Moderate confidence / Excellent stage presence/Good eye contact/Appropriate confidence / Superior stage presence/Outstanding eye contact and fully connected with audience/Superior confidence
Physicality/Blocking / Not comfortable with body/No use of blocking or levels / Uses some gestures/Minimal appropriate use of blocking or levels / Moderate comfort using body and gestures/Moderate use of blocking and levels / Excellent comfort using body and gestures/Excellent use of blocking and levels / Superior comfort using body and gestures/Superior use of blocking and levels
Physical Characterization / No attempt to show relevant movement or gesture pertaining to the character / Some attempt to show relevant movement or gesture pertaining to the character / Moderate attempt to show relevant movement or gesture pertaining to the character / Excellent attempt to show relevant movement or gesture pertaining to the character / Superior attempt to show relevant movement or gesture pertaining to the character
Vocal Characterization / No inflection, pitch or quality to support characterization / Mild inflection, pitch or quality to support characterization / Moderate inflection, pitch or quality to support characterization / Excellent inflection, pitch or quality to support characterization / Inflection, pitch or quality completely supports characterization
Articulation/Projection / Inadequate projection/enunciation is unclear / Projection is inconsistent/Enunciation is frequently unclear / Projection is mostly adequate/Most words enunciated appropriately / Projection is always adequate/Enunciation is clear / Superior demonstration of projection and enunciation
Energy/Focus / No energy and/or focus is evident in performance / Some appropriate energy and/or focus is evident in performance / Moderately appropriate energy and/or focus is evident in performance / Excellent demonstration of energy and focus / Superior demonstration of energy and focus
Creativity/Characterization / No visible attempt at characterization / The character lacks clarity, is underdeveloped, and/or not very believable / The character has some clarity, is partially developed, and/or is somewhat believable / The character is generally clear, developed, and believable / The character is exceptionally clear, well developed, and believable
Memorization/Preparation / Selection is not memorized/mis-
pronunciation of words / Selection is somewhat memorized/Breaks character when lines are forgotten/recitation without understanding / Selection is moderately memorized with little breaks in character/some attention to punctuation / Excellent memorization/no breaks in character / Superior memorization/
Selection is internalized and completely believable
Technique/Style / No technique or style evident / Technique is typical of students of a younger age and less training / Technique and style are moderately congruent with the selection / Technique and style are supported by research and evident in performance / Superior use of technique and style relevant to the selection
Overall Performance / Overall performance shows no preparation, understanding or technique relevant to the selection / Overall performance shows little preparation, understanding or technique relevant to the selection / Overall performance shows moderate preparation, understanding or technique relevant to the selection / Overall performance shows excellent preparation, understanding or technique relevant to the selection / Overall performance shows superior preparation, understanding or technique relevant to the selection
Performance Rubric1 point2 points 3 points4 points5 points
Student’s Name______Final Score______