Hosted by:
Water Research Commission and the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
in association with the WISA Anaerobic and Sludge Processes Division
Dear Stakeholder
You are invited to attend the second round of one of 9 workshops on the new South African Sludge GuidelinesSeriesatacentre convenient to you. You are also invited to attend an additional day of training on the use of Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the guidelines series. TheSludge GuidelineSeries focuses on optionsforsludge management and their development is taking place in a phased approach that requires input from you as a stakeholder.
During 2003, the Water Research Commission (WRC) initiated a process of developing the second edition of the South African Sludge Guidelines. These guidelines were intended to deal with all wastewater sludge management practices. It soon became apparent that it would not be possible to develop a single guideline document that would adequately protect all receptors without unduly stringent requirements. It was consequently agreed to develop a series of guidelines focussed on specific sludge management options.
The following volumes comprise the New Sludge Guideline Series:
- Volume 1: Selection of management options
- Volume 2: Requirements for the agricultural use of sludge
- Volume 3: Requirements for the on-site and off-site disposal of sludge
- Volume 4: Requirements for the beneficial use of sludge at high loading rates
- Volume 5:Requirements for thermal sludge management practices and for commercial products containing sludge.
Volumes 1 and 2 have been completed and are available from theWRC andDepartment of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF). Volume 3 is currently being finalised and will be published by the WRC.
The WRC commissioned the development of Volumes 3-5 over the year period 2005 to 2008. As part of the development process a series of stakeholder workshops was included to consider the input of stakeholders. The purpose of the workshops is to communicate the approach followed to develop these various Volumes of the guideline series.
The first round of workshops held during March to May 2006 introduced all the guideline volumes of the series, but specifically focussed on Volume 3. This second round workshop to be held during July to September 2007 specifically focuses on Volumes 4 and 5,theremaining guidelines of the series. The workshop will present the approach and methodology followed in their development.
It is crucial that stakeholders give their input into the development of these documents. Your participation and input in this workshop is essential in ensuring that the final guidelines will meet the requirements of sludge producers, sludge users and the regulators. Your participation will significantly contribute to a better product that is acceptable to all stakeholders.
As part of this round of workshop series, the DWAF is also hosting an additional day of training for interested stakeholders on the Volumes 1, 2 and 3 of the guideline series. This training session is optional and independent to the stakeholder workshop.Any interested party is welcome to attend. The training sessions will be held the day prior to each of the workshops, and will provide guidance on guideline application.
If you wish to participate in this process please feel free to register for one of the following workshops AND/OR training sessions at a centre most convenient to you:
1 / Limpopo - Polokwane / Day 1: Training / 5 July 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 6 July 2007
2 / Free State - Bloemfontein / Day 1: Training / 11 July 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 12 July 2007
3 / Northern Cape - Kimberley / Day 1: Training / 16 July 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 17 July 2007
4 / KwaZulu-Natal – Shongweni / Day 1: Training / 18 July 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 19 July 2007
5 / Eastern Cape – East London / Day 1: Training / 25 July 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 26 July 2007
6 / Gauteng - Pretoria / Day 1: Training / 31 July 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 1 August 2007
7 / Western Cape – Stellenbosch / Day 1: Training / 2 August 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 3 August 2007
8 / North WestProvince - Rustenburg / Day 1: Training / 28 August 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 29 August 2007
9 / Mpumalanga - Nelspruit / Day 1: Training / 6 September 2007
Day 2: Workshop / 7 September 2007
*Please note you will be informed of the venue upon registration
- No registration fees apply. The Water Research Commission and the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry have sponsored these workshops and training sessions. Please note that delegates attending the training sessions and/or workshops will not be compensated financially for attending.
- Delegates must carry their own transport and accommodation costs.
- We do require registration for the training session and/or the workshop to ensure that we have adequately catered for you and have a document pack ready when you arrive.
Please register by completing the accompanying reply sheet.
09h00 – 09h30 / Registration and tea / coffee09h30 – 09h40 / Welcome by WRC / DWAF
09h40 – 10h00 / Background to the development of the new South African Sludge Guidelines
10h00 – 10h30 / Volume 1: Selection of management options
10h30 – 11h00 / Classification of sludge
11h00 – 11h15 / BREAK
11h15 – 12h00 / Practical examples
12h00 – 12h30 / Volume 2: Agricultural use
12h30 – 13h15 / LUNCH
13h15 – 14h00 / Practical examples
14h00 – 14h30 / Volume 3: Disposal options
14h30 - 14h45 / BREAK
14h45 - 15h30 / Practical examples
15h30 – 16h30 / Self assessment
Trainers: Dr Heidi Snyman (WRC) and Elize Herselman (Golder Associates Africa)
09h00 – 09h30 / Registration and tea / coffee09h30 – 09h40 / Welcome by WRC and/or DWAF
09h40 – 10h00 / Background to the development of the new South African Sludge Guidelines
10h00 – 10h30 / Final documents:
Overview Volumes 1, 2 and 3
10h30 - 11h15 / Volume 4: Beneficial use of sludge at high loading rates
Background, legal requirements, beneficial use options
11h15 – 11h30 / BREAK
11h30 – 12h30 / Volume 4: Beneficial use of sludge at high loading rates
Restrictions and requirements for each option
12h30 – 13h15 / LUNCH
13h15 – 14h15 / Volume 5: Incineration
14h15 – 15h15 / Volume 5: Commercial products containing sludge
15h15 – 15h45 / General discussion and addressing of specific concerns
15h45 – 16h00 / Closure
Workshop facilitator: Dr Heidi Snyman (WRC)
in association with the WISA Anaerobic and Sludge Processes Division
Training Sessions and Stakeholder Workshops, July – September 2007
Please complete by 28 June 2007and return to:Wilheminah Mosupye, Zitholele Consulting (Pty) Ltd
P O Box 6002, Halfway House, 1685, Tel: (011) 254 4901, Fax: (011) 805 2100
Please mark (X)
I will attend the Day 1 training session on the Sludge Guidelines Series
(You will receive further details on the training session).
I will attend the Day 2stakeholder workshop on the Sludge Guidelines Series
(You will receive further details on the selected workshop).
Workshop/Centre of Choice(applicable date[s]):
COMMENTS(Please use separate sheets if necessary)
1.The following issues must be addressed by the guidelines:
- My comment on the process is as follows:
- Any other comments:
4.Please add the following of my colleagues/friends to your mailing list:
Name and sector/organisation:......
Telephone or address:......