< Name of the Lead applicant – Title of the project >
Call for Proposals EACEA 12/2016
Partnership and Project information
(Mandatory annex for applications)
Please note that each comment box in the detailed project description should contain maximum 1000 words, except if stated otherwise above the comment box
PART A. INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROJECT LEADER AND THE PARTNERSPlease copy the table below for as many times as there are partners (including the project leader) in the project. In filling in the information, follow the order of the partners used in the eForm, starting with the project leader. Please differentiate between "cultural and creative" sectors partners and others.
eForm Partner number / P1 (Lead applicant)1. Name of the organisation
Unofficial translation in English , French or German of the aims and objectives of the organisation as per the statutes/articles of association of the organisation.
Please describe the role of the organisation in the project and how the organisation will contribute to the operational and financial management of the project
Overview of the (main) activities in the cultural and creative sector of the last 2 years (Cultural/Creative industry organisations only) .
Insert as many rows as needed.
Dates / Title / Short description / Link to activity-specific website
CV(s) of the person (people) responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of the project for which the funding application is being made.
Copy the section below as many times as needed for those managing the project in your organisation.
Note that this information will be used to evaluate the relevance of the experience of the team taking part in the project, for example in terms of organisational skills, experience and track record in the cultural and creative sectors, communication and language skills.
Name of the person
Function he/she will have in the project
Please copy and paste a summary CV
eForm Partner number / P2
1. Name of the organisation
Unofficial translation in English, French or German of the aims and objectives of the organisation as per the statutes/articles of association of the organisation.
Please describe the role of the organisation in the project and how the organisation will contribute to the operational and financial management of the project
Overview of the (main) activities in the cultural and creative sector of the last 2 years (Cultural/Creative industry organisations only) .
Insert as many rows as needed.
Dates / Title / Short description / Link to activity-specific website
CV(s) of the person (people) responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of the project for which the funding application is being made.
Copy the section below as many times as needed for those managing the project in your organisation.
Note that this information will be used to evaluate the relevance of the experience of the team taking part in the project, for example in terms of organisational skills, experience and track record in the cultural and creative sectors, communication and language skills.
Name of the person
Function he/she will have in the project
Please copy and paste a summary CV
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< Name of the Lead applicant – Title of the project >
eForm Partner number / P31. Name of the organisation
Unofficial translation in English, French or German of the aims and objectives of the organisation as per the statutes/articles of association of the organisation.
Please describe the role of the organisation in the project and how the organisation will contribute to the operational and financial management of the project
Overview of the (main) activities of the last 2 years .
Insert as many rows as needed.
Dates / Title / Short description / Link to activity-specific website
CV(s) of the person (people) responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of the project for which the funding application is being made.
Copy the section below as many times as needed for those managing the project in your organisation.
Note that this information will be used to evaluate the relevance of the experience of the team taking part in the project, for example in terms of organisational skills, experience and track record in the cultural and creative sectors, communication and language skills.
Name of the person
Function he/she will have in the project
Please copy and paste a summary CV
Please copy the text of the cooperation agreement that has been or will be signed between the partners in this space below. The signed version of the cooperation agreement must be provided at the request of the Agency before a grant agreement can be issued
C.1 Relevance of the project concept and the related strategy(ies) to the specific objectives of the call for proposal (Award criteria 1)
Please identify in the box below, which objective(s) this application addresses (Proposals not addressing any of the below objectives will not be considered for funding). Please chose at least one of the specific objectives; if you choose several objectives, please rank them according to the project's activities (1 to 5 where 1 identifies the main objective addressed in the project, 2 the next most important etc):
Ranking (1 to 5) / Objectiveshelping refugees and migrants socialise and express themselves without necessarily speaking the host country language.
learning platforms that foster respect and understanding for diversity, intercultural and civic competencies, democratic values and citizenship.
giving EU citizens the opportunity to discover, learn from and understand the values and cultures of refugees and migrants and rediscover and enrich their own.
showcasing and co-creation of cultural and/or audiovisual works across Europe.
offering the possibility of collaboration with organisations in other sectors in order to stimulate a more comprehensive, rapid, effective and long-term response to this global challenge.
Please explain how the activities of your project and work programme correspond to the specific objectives that you have identified:
Please explain the basic structure of your project and how is this related to your strategy:
For this comment box you can use 2000 words
Please describe how this project will complement the measures for supporting refugees that are being implemented at national, regional and/or local level in the countries covered by your partnership:
Please describe how the partners from different sectors will collaborate and how the benefits of this project constitute an innovative approach:
C.2 Quality of the content of the project and activities of the Creative Partnership (Award Criteria 2)
Please describe how the project will be implemented in practice, giving a clear description of each activity chronically:
For this comment box you can use 2000 words
Please provide a description on how the project will be managed, detailing how the resources will be allocated:
Please present the key skills already available in the partner organisations (or to be recruited) in order to implement the project:
Please explain how the cooperation between the partners will be implemented and how exchange of information, know-how and best and new practices will be ensured:
Please explain how the creative project will help in the integration process of the target populations:
Please define and describe the "financial support to third parties" if any :
(please provide the rational and strategies for this support and :
- list the types of activities for which a third party may receive a financial support;
- define the persons/organisations that can receive the support;
- present the criteria for awarding the financial support and the method of determining the amoun, taking into account that the financial support per third party must not exceed EUR 60.000 and can only be managed by the Lead partner)
For this comment box you can use 2000 words
C.3 Dissemination and potential impact of the project (Award criteria 3)
Please provide a list and description of the expected outcomes/results/deliverable of the project:
For this comment box you can use 2000 words
Please describe the strategy adopted to ensure that the proposed objectives and results will be achieved, explaining how challenges and risks will be identified and managed:
Please detail the impact of the project on the target population (please distinguish between the impact on refugee population and the local population):
Please describe what measures you are considering to use to measure that this impact will go beyond those directly involved, in the short and long term:
Please describe your plans for ensuring that the intended results will be disseminated, replicated and made available to other organisations, also in different context and countries:
Please present your communication and information strategy:
PART D. WORK PROGRAMMEPlease fill in the following table in accordance with the detailed description of the project and the budget form.
Start date: End date:
Activity (brief description) / from / to / Country and location / Name of the responsible partner involved1
E.1 - What types of activities will be implemented?
Project management (activities necessary to the management and to the implementation of the project):
Project management activities / Number of activitiesPreparatory activities
Working meetings
Partners' networking activities
If other please provide details:
Project implementation:
a. Cultural activities
Cultural activities: / Number of activitiesArtistic residencies
Creative activities
Literary translation
If other please provide details:
b. Support activities
Support activities : / Number of activitiesResearch/studies/Policy analysis/Evaluations
Branding/labeling activities
Networking activities
Communication activities
Community-based activities
If other please provide details:
E.2 What types of individuals will directly benefit from the activities?
Type of individuals / Foreseen number of individualsArtists
Cultural workers (technicians, etc.)
Administrative staff (from the partners' organisations)
Culture & specialist experts
Staff from educational institutions
Students in the field of cultural & creative industries
Local population
General public
Senior citizens
Students in the field of cultural and creative industries
Cultural & specialist experts
Cultural workers (technicians, etc.)
Staff from local, regional and national institutions
If other please provide details:
Please explain the rational for the “number of individuals” you have presented for each type of individual. Include any measures you plan to undertake to ensure that your targets are reached.
E.3 Will the project tackle an equal opportunity theme?
If yes, what will be the theme(s)?
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< Name of the Lead applicant – Title of the project >
Gender M
Gender W
Racial & ethnic origin
Religion /belief
Disability and special needs
Sexual orientation
Other minorities
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< Name of the Lead applicant – Title of the project >
If other please provide details:
E.4 What types of organisations will directly benefit from the activities?
Type of organisation / Number of organisationAdult education Organisations
Audiovisual training institute
Cinema Theatres
Civil Society Organisation
Commercial company
Cultural Organisations
European public policy research organisations (thinktanks)
Federation/association of local authorities
Festival organisations
Film School
Higher education institution (tertiary level)
International agencies and organisations
Local Public Body
National Public Body
Non-governmental not-for-profit organisations
Non-profit associations
Non-Profit making cultural organisations
Non-publically funded cultural organizations
Organisation representing a local authority
Organisations active in the field of humanitarian aid
Profit making cultural organizations
Publically funded cultural organization
Refugee Organisations
Regional Public Body
School/Institute/Educational centre – General education (secondary level)
Sport organisations
Television broadcaster
Vocational training Organisations
Web Platforms
Youth Organisations
E.5 Which field will be involved by the project (please choose at least one sub-field).
Please note that if your project is interdisciplinary you should prioritise the sub field numbering 1, 2, 3… in the table below.
Theatre / Dance
Music / Opera
Circus art / Street art
Cultural heritage
Tangible culture – historical sites and buildings / Tangible culture - Museums
Tangible culture – Libraries and archives / Intangible culture
Visual arts
Painting, drawing / Graphic arts
Photography / Sculpture
Digital arts / Film, Video
Design and applied arts
Decorative arts / Graphic design
Fashion design / Craftwork
Literature books and reading
Creative writing / Translation
Architecture / Other field
Architecture / Other
E.6 Will the project address one or more of these issues?
The digital shift / Audience developmentTesting of new business models / None of these issues
E.7 Did you contact a "Creative Europe Desk" before submitting this application?
Yes / NoIf yes, hat kind of contact did you have? (Please tick one or more reasons):
For information onlyFor assistance in setting up the project
For assistance filling in documents
For assistance in budget
For assistance in partner search
Were you satisfied with the service provided?
Yes / NoCheck list for applicants
Registration number ECAS and PIC obtained
Dead line of submission respected
Minimum number of eligible partners respected
Leader from cultural or audiovisual field and from countries 1 to 4
At least one partner from cultural field
All partners from 1 to 5
eForm completed
Document "Partnership and Project information completed
Budged form completed and balanced
Grant requested = or < to maximum grant allowed
Declaration on honour signed
Mandates are correct and signed
Legal entity and Financial capacity documents attached (for the leader)
Project not finished
Maximum duration respected
Activities are eligible
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