. Azam Khan Tareen along with the selected Master Trainers and on behalf of ECI, Mr. Azhar Qureshi and Mr. Altaf Hussain participated. The Monitoring and Evaluation Officer asked several questions to the participants including the Master Trainers what they had learnt in addition to their impressions about the project achievements. All the participants appreciated the quality, level of training and pace of project achievements so far made regarding community approach for IPM of apple woolly aphid. In the view of NRSP Team, the most useful aspect of this project has been the publication of literature that will always help farming communities to solve their apple pest problems. However, most of the participants were critical about focussing merely on a single pest problem despite the fact that there were also other insect pest problems in apple orchards in the Murree Hills. In their view, an integrated IPM project for control of apple pests may be initiated that addresses all the problems. The ECI Team explained that although they are focussing on apple woolly aphid, however they are also providing guidelines to the farmers how to tackle other pest problems whenever and where ever these are reported.