Ref: /
Circular letter 120
/ 3 December 2008To: ITU Member States
Contact: / Alassane Ba/Raymond Chalindar
Tel: / +41 22 730 5253/ 730 5267
Fax: / +41 22 730 5916
E-Mail: /
Subject: /
Invitation to the fifteenth meeting of the Council Group on the Financial Regulations and Related Financial Management Issues (Group FINREGS) to be held on 9 and 10 February am 2009
Dear Colleagues,
1At its 2007 Session, by its Decision 546 (DocumentC07/86), Council decided to approve the modified terms of reference as outlined in Annex 1 to this Decision, consideration having been taken of:
-Decision 536 (Document 65/06) of the 2006 session of the Council to extend further the mandate of the Council Group on the Financial Regulations and Related Financial Management Issues (GROUP FINREGS);
-the report of Group FINREGS presented to the 2007 session of the Council (DocumentC07/27); and
-the evolution of financial issues addressed in Group FINREGS since its original terms of reference were approved by the Council in 2003;
and instructed the Council Group to prepare a report on its activities to the 2008 session of the Council.
2As a follow-up to Document C08/13 submitted to the 2008 session of the Council, the fifteenth meeting of the Group FINREGS will take place in Geneva (Room B1) on 9and10February2009, starting at 09h.30 on the first day and ending at 12h.30 on the second day.
3A web page established for the Group can be found at the Council website at where meeting documents as well as written contributions and anyother relevant information will be made available. Contributions for consideration at the meeting should be submitted to the Secretary of the Group, Mr.AlassaneBa, in electronic form to .
4Registration for this meeting will be carried out on-line at the ITU website at will begin one month before the event.
5Enclosed you will find the draft Agenda for the meeting. I look forward to working with you in Geneva.
Yours sincerely,
Chairman, Council Group on the Financial Regulations
and Related Financial Management Issues
Encl.: Draft Agenda
Date: 3December 2008
English only
Geneva – 9 and 10February 2009
Chairman of the Council Group on the Financial Regulations and related Financial Management Issues (Group FINREGS)
Fifteenth Meeting
Room B1
ITU Headquarters, Geneva
9 February 2009, from 09h30 to 12h.30 and 14h.00 to 17h.00
10February 2009, from 09h.30 to 12h.30
1.Opening remarks and approval of the Agenda
2.Status report on IPSAS implementation, including the impact on the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules
3.Matters arising from the consideration of the financial implications of the decisions of WTSA-08, e.g. the use and disposition of voluntary contributions
4.Progress report on the continuing implementation of Council Resolution 1243, particularly the improvement of linkage of strategic, financial and operational planning (KPIs) and the “Fifth” project
5.Progress report on the development of an ITU-wide Performance Measurement/Reporting Framework
6.Allocation of expenditures using TTS – the application to world and regional telecommunication/information and communication technology exhibitions and forums
7.Contribution by Viet Nam on Financial Transparency and Accountability in Resource Allocation and Utilization (Council Document C08/63)
8.Possible lines of reflection concerning Resolution 158 (Financial issues for consideration by the Council (Antalya, 2006)), particularly in relation to the choice of class of contribution, the financial contributions of Sector Members and Associates, as well as the possible review of the concept of cost recovery and the policy of invoicing for services to members and non-members (Council Document C08/49)
9.Other business
10.Next meeting