HOME & COMMUNITYPolicy No.: PM-2-20


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The purpose of the referral and intake process is to gather and record basic information regarding potential clients, and to provide information about HCSS programs as necessary. Self-referral by clients and caregivers is welcome, and referrals may be made to Home and Community Support Services by physicians, hospital staff, CCAC, or other agencies.


  1. Referrals from the Community Care Access Centre are usually sent electronically via Health Portal Gateway (HPG). The electronic referral is opened by clerical staff at HCSS. Referral documents contained as part of the referral are printed by the clerical staff. Information contained in the referral is transferred to Form PM - 3 Client Intake. If the referral is for Day Program only, Form PM-3 Client Intake is not completed. .
  1. When a potential client/caregiver comes to the HCSS office or places a phone call to the HCSS office, the staff member will transfer the caller to a Team Clerk, if the Team Clerk is available. Form PM -3 Client Intake is completed by the Team Clerk or other staff member. In addition, PM - 16 Risk Assessment (front of form only) is completed.
  1. The staff member completing the Client Intake must check the status of the potential client in CIMS, as indicated on PM-13 Client Intake. If there is any outstanding amount owing for HCSS services, this will be noted on PM-3, and the Family and Client Care Coordinator (FCCC) will discuss payment of outstanding amounts with the client during the assessment and admission process. See Policy ADM 4-20 Overdue Accounts.
  1. For MovinGB, Housekeeping, Friendly Visiting, MOW, hot or frozen. Dining Club. a file of client information is created containing :

○PM- 3- Client Intake

○PM 16- Risk Assessment Client Home

○PM 18 - Client Emergency Contacts (at least two emergency contacts, including one local contact)

○PM 17- Client Admission/Assessment

○any documents received by electronic communication, email or fax from the referring agency

For Day Away and for Day Away Transportation and Overnight Relief, a file of client information is created containing:

○PM 16- Risk Assessment Client Home

○PM 18 - Client Emergency Contacts

○any documents received by electronic communication, email or fax from the referring agency

Client information is entered into CIMS - Client Information Management System data base. The CIMS status for Housekeeping, Day Away, Overnight Relief and Friendly Visiting is entered as W1 - Waiting for Assessment. The CIMS status for MovinGB, MOW, hot or frozen, Day Away Transportation, and Dining Club are entered as W2- Waiting for Service Initiation. Clients requesting MOW, hot or frozen, can be made active in CIMS immediately and MOW can be initiated immediately in these nutrition related programs.

The client file is immediately forwarded to the appropriate FCCC or other staff qualified to complete client assessments and admission to HCSS Programs.

  1. The staff member taking the intake information over the telephone or in person, will provide general information about the service requested. The client and referral source will also be informed of the next steps and procedures for assessment and admission.
  1. General information about HCSS Programs and services is provided upon request. If the request for service is blatantly not appropriate for HCSS-GB and the correct service is easily identified, then the client/referral source is given the correct phone number. If the request for service is potentially not appropriate, the Intake person will still proceed with the intake.