/ Universidad Nacional de La Plata


Loan N°: Authorized byDr. Analía Lanteri

This form mustbe completed, signedand sent to thechairman of the Entomology Division,Dr. Analía A. Lanteri, División Entomología, Museo de LaPlata, Paseo del Bosque s/n, 1900 La Plata, Argentina ( / ) or to the curator responsible of the taxonomic group of interest.

Specialist responsible for the loan
Last and first name: ______

Receiving Institution: ______
Position: ______
Address: ______
E-mail: ______
Specialist who requests the material
Last and first name: ______
Receiving institution: ______

Position: ______
Address: ______
E-mail: ______
Phone / Fax: ______


Leer fonéticamente

SPECIMENSREQUESTED (Include Order, Family, Genus, Species, Type status and MLP catalog number or otherrelevant data to locate the material).

PURPOSE (mark and complete)
Only morphological or anatomical studies, without access to genetic material.
Phylogenetic or taxonomic studies using molecular genetic sequences.
Title of the project or type of study.

Other kind of studies (genetics, biochemistry). Title and/or description of the scientific project.


Loan conditions are in agreement withthe rules for the Collections of the Museo de La Plata.

The requesting specialist agrees to loan entomological materials underthe following requirements:

1. Samples will be used only for the scientific purposes above specified and cannot be transferred to other institutions or people.
2. This loan excludesthe bioprospection for commercial purposes, commercial use of exchanged material or its components, or registration of intellectual property. Any use of the material not mentioned in this form, must be established through another specific agreement.
3. The recipient will follow the confidentiality guidelines notified by the supplier in case of data considered sensitive, such as the precise location of threatened species or threatened of fragile habitats, or information on uses for rural or indigenous communities.
4. All materials borrowed must be returned to the Museo de La Plata. Parts of specimens, preparations, extracts or genetic materials will be not retained by the borrower.
5. The recipient agrees to return the material at the end of the period specified in the loan form, or to ask for an extension of the loan, that should be authorized and signed by the curator / manager of the collection that provides the material.
6. The recipients agree to provide the new information produced as result of their studies, such as new identification of the specimens, new geographic records, additions of georeferences, etc.

7. The recipient shall ensure the protection and preservation of the specimens received.
8. Incoming materials should be kept separately from specimens of other collections, and they should be properly labeled as material on loan. Labels previously associated with the specimens will be not removed or altered.
9. Destructive dissections and preparations will require specific permission signed by the curator / manager of the collection that provides the material. The dissected material must be properly labeled and it should be associated with the specimens.

10. The publications resulting from studies on the borrowed specimens will mention that they belong to the Collection of the División Entomología, Museo de La Plata, La Plata, Argentina, being the acronym MLP. Copies of the publications should be sent to this institution.
11. Prior to sending the material by the supplier, the recipient will inform if there are specific requirements for import material into his/her country.
12. The borrowers will afford the costs for returning the material to the recipient. It is very important NOT using courier services (UPS, FedEx, DHL or similar), which involve risks and high costs. They must use official mail. The recipient shall ensure the proper packaging of samples to avoid damages during shipment, and will inform the curator / manager about the date when the shipment was dispatched.
13. The receiver shall notify the Museo de La Plata, any changes of address, position or affiliation.
14. The receiver will honor reciprocity to loan requests by researchers from the Museo de La Plata.
15. Any other use of the material not included in this agreement will require a specific agreement.

Date ______

Signature ______
Fullname ______
Institution ______
Address ______/ ______
Analía A. Lanteri
Chairman of the Entomology Division
Museo de La Plata