iOS 9: How to detect when user said 'Don't Allow' to the push notification request?

In iOS 9, is there a system level callback I can read which tells me whether the user has tapped on 'Don't allow' on the push notification request?

I prompt the user with a custom screen informing them about push notifications and the value it has in my app.

They have two choices, yes or no. If they select Yes, I request the operating system for push notification and they see a pop up like the image below.

Now, if the user taps on YES, then there is a function called didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken which tells me the this device has been registered for push notifications. I can use this to move ahead to the next screen (and take them into the first screen after signing up)

However, how do I detect if the user taps on DON'T allow? I need to know that so I can accordingly move the user to the next screen (and take them into the first screen after signing up). The function didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError is not called if the user taps on 'Don't Allow'.

This question is not a duplicate because the answer accepted for that question is specific to iOS 7, where as my question is specific is iOS 9.
