IPE Awards 2017 Entry Form


Name of pension fund entering:


Date established:
(please give date to nearest month or year, if the exact date is not known)

Type of fund:
☐Austrian Pensionskasse

☐Austrian Vorsorgekasse

☐French caisse de retraite

☐French caisse de prévoyance

☐Corporate pension fund

☐German bAV

☐German Versorgungswerk

☐Life insurance company

☐Multi-employer industry-wide or professional pension fund or pensions company

☐Public sector pension fund

☐Similar institutional investor offering pension provision

☐Sovereign reserve and buffer fund

☐100% pensions-owned asset manager with no third party clients

☐Spanish corporate pension fund

☐Spanish asset manager individual and/or multi-employer pension fund

☐Swiss caisse de retraite or prévoyance

☐Other (please specify):

Fund structure:

☐Cash balance hybrid

☐Defined benefit

☐Defined contribution

☐Hybrid of defined benefit and defined contribution

☐Other (please specify):

Number of members/participants:

1. Active:

2. Retirees:

3. Deferred:

Please state the market value of your fund in € millions for your accounting year:

(For example, if 1 billion euros, enter €1,000)




If this is not market value, please state the alternative method you use to calculate the value of your assets:

If you cannot provide your assets under management, please state why:
If applicable, please state your annual target investment return:
(we are aware that not all types of pension fund set target returns)

How do you calculate the figure representing your annual investment performance?

Please provide your annual performance as a percentage for:



If you cannot provide your annual performance figures, please state why

The judges may mark you down if you have not given your annual performance figures and do not say why
if available:

Average over three years:

Average over five years:

Average over ten years:

Please provide details of any national regulations that restrict the asset classes you may invest in or any other limits imposed on your scheme:

Providing details about any restrictions will help the judges understand the structure of your investment strategy, what guides it and why you do not invest in certain asset classes or vehicles

Please give a detailed summary of your institution's history, overall objectives and overall investment strategy and asset allocation.

This is a mandatory field that is designed to provide the judges with key information about your organisation, so that they can judge you fairly and appropriately.

Maximum word count: 450


(I) Country and Regional Award

For your country or regional award, you should present a general, detailed overview of your recent activity in the past 12-15 months, focusing on any areas where you believe you have displayed excellence and / or innovation.

If your recent activity relates to a specific area that could also feature as a themed award, then please go ahead and base your country or regional award on that topic but make it clear to the judges that this constitutes your main area of activity in the period under review.For instance, if you undertook a large scale review of your risk management, you may want to consider opening the main text part of your country or regional award with a phrase such as: "Risk was the main area of concern for us the past year."

Optimum word count is 750 - 850 words

(ii) Themed Awards

Please present a detailed account of your activity in the past year or so that relates to each themed award you wish to enter and how this benefits your fund.

Optimum word countis 750 - 850 words

Please send your completed entry forms to:
Robert Watson at

For detailed guidelines for each themed award or more information about entering the IPE Awards, please contact Robert Watson:
Tel: +44 (0)20 3465 9327

The list of categories and guidelines are available to read and download on the IPE Awards 2016 website at:

The electronic version of this entry form can be found here: ipe.com/entries