
IowaCommission for the Blind

April 13, 2013

1)Call to order and determination of quorum. A meeting of the Iowa Commission for the Blind was called to order at 10:04a.m. with the following members present: Mike Hoenig, chair,Peggy Elliott, member, andSandi Ryan, member. Others in attendance: Dave Coulson, Brett Lewis, Rhonda Morrow, Mark West, Joe Van Lent, Steve Hagemoser, Tom Davis, Linda Davis, Darlene Greenfield, Kent Ryan, Roger Erpelding, Doug Elliott, Rick Dressler, Sharon Omvig, Jim Omvig, Rosie Thierer, Linda Trogdon, Beth Hirst, Megen Johnson, Jackie Wipperman, Dan Tigges, Sandy Tigges, Dave Hauge, Rebecca Swainey, Becky Criswell, Jim Witte, Catherine Witte, Nami Wallace, Julie Aufdenkamp, Brenda Criswell, Larry Sidwell, Kevin Slayton, Frank Strong, Donna Seliger, Jo Slayton, Creig Slayton, Lisa Davis, Vivian Ver Huel, Cynthia Qloud, Gary Patterson, John Gonzalez, Michael Barber, Sandy Poldberg, Terry Poldberg, Mary McGee, Elsie Monthei, Cindy Ray, Martha Sorey, Tiffany Bickell, Bruce Snethen, and Rich Sorey.

2)Action Item. Approval of the January 12, 2013 minutes. Ms. Elliott moved approval. Ms. Ryan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

3)Action Item. Approval of the February 5, 2013 minutes. Ms. Ryan seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

4)Deputy Director’s Report. Rehabilitation Services Administration normally releases the first 80 percent of the Title 1 grant for use during the nine months ending June 30. This year Mr. Snethen expects it to be 85 percent and the remaining 15 percent to be released in July. He stated that a law enacted on March 26 funded the Department’s federal grant formula programs for the remainder of the year ending September 30, subject to the sequestration and in the case of the Title 1 grant, the assessment for last year’s maintenance of effort deficiency, which was approximately $303,000. He expects to see the amounts pertaining to the Department in the next few days on the formula grant programs which are still being determined by the RSA. For the Independent Living, Older Blind and Supported Employment programs, the full annual amount will probably be provided later this month. These additional amounts are not shown in the financial report on the Department's grant programs prepared for today’s meeting because the amounts have yet to be determined. The report on the Department’s grant programs includes budget amounts for current year formula grants that look badly skewed compared to spending because, as Mr. Snethen footnoted in the report, the budget numbers are based on the amounts granted pursuant to the continued resolution that ended in March. So far, during fiscal year 13, the Department has used $29,582 for at least 28 grants from Gifts & Bequests, involving the originating of a utility shop, to help with medical expenses, and to defer the cost of training provided by the Helen Keller Center for two residents at Glenwood, one loan to replace a laptop damaged in an accident that was originally purchased on a VR plan, and various, smaller individual loans. House file 604, the appropriations bill for next year passed the House on March 20, with the appropriation level recommended by the Governor. Mr. Snethen is not sure when there will be action on it in the Senate, but he said that it could be some weeks before the Department’s budget for next year is settled. He stated that there is a Senate Appropriations Committee meeting scheduled for next week. He said that there was a meeting this last week of the members of the Appropriations Sub-Committee. He doesn’t believe that the Bill has moved beyond that point.Mr. Snethen said that during the annual audit for fiscal year 2011, the auditors noticed that there were some Department employees related to blind consumers that the Department services. They were careful to point out that while they had not discovered an actual issuewithan employee making decisions about services provided to a relative, the risk was there and recommended the Department implement a policy governing conflict of interest situations. Mr. Snethen wrote a policy dealing with that contingency and sent it to the Director, in time for the Commission to approve it at the meeting on December 20, 2011.That policy did not go far enough. It dealt with the question raised at the time, but it should have more comprehensively addressed conflicts of interest in determining eligibility for VR services provided by the Department. Weeks later, the Director applied for services in connection with a change in employment. Services to individuals under the VR program would be provided for any service described in an individualized plan for employment necessary to assist an individual with a disability in preparing for, securing, retaining, or regaining an employment outcome. Mr. Snethen stated that clothing is one example of a purchase that can be permissible under a VR plan, and it was ordered as such in the form of a payment directly to her under her VR plan. Mr. Snethen discussed this with Director Sorey, and determined the payment under the VR plan to the director was something that should be disclosed when the auditors were here. Mr. Snethen learned that it was a source of concern to several other employees. Assistive technology is another item allowed under a VR plan, but this situation also raised the issue of the extent of the responsibility of the National Library Service to supply the related assistive technology. As a result, the Department will be working with the Rehabilitation Services Administration to resolve this matter. The resolution will entail improving the Department’s policy concerning conflicts of interest. The auditors also recommended improvements to better document the practice for telework and telecommunication supports. Mr. Snethen said that this affects staff that is domiciled outside of Des Moines or whose work requires a fair amount of travel, but also involves some others who work remotely at least part time. Mr. Snethen ended his report here and asked if there were any questions.Mr. Hoenig asked what the balance of the gifts & bequests fund was. Mr. Snethen stated that it was $2,705,779.29.

5)Director’s Report. Mr. Sorey discussed the Legislative Open House that happened on March 27. He thanked the IDB staff that was involved in planning the event, as well as the students and consumers that participated. He said that is was a successful event with 41 members of the Senate and House attending.Mr. Sorey said that there is going to be another open house in October. He said that people will come to the Department and that some of the legislative people will be invited to come and tour the building. The Governor will be invited as well to read and sign the White Cane Safety Day proclamation. He said that ophthalmologists and optometrists will also be invited and staff will talk with them about referrals. Mr. Sorey said that the main objective of the open house will be talking to employers. This will help the counselors with getting competitive employment for clients. Mr. Sorey said that there are 10 students attending the Orientation Center, with eight new students signed up to come in. A student who graduated last week is now doing some BEP training. He said that to date, there have been 41 closures in VR in status 26. Mr. Sorey said that the goal for the year is 82, so the staff is in good shape to reach that goal. He said that 19 cases have been closed after plan development in status 28. He said that there are 56 cases in employment status. Mr. Sorey discussed the recent transition retreat. He felt it was a successful event. He said that Brenda Criswell did a great job presenting the employment skills the students will need when they enter the workforce. Mr. Sorey also talked about the senior orientation that was held at the Department. He said that Becky Criswell and her staff did a great job putting that together. He stated that he talked with all of the students that participated in the week long training and he heard nothing but good feedback.Mr. Sorey said that Mr. Erpelding is attending Business Leadership and Superior Training(BLAST) in May for BEP training. He said that there will be a couple of vendors going as well and they will be learning about the healthy vending initiatives.Mr. Sorey discussed the refining of technology and procedures policies. He said this will involve looking at assessments and purchases for clients and how to enhance the way these services are delivered. Mr. Hoenig asked about the VR standards and indicators and the college sponsorship for clients. Mr. Sorey said that the Department does well on the standards and indicators each year. One indicator the Department does have a hard time with is the indicator dealing with the client’s source of income at closure. He said that he wants to work on getting that indicator up this year. Mr. Sorey said he and Ms. Johnson have been working with counselors on a policy for college sponsorship, so that everyone is clear on how this will work. He said that in Iowa, there are only about 25 or 30 students attending college, and he would like to work with the clients to raise that number.

6)Public Comment. Martha Sorey said that Mr. Sorey is trying to make hard decisions and change the way things are done. She said that anyone at the plaque ceremony who saw that Mr. Sorey should have moved a bit to the left, but that no one did. Lisa Davis read a letter and asked for it to be made part of public record. The letter is attached. Mr. Elliott said that he was not trained at this center, but he was a commissioner, so he knows how the Department runs. He said that he wasn’t sure if Mr. Sorey was the person he wanted as Director of IDB, but that, after meeting with him, he has come to respect the work he’s doing. Mr. Elliott also said that Mr. Sorey has been here for a short time for people to expect him to do what Dr. Jernigan did from 1958 to 1978.He said that Mr. Sorey should be given a chance. Ms. Criswell said that the audience hadn’t heard from any staff. She said that she endorses what Ms. Davis said in her letter. She said that it was grievous that IL was not included in the original budget request, and that it took consumer input to get it added. She said that the talk about systemic change says a lot. She said that historically, the Department has been a leader in blind rehabilitation. She said that if there truly was a problem with the college sponsorship, there would have been issues raised with Jackie Wipperman from ICAP, and there hasn’t been. She used this example to say that she doesn’t believe that there is a need for systemic change. She said that Mr. Sorey is taking the staff in a direction that they do not want to go. Ms. Criswell said that she has never felt so excluded from management decisions as she does now. She said that, for example, she had not heard of the October open house until today.She said that this is information that the Board needed to know.

7)Time and Place of Next Meeting.Ms. Elliott said that she would suggest setting a tentative date in June and if it needed to be changed, it could be.Ms. Elliott moved that the next meeting be tentatively scheduled for June 11 at 10:00 am. Ms. Ryan seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

8)Mr. Witte said that the Board should come back into open session because the audience wants to know who did or did not do something, and that he doesn’t think that it will end here.Ms. Elliott said that she wanted to personally thank Mr. Hoenig for his time on the board and that it has been a pleasure working with him. Ms. Ryan said that she also appreciates his service. Mr. Hoenig said that he has enjoyed his time on the Board and that it has been a growing and rewarding experience. He also congratulated Joe Van Lent on his appointment. Mr. Barber said that he had been working hard with others to help secure adequate funding for the Department, and he appreciated everyone who has helped with this. He encouraged everyone to continue contacting their legislators and representatives.

9)Consideration of Closed Session. Ms. Elliott moved that the Board go into closed session pursuant to the Iowa Open Meetings Law that is cited in the agenda to deal with a personnel matter which should be appropriately handled in closed session. Ms. Ryan seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.The Board entered closed session at 11:07 am.

10)Ms. Elliott moved that the Board reconvene in open session. Ms. Ryan seconded and the motion passed unanimously. The Board entered open session at 2:10 pm.

11)Mr. Hoenig said that the Board completed their evaluation, and that Mr. Sorey will be retained.

12)Mr. Van Lent said that he did not get a chance to thank Mr. Hoenig for his service.

13)Ms. Witte said that she would like to hear a motion that asks for Mr. Sorey’s dismissal and have the Commissioners announce their individual votes. Ms. Elliott said that it was handled in a closed session. Mr. Slayton said that any action taken as a result of a closed session must be validated in the open meeting. Ms. Elliott said that that was correct. She said that there was no action beyond the evaluation. Mr. Witte asked if no one made the motion to dismiss. Ms. Elliott said that there was no action. Mr. Hoenig said that there was a motion made and it was not seconded. Ms. Witte asked who made the motion. Mr. Hoenig said he didn’t know what is allowed to be made public information. Ms. Witte asked what the motion was and who made it. Mr. Witte said that the Board should have enough courage to tell the audience who made the motion and who didn’t vote for the motion. Mr. Hoenig said that he made the motion for dismissal.

14)Adjournment. Ms. Ryan moved adjournment. Ms. Elliott seconded and the motion passed unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,


Commission for the Blind

Tiffany Bickell

Secretary to the Commission/Administrative Assistant

Department for the Blind
