Age Concern and Help the Aged : Yorkshire and Humber Region
Age Concern Federation Activities and Services Audit Questionnaire
Name of Activity/Service / Simple Nail Cutting ServiceType of Activity/Service / Toe and Finger Nail Cutting
Year Established / 2010
1) Status of Activity/Service
a) Is the activity/service run in partnership/collaboration? / Yes
Please give details of partners.
· York Medical Group (GPs have pump primed the service for the first year)
· City of York Council (CYC)
2) Reasons for Activity/Service
a) What are the reasons you run the activity/service?
Please give reasons, including details of any research.
Long waiting lists for Podiatry Services
3) Aims of Activity/Service
a) What are the overall aims of the activity/service?
· To cut down waiting lists
· Promote good foot care
· Improved mobility
4) Outcomes of Activity/Service
a) What are the outcomes of the service?
Please give details of the benefits to users of the activity/service.
· Service users receive nail cutting service in a timely way
However, to date 45% of people presenting for the service have untreated foot and other problems which are untreated including fungal infections, circulatory problems and even an open, untreated leg ulcer
5) Delivery of Activity/Service
a) Who delivers the service?
Paid Worker(s) / Yes / How many?
Job title(s)
· Clippers: 2 x 12 hours
· Admin: 2 to a total of 20 hours
+ senior staff to supervise:
CO: nail cutting
Business Manager: operations
Volunteers / No / How many?
What roles do volunteers have?
Others (e.g. paid tutors) / No / How many?
What roles do these people take?
6) Funding the Activity/Service
a) How is the activity/service funded (e.g. local authority, trust,)?
£20, 000 pump priming for the first year
The service is charged for:
· £10 registration fee for which they receive their own file and clippers which they bring to appointments. These are disposed of after a year. £5 fee for the second year.
· Charges – at a Centre: £12.50
at home: £19.50
People wait 8 weeks between appointments.
b) What is the current level of funding for running the activity/service?
See above. The service is new so a full year’s figures are not available.
c) Does this level represent full cost recovery?
Not at present but it will as numbers using the service increase.
d) What is the unit cost for this service?
Too early to say because of the numbers it has not been possible to clip at this stage (45%)
e) What is the ideal level of funding to run this service?
The level charged.
7) Promoting the Activity/Service
a) How is the activity/service promoted?
Please give details of how you promote and raise awareness of the activity/service, for example, posters, leaflets, advertising.
· Leaflets / posters
· Press
· Radio / TV
· GPs surgeries
· Word of mouth
b) Do you record how effective each of the various ways of promoting the activity/service are? Yes / No
c) What are the three most common ways people get to know about the activity/service?
8) Accessing the Activity/Service
a) How do people access the activity/service?
Please give details of referral streams and ways people access the activity/service.
Open access so can self refer.
Can also be referred via Podiatry Service.
b) Do you record how effective each of the various ways of accessing and/or referring on to the activity/service are? Yes / No
c) What are the three most common ways people access and/or are referred on to the activity/service?
1. Too early to say
9) Service Users
a) How many people access the activity/service? / 1st month: 50 people
b) Are there criteria for who can access the activity/service? / Yes
If yes, what are these?
The criteria apply to who can’t access the service:
No diabetics, anyone on warferin or complex medication or with circulatory disease.
If their nails cannot be clipped they are referred to Podiatry.
c) If demand exceeds capacity to deliver, how do you prioritise who accesses the activity/service?
Has not happened yet.
10) Service User Involvement
a) Are service users involved in designing the activity/service? / Yes
If yes, how?
· Consultation with York Older People’s Assembly
· Complaints from older people helped to frame the service
b) Are service users involved in monitoring the activity/service? / Yes
If yes, how?
But this is still to be developed.
There will be a Steering Group which will include service users.
11) Measuring Outcomes
a) Do you measure the outcomes of the activity/service? / Yes
If yes, how (for example, do you use specific performance indicators)?
· Numbers
· Referrals
· Satisfaction
· Other advice provided e.g. Healthy Eating, Footware
12) Quality Assurance
a) Are there any formal quality standards for this activity/service / Yes
If yes, please give details.
· CQC (to be confirmed)
· PCT Podiatry Service are monitoring the service on behalf of the GPs.
One sheet to be completed for each activity/service