Myriam Gilles

Professor of Law, BenjaminN.CardozoSchool of Law •(212) 790-0344 •


YaleLawSchool, J.D., 1996

Harvard-RadcliffeColleges, A.B. History and Literature, magna cum laude, 1993.


BenjaminN.CardozoSchool of Law,

Professor of Law, 2003 to Present

Associate Professor, 2001 to 2003

Assistant Professor, 1999 to 2001

Courses taught: Torts & Advanced Torts, Civil Rights Litigation, National

Security & Civil Liberties, Elements of Law

WoodrowWilsonSchool, PrincetonUniversity

Fellow, Program in Law and Public Affairs, 2005-2006

University of VirginiaLawSchool,

Visiting Professor, Fall 2004

BenjaminN.CardozoSchool of Law,

Lecturer of Law & Director of Academic Support Program,1997-1999

KirklandEllis, New York,

Litigation Associate, 1996-97.


Class Dismissed: Contemporary Judicial Hostility to Class Certification, Annual Clifford

Symposium on Tort Law and Social Policy, 59 DePaul L. Rev. 201 (2010);

Police, Race and Crime in 1950s Chicago: Monroe v. Papeas Legal Noir, in Civil Rights Stories (Foundation Press) (2008) (also co-edited this volume with Risa Goluboff);

Exploding the Class Action Agency Costs Myth: The Social Utility of Entrepreneurial Lawyers (with Gary Friedman),155 Penn. L. Rev. 103 (2006);

Opting Out of Liability: The Forthcoming Near-Total Demise of the Modern Class Action, 104 Mich. L. Rev. 373 (2005);

Introduction to Symposium: Private Parties as Defendants in Civil Rights Litigation, 26 Cardozo L. Rev. 1 (December 2004);

Symposium: Fiss’s Way: The Scholarship of Owen Fiss, An Autopsy of Structural Reform Litigation . . . Oops, It’s Still Moving!, 58 U. Miami L. Rev. 143 (2003);

Symposium: Reexamining First Principles, Deterrence and Corrective Justice in Constitutional Torts, In Defense of Making Government Pay: The Deterrent Effect of Constitutional Tort Damages, 35 Ga. L. Rev. 845 (2001);

Representational Standing: U.S. ex rel. Stevens and the Future of Public Law Litigation,

89 Cal. L. Rev. 315 (2001);

Reinventing Structural Reform Litigation: Deputizing Private Citizens in the Enforcement of Civil Rights, 100 Colum. L. Rev. 1384 (2000);

Breaking the Code of Silence: Rediscovering “Custom” in Section 1983 Municipal Liability,

80 B.U. L. Rev. 17 (1999);

(With Mark Herrmann) First-Year Associate Basics: From the Partner’s Perspective and From the Associate’s Perspective, 25 A.B.A. Litigation Journal 1, 9 (1998).

Conferences and Programs

Panelist, Section 1983 Custom Claims and the Police Code of Silence, Practicing Law Institute: Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation Symposium, October 1999 (published at 16 Touro L. Rev. 853 (2000));

Panelist, Civil Rights Section Program, Reexamining First Principles, Deterrence and Corrective Justice in Constitutional Torts, Association of American Law Schools (AALS), San Francisco, CA, January 2001;

Panelist, Supreme Court Review, October 2000 Term, Practicing Law Institute, August 2001, New York;

Panelist, Practicing Law Institute: Section 1983 Civil Rights Litigation Symposium, November 2001;

Panelist, Supreme Court Review, October 2001 Term, Practicing Law Institute, August 2002;

Moderator and Chair of Program, Lessons From Rampart: The Remedial Aftermath of “Pattern and Practice” Litigation, Civil Rights Section Program, AALS, New Orleans, LA, January 2002;

Panelist, Fiss’s Way: The Scholarship of Owen Fiss, Panel on Judicial Power, University of Miami (in conjunction with the Yale Law School), March 23-25, 2003, Miami, FL.;

Panelist, Police Misconduct Litigation, GeorgetownCenter for Continuing Legal Education, April 30, 2003;

Presenter, CardozoLawSchool Junior Faculty Forum, May 2003;

Panelist, Practicing Law Institute: Supreme Court Review, October 2002 Term, Practicing Law Institute, August 2003, New York;

Moderator, The Effect of Privatization on Civil Rights Litigation, Civil Rights Section Program, AALS, Atlanta, GA, January 2004;

University of VirginiaLawSchool, Faculty Workshop on Opting Out of Liability paper, November 12, 2004;

DukeLawSchool, Faculty Workshop, February 8, 2005;

ColumbiaLawSchool, Faculty Workshop, February 16, 2005;

HofstraLawSchool, Faculty Workshop, February 28, 2005;

Stanford-Yale Junior Faculty Forum, StanfordUniversity, May 2005 (Opting Out of Liability paper chosen in Civil Litigation category);

Panelist, “Class Actions: Empirical, Anecdotal and Understood Truths,” Law & Society Conference, June 2005;

UCLALawSchool, Faculty Workshop, March 17, 2006;

Panelist, The Plaintiff’s Bar Symposium, New YorkLawSchool, April 1, 2006;

WashingtonUniversity at St. Louis, Faculty Workshop, April 3, 2006;

Commentator, PrincetonUniversity, Making Every Vote Count: A Colloquium on Election Reform Legislation (Policy Research Institute for the Region), April 7, 2006;

PrincetonUniversity, Program in Law and Public Affairs Seminar, April 10, 2006;

Presenter, Cecil D. Branstetter Litigation & Dispute Resolution Program, VanderbiltUniversity, April 14, 2006;

Northwestern LawSchool, Faculty Workshop, April 20, 2006.

University of IllinoisSchool of Law, Faculty Workshop, September 29, 2006;

FloridaStateUniversitySchool of Law, Faculty Workshop, October 12, 2006;

Presenter, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Law Review Author’s Luncheon, October 27, 2006;

Organizer, CardozoLawSchool, Public Justice & American Constitution Society Conference: Justice and the Role of Class Actions, March 13, 2008;

Panelist, American Constitution Society Conference: Class Actions and Access to Justice, NYULawSchool, January 21, 2010;

Participant, Cecil D. Branstetter Litigation & Dispute Resolution Program, VanderbiltUniversity: Roundtable Discussion on Attorneys’ Fees in Aggregate Litigation, February 5, 2010.

Other Professional Activities

Secretary, Civil Rights Section, AALS (2001-2002) and Chair of 2002 Program;

Chair-Elect, Civil Rights Section, AALS (2002-2003);

Chair, Civil Rights Section, AALS (2003-2004).

Member of the Executive Committee of the Class Action Preservation Project, Public Justice Foundation (2006-present).