General Contractors and Construction Companies are invited to Submit Proposals on the Combined Support Maintenance Shop (CSMS) Compressed Air Upgrade . The project involves the upgrade of the compressed air and breathing air systems for Vermont Military Department’s Building #6 (CSMS) at Camp Johnson Colchester Vermont. Work includes demolition of existing compressed and breathing air systems, and the installation of new 75 HP, a new 5 HP compressors, a new breathing air skid, an upgrade of the compressor room ventilation system and distribution piping for both systems. Electrical work includes electrical demolitions and new electrical power distribution to power the new equipment.
Sealed Proposals formatted as prescribed in the Request For Proposal (RFP) and contained in properly marked envelopes will be received by the State of Vermont Military Department, Building #5, Camp Johnson, 789 National Guard Road, Colchester, VT 05446-3099, no later than 4:00PM , Tuesday, September 27th, 2011 , at which time they will be opened and reviewed for conformance and set aside for evaluation by the Selection Committee in the department conference room at a later time.
There will be an on-site walkthrough at the CSMS Facility at Camp Johnson at 2:00 pm on 16 September, 2011. This walkthrough is not a mandatory requirement to bid on this project however; it is the only time that the Owner and Engineer will be on-site to answer questions prior to the bid.
Qualified Companies wishing to Submit Proposals may obtain the RFP documents preferably by email request to and or at State of Vermont Military Department, Building #5, Camp Johnson, 789 National Guard Road, Colchester, VT 05446-3099 or by calling Steffan Asper at 802-338-0860 or Suzette Bourdeau at 802-338-3329.
Companies Submitting Proposals attention is directed to:
1. All Companies will be required to certify that they can comply with the requirements for contract of Minority and Women Business Enterprises. The successful bidder upon receipt of letter of intent to award contract shall submit a Minority/Women Business Enterprise (MWBE) Reporting Form.
2. This Contract is a partially Federally Funded Project. Contractors and/or Sub-Contractors that are currently identified as suspended or debarred according to the listing contained on the Federal Government website are excluded from consideration on any Federally Funded Project.
3. Comparable Local Mean Prevailing Wage Rates for Like Services. The undersigned certifies that they have complied and will comply with the Prevailing Mean Wage Rate requirements as required by law (29 V.S.A. '161(b)) and as stipulated in these Contract Documents.
4. Basis of award shall be the apparent low bidder for the Maximum Limiting Amount. The undersigned acknowledges the right of the Owner to accept or reject any or all Proposals, or to waive any informalities in the bidding.
The Project Purchasing Manager will be CPT Steffan Asper () who may be contacted at PH: 802-338-0860, FX: 802-338-3305. If you have any questions they must be submitted in writing by Fax or Email to the above and arrive no later than Tuesday September 20th, 2011 by 4:00 PM. Every attempt will be made to resolve questions that may arise during the proposal period but in the absence of this, the Contractor is advised to provide a proposal that is directly responsive to this RFP. Proposals of Alternate Methods or Conditions not included in this proposal or its Addenda must be addressed outside of this RFP process and if included will render a Proposal Non-Responsive.