HE onshore – Notify First Stage At Risk invitation to interview
Option to have embeddedAPIP and/or attached APIP (HE)
Subject: Unsatisfactory academic progress – improvement plan and invitation to attend academic advice interview[cut and paste into email subject heading]
Academic progress semester: <Semester X, XXXX)> (please do not put just the term code)
Student name:<Family name>, <Given names>
Student number:<Student ID>
Program code:<Program code>
Program title:<Program title>
Dear StudentName>
Unsatisfactory academic progress – invitation to attend academic advice interview including Academic Performance Improvement Plan (APIP)
We’ve reviewed your results for <Semester X, XXXX)>and found that you haven’t made satisfactory progress in your program.
We want to help you with this situation. Here’s a plan to improve your academic performance so you can be confident of continuing your present studies at RMIT.
AnAcademic Performance Improvement Plan (APIP) is provided below / below and attached / attached.(REMOVE WHICHEVER OPTION IS NOT REQUIRED)
Werecommend that you meet with an academic advisor to discuss this APIP and customise it to meet your needs.
Meeting an academic advisor is an opportunity for you to:
- understand the grounds on which you’ve been identified as having unsatisfactory academic performance
- identify barriers to your satisfactory performance (you may wish to bring documentation of relevant circumstances)
- contribute to your APIP by identifying actions and strategies to improve your future academic performance
- identify appropriate forms of assistance, and
- determine which course/s you need to repeat.
Interview sessions are scheduled from <date> to <date> inclusive.
If you wish tomeet with an academic advisor please contact the School of <School name>on <phone number> by <date> to arrange an interview.
Details of this meeting (if any) and a copy of your APIP will be placed on your student file.
You’re responsible for meetingthe requirements set out in your APIP or the modified APIP that results from an interview with your academic advisor.
Please note that if your academic performance continues to be unsatisfactory for two semesters, the School may recommend that your enrolment be cancelled and you be excluded from your program.
Details of your unsatisfactory academic performance:
Mark all that apply / One or more of the following reason(s):Failing 50% or more of enrolled load in a compulsory academic semester
Failing the same course more than once
Failing or demonstrating unsafe practice in a placement
Failing the thesis / project component of a one year Honours program.
Inadequate progress through a program (Program duration and maximum time instruction or eCoE program duration requirement)
Failing to comply with conditions prescribed in anAcademic Performance Improvement Plan
Failing to meet progress requirements prescribed via ESOS or student visa requirement
HERE IS YOUR Academic Performance Improvement Plan (APIP):
– You must pass more than 50% of your enrolled course load in future semesters.
– You must pass any failed course/s at the next attempt.
– You must repeat any failed core course/s at the earliest opportunity toenrol in them.
– You must comply with the conditions prescribed in this APIP
– You must ensure before enrolling in a course, that you have completed satisfactorily any prerequisite requirements.
– You must not enrol in more than a standard enrolment load.
– <Academic Requirement 1 – optional to use by academic advisor> REMOVE THIS LINE IF NO ADDITIONAL ADVICE
– <Academic Requirement 2 – optional to use by academic advisor >REMOVE THIS LINE IF NO ADDITIONAL ADVICE
– <Academic Requirement 3 – optional to use by academic advisor >REMOVE THIS LINE IF NO ADDITIONAL ADVICE
Additional recommendations made by the academic advisor:
See Support services (below)
<Additional Recommendations – optional to use by academic advisor>REMOVE THIS LINE IF NO ADDITIONAL ADVICE
Please (also)(REMOVE IF APIP IS NOT EMBEDDED IN THE TEXT OF THIS EMAIL)find attached your Academic Performance Improvement Plan (APIP)
NOTE: If you are happy to work towards the objectives set out in this APIPyou may choose not to attend an interview.
What is ‘at risk’ and what are my rights and responsibilities?
For more information, please visit
You may wish to consult RMIT University Student Union (RUSU) for additional advice and information on being ‘at risk’. Please visit
Support services
–Study and Learning Centre:
The Study and Learning Centre (SLC) provides free assistance inacademic writing, English language development, study skills and undergraduate maths (including statistics), physics and chemistry.
Also available is a drop-in centre atRMIT Connector you may attend a workshop. Check the SLC website for timetables.
– Counselling service:
The Counselling service provides free counselling and psychological services for RMIT students. Staffed by psychologists, the service helps students with their personal concerns so they can meet the daily challenges of student life, develop their full potential and achieve success in their studies. This confidential service is open to enrolled RMIT students between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday and is located on the City, Bundoora West and Brunswick campuses.
–Equitable Learning Services (formerly Disability Liaison Unit):
Equitable Learning Services (ELS)provide free services to students with disabilities, long-term illnesses and/or mental health conditions or primary carers of someone with a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition.ELS aim to ensure through adjustments that students have a fair opportunityto demonstrate theirknowledge and skills. ELS work with students and staff to facilitate accessible and equitable learning experiences.
If you have a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health conditions that may require accommodation for you to be able to undertake assessment tasks, or are the primary carer of someone with a disability, long-term illness and/or mental health condition, we advise you to apply for an equitable learning plan (ELP)
Note: ELPs are proactive arrangements for which you must apply at least four weeks before the assessment.
–Student Support: Support services
Advisors can provide information and assistance to students for a range of issues which can impact academic performance, such as: financial concerns, accommodation problems, difficulties adjusting to living in Melbourne and legal issues. Book an appointment with a Student Support Advisor at RMIT Connect.
RMIT is required under the ESOS Act (2000) to report to relevant government authorities students who have failed to maintain satisfactory academic progress. Go to for information.
If you have decided not to continue with your program you must formally cancel your enrolment before the census or relevant withdrawal date. This will ensure you don’t incur fees or academic penalties. International students should note that cancelling your enrolment can affect your student visa.For more information visit
It’s your responsibility to ensure that your enrolment is correct and up to date. We recommend contacting your program manager if you need assistance.
We hope you’ll respond to this advice by taking steps to address your unsatisfactory academic performance.
If you have any questions about what you need to do, or believe you’ve been identified as ‘at risk’ in error, please contact your program manager <name & contact details> as soon as possible.
Yours sincerely,
Secretary of the Program Assessment Board
School of <school name>
HE Onshore - Notify First Stage At Risk APIP and invitation to interview_20170620
Save Date: 20/06/2017
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