Acoustics 2005 Registration: Delegate Details
Please complete a separate form for each person.
Title (eg. Dr, Ms, Mr) / First nameLast name
Name as you would like it on name badge
Phone number / Fax number
Email address
Dietary/medical requirements
Attendance and Fees
Item(See Page 4 for Notes) /
Up to 30/9
(Inc GST)
/ After 30/9(Inc GST)
/ Fee Paid(A$) Note 1
Conference (select ONE of the following)
Standard conference registration (AAS member)Note 2 / $550 / $660
Standard conference registration (Non member)Notes 2, 3 / $660 / $770
Student conference registrationNote 4 / $165 / $220
Retired member registrationNote 5 / $165 / $220
Accompanying personNote 6 / $132 / $198
Pre-conference Workshops (select ONE of the following)
Active Noise Control workshop (delegate)Note 7 / $55 / $110
Active Noise Control workshop (non-delegate)Note 7 / $77 / $132
Transport Noise short course (delegate)Note 8 / $110 / $165
Transport Noise short course (non-delegate)Note8 / $165 / $220
Conference dinner (where not included in registration, eg. for student or guest)Note 9 / $66 / $88
Welcome barbecue (where not included) Note 10 / $44 / $66
Coach from Perth to Busselton and returnNote 11 / $88 / $110
TOTAL (Including GST)
Acoustics 2005 Registration:
Payment Details and Tax Invoice
Australian Acoustical Society - ABN 28 000 712 658
This form should be accompanied by a completed “Delegate details” form for each delegate and accompanying person covered by your payment.
Delegates and accompanying persons covered by this payment:
Name / Amount ($)TOTAL (Includes 10% GST)
Payment may be made by:
Cheque/ money order enclosed (payable to “WA Division of Australian Acoustical Society”)
Cheque number / Amount paid ($)OR
Credit Card
Card type: Mastercard Visa BankCard
Credit Card Number / Expiry dateCardholder’s Name / Amount paid ($)
Cardholder’s Signature
Send with completed Registration Details form and Student Declaration form to:
John Macpherson
Acoustics 2005 Conference Registrar
Noise Section, Department of Environment
PO Box K822
Western Australia 6842
Fax: 61 8 9222 7157
Acoustics 2005 Registration:
Student Declaration
For Student registration this form must be enclosed with the Registration Details Form.
Student number
I declare that I am a bona fide student at the above institution and that the details I have provided are correct.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Supervisor or Head of Department:
I declare that the student whose details are given above is a bona fide student at this institution.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Acoustics 2005 Registration: Notes
- All prices are in Australian dollars and include 10% Goods and Services Tax (GST).
- Standard conference registration fee includes:
- Attendance at all technical sessions and trade exhibition;
- Wednesday evening welcome barbecue;
- Thursday evening conference dinner;
- Lunch on Thursday and Friday;
- Morning and afternoon tea on Thursday and Friday;
- CD and printed copy of the conference proceedings.
Note that the pre-conference active noise control workshop and the pre-conference transport noise short course are NOT included and must be paid for separately.
- Non member registration includes the same items as standard registration plus subscription membership of the AAS for 12 months.
- Students must include a completed Student Declaration Form with their registration. Student registration includes the following:
- Attendance at all technical sessions and trade exhibition;
- Wednesday evening welcome barbecue;
- Lunch on Thursday and Friday;
- Morning and afternoon tea on Thursday and Friday;
- CD copy of the conference proceedings.
Students wishing to attend the conference dinner should include the “Conference dinner” fee with their registration.
Note that the pre-conference active noise control workshop and the pre-conference transport noise short course are NOT included and must be paid for separately.
- Retired member registration is only available to individuals who are currently paying the “Retired” Australian Acoustical Society (AAS) membership fee and who have been full members of the AAS for at least ten years. Retired member registration includes the same items as standard member registration.
- The accompanying persons fee includes:
- Wednesday evening Welcome Barbecue; and
- Thursday evening Conference Dinner.
Lunch and morning tea vouchers will be available at the Registration Desk.
- The pre-conference Active Noise Control workshop will be held at the University of Western Australia, Perth, on the morning of Wednesday 9th November. The fee includes lunch, but not transport. The coach from Perth to Busselton will call at the University to pick up delegates who have prepaid with their Conference Registration.
- The Transport Noise short course will be held at the conference venue on Wednesday 9th November. The course fee includes lunch. See AAS website for details.
- The Conference Dinner is included in the standard registration fee, the retired member fee, and the accompanying member fee. It is NOT included in the student registration fee.
- The Welcome Barbecue is included in the standard registration fee, the retired member fee, the accompanying person fee and the student registration fee.
- Check the AAS website for Coach departure points and times.
Accommodation is NOT included in the registration fee. Accommodation may be booked directly with Abbey Beach Resort (phone: 1800 017 097 toll free within Australia, or +61 8 9755 4600 from overseas) or via the links on the Acoustics 2005 web site: Be sure to mention that you are attending Acoustics 2005 in order to obtain the discounted room rates. The accommodation rates can be viewed on the AAS website.
If you are unable to attend Acoustics 2005, you may transfer your registration to another person without penalty. To transfer or cancel registration, please advise the Conference Registrar in writing of the change as soon as practicable, with a Delegate Details Form for the new delegate.
In the event of cancellation, Conference fees will be refunded as follows:
Prior to 31 August 2005100% of amount paid to Acoustics 2005 (less $55)
Prior to 30 September 200550% of amount paid to Acoustics 2005 (less $55)
After 30 September 2005No refund
A list of delegate names and organizations will be available to all Acoustics 2005 attendees and to the organising committee for Acoustics 2006. Otherwise, no delegate information collected in relation to Acoustics 2005 will be divulged to other parties.
Further information
For further information or registration enquiries, go to the AAS website or contact –
John Macpherson
Acoustics 2005 Conference Registrar
Tel: 61 8 9222 7119
Fax: 61 8 9222 7157
The Acoustics 2005 Conference Committee looks forward to welcoming you to Busselton for what promises to be an excellent Conference.
Acoustics 2005 Registration Form – Page 1