An invitation is hereby extended to suitable service providers to submit bid proposals to provide catering services at the VUT Vanderbijlpark, the Main Residences in Vanderbijlpark and Educity Campus as well as its Student Residence. The service provider should possess proven experience, resources and capacity to undertake the work of this nature.

Qualified service providers are invited to submit their proposals for the above services and to note the following:

The Vaal University of Technology is committed to the implementation of its Procurement Policy on Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE).

The Compulsory returnables and the criteria for evaluation will be set out in the bid documents.

The 90/10 PREFERENCE Points System will apply as per the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act, 2000 (PPPFA) and its Regulations.

The documents (available in English) are obtainable, with effect from Tuesday, 12th May 2015 until Wednesday, 20th May 2015 08H00AM TO 16:00PM, at the Vaal University of Technology, Finance Procurement Office AW001/a, Ground Floor, Block AW.

Compulsory Information Session will be held on the 21st May 2015 @ 12H00PM at I.T Conference Room – CW104 No Bid documents will be made available at the information session.

RFP documents can be purchased at a non-refundable fee of R1000, 00 (VAT included) upon proof of payment of a non-refundable fee of R 1 000.00 per each document into the following bank account.

The bank details are: Bank: ABSA BANK Branch: Vereeniging Branch Code: 632005

Account Name: VUT Main Account Account No: 530861945

References: Bid no: T19/2015

Sealed bids, endorsed on the envelope with correct and relevant bid number that is T19/2015 (CLOSING DATE: 05th June 2015 at 12H00). Name, closing date and time”, must be deposited in the bid box situated on the Stores, Room E001, VUT Vanderbijlpark Campus, on the respective closing dates. The Bid Register in Room E001 must be completed and signed on submission of Bid.

No facsimile, late or electronic bids will be accepted

The University does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of any bid. Correspondence will thereafter be limited to short-listed proposers ONLY. Canvassing in any form is strictly prohibited and will lead to the disqualification of the bid/bidders.

Please refer enquiries to : Ms R Mpholoane

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