New Realm Notes
The New Realm, over one million Sq Miles in size [about 1/3 of Australia], was found and then settled by peoples from the Old World, over 300 years ago. The new Realm already had peoples living there, humans and nonhumans, at a low Population Density. the dominant civilisation was a Dark Skinned race. These have left many ruins, however scholars do not know what brought it down, but it was a long time ago. The locals in places have been pushed back from the new settlements or been absorbed into them. These new settlements have links back to the Old World and have brought there technology and Gods with them, although it appears some of the natives worshiped the same ones. New colonists arrive all the time as this realm is open to exploitation. Intermixing and some interbreeding has been going on now for years.
Old World empires in the old realm have developed over thousands of years into there present state. The Old World has many empires and kingdoms who are often at war with each other, five different groups have set up states here in the new world so far. At first they tended to help each other against the locals now they have imported the Old World rivalries into the Realms. The old world has the technology of the early renaissance, with some poor black powder hand cannons available and large black powder cannons on ships and as siege engines to help take towns. It also has no demi-humans so new comers find them odd, foreign and intriguing. Although some have travelled to the old world, so they are not totally unknown.
All character class are available to play, including the monk, as the eastern mysticism of the Dragon has become part of all the human races. You will find Mystic Schools outside of main cities of the Gascon Duchy or the Duchy of Padua, in the wilderness, where they are not distracted by the crowds, or you can be a searcher from the old world. Demi Humans other than Elf's do not normally have the desire to be a Monk, but can go to a school to train if they leave home, Elf's have there own training schools in the forests which Half Elf's brought up by the Elf's can use.
The Land - The New World has towering mountains, scorching desert, deep forests, rolling steppe, and in the east jungles, it also has rolling hills and plains. Although some of these are marked on the map as each square is 10,000 sq miles it is not uniform. There are lakes and rivers, caves, ruins, towns villages, deep valleys, dark woods etc all over the place, only within 40 miles of a city is the area relatively safe, the further you travel from mayor habitation the more wild the area is. There are also some small human settlements outside of the main groups, these are not linked to the governments of the Five.
Relationships of races.
As usual the Dwarfs and Elf's have a long history of animosity with odd wars, the Gnomes support the Dwarfs or act as intermediaries in these wars. Halfling's and Gnomes tend to keep out of war's unless they feel directly threatened, which is normally from the Orc's or aggressive human's.
Humans as is normal with them, put there own interests before all else, those with power always want to have more. The average human has no great opinion on non humans as long as they as not taking there jobs or opportunities. They can be good or evil among them and all shades between. The various human groups do not always get on with each other or there homeland, even within a group there can be distrust. The most inventive and curious of the races and the one which can adapt to others most easily.
Dwarves are naturally suspicious of anyone espousing a different way of life to their own, but not necessarily antagonistic towards them. They protect there mountain homes with fervour, good and evil is not as obvious as in human's due to there knowledge that strength comes from numbers and that the wants and needs of the individual are always outweighed by the many. They are however an acquisitive and materialistic society, jealously guarding their discoveries and achievements.
Elves are otherworldly. They seem remote from mundane events yet exhibit a comprehension of them
that proves baffling for humans to understand. Nature is of great importance to them and so they take great care to preserve their environments. As a long-lived species they do not accept or appreciate time in
the same way as humankind, and are often unconscious of the passing of small time increments. Great store is placed on learning and understanding. Deeds, conduct and integrity are important and desired qualities amongst elves and in others. Dignified manners are expected, and loutish, uncouth behaviour viewed with disdain and suspicion.
Gnomes are humorous and hard working and full of fun and trick's, like elf's they love and protect nature, some wild spirits do live in human habitations.
Halfling's it is rare for them to leave there Shires but some do because they are inquisitive. They like to know, and share, secrets. They adore stories, myths and fables and have enquiring minds, this can get them into trouble. Other races see them as thieving children and often treat them as such.
Goblin Kind - Orc's and other Goblin-kind tribes are the spawn of Thaogg Axefang and are seen as a perversion of Elf life by the Elf's and a threat by all. Humans are the only races to even think of engaging with them at all. They hate nature and burn and destroy all that is not of direct use to them. [There young grow to maturity rapidly, unlike Elf young, and are adults within months, there life span is short and only the strong and brutal live long]
Human Groups
The Northern Barbarians - a race of almond eyed yellow skinned, humans who are native to here. They live in clans who fight each other and anyone else. They are used to living in the cold and wet wastes of the north. There women are as likely to be warriors as the men, the chief can be male or female. They use Composite bone Bows with Axes' and Spears mainly with animal furs, hides and shields. The richer members have access to imported weapons and armour from the new comers, Dwarfs and Elfs.
Mammoths, Sabre Toothed Tigers and other big beasts live here as well, some of these are used by warriors as mounts along with the Elk, and Deer normally used, although those living in the marsh area's use small boats instead. They are hostile to the Gobliniods and there ilk, but trade and have contact with Elf's Dwarfs and others. They hate those who pervert the nature of things with magic.
Population around 2m, including 1/2 Orc and 1/2 Elf offspring, living in small villages of around 400 under a noble clan chief, who will have at least one to three other noble relatives in the village. Some villages will be related by marriage etc. Combat Style Northern Barbarian's, Bow - Composite Bow & Axe; Melee - Axe, Spear & Shield.
[Village makeup - Nobles 2 to 4 each with 5 Hirdmen [Fighters], a Druid and or Cleric, a couple of scout's [Thief, Ranger,] a Bard, the other 50 or so adult warriors [hunters ect] always with the villagers to protected them.]
Deity - Crom Cruach "Crooked one of the Mound", Crom is a grim, gloomy and unforgiving god, ever watching from atop his mountain in dark clouds and obscuring mists, ready to pass a disapproving judgment on any and all. However, he is also said to value courage and tenacity in mortals, even if the human ultimately proves too frail to succeed. Worshipers of Crom claim that he grants his followers strength and endurance and has little patience for weakness.
Is not all human life a struggle?
Our lives are like that of a hired hand, like a worker who longs for the shade,like a servant waiting to be paid. we, too, have been assigned months of futility, long and weary nights of misery.
Lying in bed, we think, ‘When will it be morning?' But the night drags on, and we toss till dawn.
Our body's are covered with maggots and scabs. Our skin breaks open, oozing with pus.
Type - Neutral God of Life, Judgment & Courage
Spheres - All, Healing, Protection, Weather,
Favoured Weapon, Crooked Quarterstaff or Sword.
Symbol - Crooked Staff
Duties - Passion - A follower is expected to always be Tenacious and courageous in all they do. Giving in is a sin. Priests of Crom, known asCruach, wear layered full-length hooded robes of alternating grey colours. [advantage to stealth in mists]
Sacrifice - Crom expects a tithe of a believers hard work of 10% +5 per rank. It has to be made in the miston a hill or mountain top Monthly. That is also where worship is done, in a stone circle of 12 outer pillars and a taller central one.
The twelve outer pillars represent minor aspects of Crom you can chose to follow one other sphere in addition to the ones Crom has. This means that a Druid can follow the nature side of Crom.
Superstitions & Taboos- never call on Crom until trouble is over [do not let him notice your weakness], never pick on the weak [although Crom values courage he does not value bullies as that is not courage].
Geas - Accept no healing from wounds inflicted on you. [for calling for aid, only that action, for bullying until reparation is made]
Desert Nomads - camel and horse mounted people who herd both of them and sheep. There is a fertile valley where the river from the north runs, with smaller seasonal rivers and oases. They have many powerful wizards living out in the desert.
Population around 1m.
The nobles and other rich will ride and fight from horses others have access to camels. The main force of warriors fight on foot although they travel by camel. Combat style Desert - Spear, Sword and Shield or Bow and Spear.
Deity - Taiia, monotheist goddess of creation, destruction, mortal life and death.
Taiia is a whole life Goddess who expect her people to see her in all things and see that all things come from her.
Can papyrus reeds grow tall without a marsh?
Can marsh grass flourish without water?
While they are still flowering, not ready to be cut, they begin to wither more quickly than grass. The same happens to all who forget God.
The hopes of the godless evaporate. Their confidence hangs by a thread.
They are leaning on a spider's web. They cling to their home for security, but it won't last. They try to hold it tight, but it will not endure.
The godless seem like a lush plant growing in the sunshine, its branches spreading across the garden. Its roots grow down through a pile of stones; it takes hold on a bed of rocks. But when it is uprooted, it's as though it never existed!
That's the end of its life, and others spring up from the earth to replace it.
But look, God will not reject a person of integrity, nor will she lend a hand to the wicked. She will once again fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy. The faithful, have lasting life, even though there bones be dry as dust. They will continue to serve Me.
Spheres - All, Creation, Charm, Elemental water, Healing, Necromantic.
Favoured Weapon - Staff
Symbol - a bowl of water
Duties - A follower knows that Taiia is in charge of all of life, from birth to death and the afterlife. In respect of that they gift the first fruit of all they produce to the temple, in response they receive the blessing and support of Taiia. They are also ordered to convert all to the worship of the one true faith, using what ever means needed. Failure to follow Taiia's laws is a sin, as is worship of any other deity or failing to tell others of Taiia.
Superstitions & Taboos- It is bad luck to waste water; Never kill a guest who you have shared water with.
Geasa - Bad luck [-10% to skills]. Require a penance to remove.
Southern Barbarians - a small remnant of a once large group of mysterious dark skinned peoples. They live in the marshes and hills south of the deserts now, with small groups in other places, however they once spread over much of this realm.
Population 1/2m, organised in small villages under cleric's, all ruled by Wee Jas through her Clerics.
Combat Style Southern Barbarian, Axe, Darts & Shield. They are on reasonable terms with the Orc's and others as they will buy slaves from them for sacrifice and as mercenaries.
Deity -Wee Jas, Goddess of Death, Law and Magic - Wee Jas thinks of herself as a steward of the dead. She has no problem with undead being created - as long as they are not reanimated against their will, and their remains are procured in a lawful manner. Wee Jas is unconcerned with questions of morality; if it can be done within the confines of the law, she will allow it. Priests teach that magic is the key to all things and are expected to show respect towards their predecessors and the departed. Temples of Wee Jas are built like wizards' towers. They are decorated with beautiful art, and each contains an extensive library. Some have permanent magical fires on the tops. Followers are allowed to call on other deities as long as they remember Wee Jas as well, because of this there are temples to other deities around.
Most of her temples have extensive magical and law libraries, and all endeavour to preserve what few fragments still remain of the ancient laws, they also have marble altars, used for initiating pledges, known as suitors, and possibly for blood sacrifices of animals.
Spheres - Necromantic [including reverse healing], Elemental, Magic [gives you access to one Arcane spell per level which once chosen can not be changed or put into reserve]
Favoured Weapon, Dagger
Symbol - a Skull glowing with power
Duties - A follower is expected to give power to the deity based on there rank. Services to Wee Jas include the reverent flattery of her icons, offering of finery and gems, and magically produced fires. Priests of Wee Jas, known asKaruth, wear layered full-length hooded robes of alternating gray and black. Customarily, their hoods are left hanging in the back to reveal their jewellery-adorned heads. They wear jewellery with skull and gem motifs on their arms and necks as well, and carry daggers.
Sacrifice - a living creature of value to the person, at the waxing moon of each month. On those nights followers light magical bonfires, create illusions, and offer praise and sacrifice to their goddess.
Superstitions & Taboos - Bodies must be buried whole or a gift left in place of the missing parts; Necrophilia is a no no.
Geasa - Journeyto holy place and remain there in the god's sight for nine days and nights, for the second Take a permanent vow of chastity.
[Plot - Wee Jas will get her people to raise up all the dead to rid the world of unbelievers.]
Horse Nomads - round-eyed Caucasian, Sauromatianclans who move on horse and Yurt's. a violent aggressive people who raid anyone for what they need, including slaves. They are formed into big tribes made up of smaller clans with links to each other. Most of the time there is a Great Tribe leader, where one Tribe has gained dominance over all the others.
Population around 2 m.
Passion hatred of settled peoples. Combat Style - Horse Bow, Sabre, Sarissa, all used from horse back. The richest have Splint armour for man and horse, while even the poorest warrior has fur for horse and man.
Deity's - These people worship all the usual known gods, although warriors tend towards those of martial spheres. They do not have temples but a Yurt for the priest to live in and to conduct a service from. These are revered people as they protect the tribe from the anger of the gods.
Human New comers.
Each group has one or more large cities [Pop 8-20,000] as the capital and mayor cities in there area, the hinterland has small towns [Pop 1000-5,000] and villages where the majority of people live and work. The cities are where goods from the Old Lands come in and goods from here are exported. Total Pop around 8m. Each Town or city has Trade/professional Guild's, a underground Thieves guild, Mercenary guild [which regulates and trains explorers, fighters etc.] as well as the Aristocrats training guild while the bigger ones have a Mage guild in there tower. All habitations have a temple or place of worship per 200-500 people run by a priest, Clerics support these priests by wandering around from place to place. Most rural area's have a druid grove in the locale somewhere, more so where there is less farming and more use of natural resources.