Draft Promotion and Prevention Action Plan 2016/2017

Promotion and Prevention Group

Action Plan, 2016-2017


The purpose of the Promotion and Prevention Group isto provide a coherent and formal structure for the development of work in Warrington which promotes mental health and wellbeing; and which can help prevent mental health problems across the life course. Membership of the Group includes representatives from a wide range of local partnership organisations, including statutory and third sector service providers, commissioning organisations and service users. The Promotion and Prevention Group is a subgroup of the Mental Health Partnership Board.

The objectives of the Promotion and Prevention Group include:

•raising awareness of mental health promotion messages

•raising awareness of mental health problems

•encouraging and promoting self-management

•challenging stigma and discrimination

•promoting effective signposting to services

•linking with the suicide prevention network

The attached Action Plan will be agreed by those present at the Promotion and Prevention meeting on 13 September 2016. Member organisations of the Promotion and Prevention Group identified the targets to be included in the Action Plan, which outlines the scope of promotion and prevention work taking place across Warrington. Progress implementing the Action Plan will be reported, by a member of the Public Health Team, to the Mental Health Partnership Board’s quarterly meetings and to the meetings of the Children and Young People Emotional Health and Wellbeing Strategic Group.

The targets and themes within the Promotion and Prevention Action Plan reflect the Group’s objectives above and were informed by current priorities and themes in key national and local strategies and plans including:

National strategies and guidance

  • No Health Without Mental Health: a cross-government mental health outcomes strategy for people of all ages (DH 2011)
  • Preventing Suicide in England: a cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives (DH 2012)
  • Whole-person care: from rhetoric to reality, achieving parity between mental and physical health (RCPsych 2013)
  • Closing the Gap: Priorities for essential change in mental health (DH 2014)
  • Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat: Improving outcomes for people experiencing mental health crisis (DH 2014)
  • Preventing Suicide in England: Two years on, second annual report on the cross-government outcomes strategy to save lives
    (DH 2015)
  • Future in Mind: promoting, protecting and improving our children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing (DH 2015). The numbers and letters in the far right column of the plan below, refer to the sections within the local Future in Mind Action Plan
  • The Five Year Forward View For Mental Health, (Mental Health Task Force 2016)
  • Priorities for mental health: Economic report for the NHS England Mental Health Taskforce (Centre for Mental Health 2016)

Regional/local strategies and guidance

  • Warrington Suicide Audit 2011-2013 (WBC PH 2014)
  • Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat: local action plan (2015 draft)
  • NO MORE: A Zero Suicide Strategy for Cheshire and Merseyside 2015-2020 (2015 Champs)
  • NO MORE: Warrington’s Suicide Prevention Action Plan (WBC PH 2015)
  • Warrington Strategy for Mental Health and Wellbeing 2016-2019 (2016)Warrington
  • Future in Mind Action Plan 2016-2018 - draft

Desired Outcome/
Output? / Who will do it?
Contact details / What we are going to do? / By When? / How will we know if we have achieved this? / Location
activity / Comments by lead person / Ref to Future
in Mind Action Plan
1.0 Early identification and support for children & young people / Julia Carter / Claire Hammill
Katie Donnelly / 1.1 Work with the P&P group and other partners to identify what training is available in Warrington in relation to C&YPs emotional health and wellbeing. / March 17 / Training register & evaluation.
School staff will have accessed emotional health and wellbeing training. / Set up a single point of contact for people to access information about the training and to book on. / E1
Julia Carter / 1.2 Monitor the delivery of the emotional health and wellbeing element of 0-19 Integrated Service. / Will be monitored quarterly / No. of YP presenting EHWB issues at drop in sessions & therapeutic interventions.
Integrated perinatal and infant mental pathway will have been ratified.
3 Time for Me programmes will have been well attended. / A1
Caroline Jenkins / 1.3 Signposting those working with children, young people and families to the Happy? OK? Sad? website / March 17 / Hits to website,
workshops delivered /no’s attending, qualitative feedback / A5
Julia Carter / Caroline Jenkins / Katie Donnelly / 1.4 Decide whether to adopt and roll out Youth Connect 5 training across Warrington / Sept 16 / Decision minuted in P & P meeting / Champs have funding to roll out Youth Connect 5 across Cheshire & Merseyside, we need to understand more about the local requirements of this and agree who would co-ordinate and deliver. / A1
Caroline Jenkins
Katie Donnelly
Julia Carter / 1.5 If the decision is made to adopt YC5 in Warrington, then oversee the roll out of the training in partnership with MYA and Champs. / May 17 / Number of trainers trained, number of courses delivered, number of parents/carers trained / A1
Nicola Monaghan / 1.6 To promote a positive early start for infants and to support/improve mother-infant relationships to improve bonding and attachment. / Dec 17 / 20 Health Visitors to be trained in NBO and 4 in NBAS. 1 CAMHS worker to be trained in NBAS / A4
Simon Lyon / 1.7 To support and deliver the development of the youth health champions programme to support behaviour change in young people / March 17 / No. of new champions, number of sessions delivered.
No. of campaigns. / The first campaign to be delivered will be around emotional health and wellbeing (see 1.8). / A2
Simon Lyon / Joanna Shaw / 1.8 Include emotional health and wellbeing within the Youth Health Champion programme of work / March 17 / Campaign developed.
Degree of activity on social media in relation to campaign.
No. of young people’s settings using the campaign / Include emotional health and wellbeing as part of Youth Health Champion Project. The topic / materials will be led by the need of the YP, need to explore use of materials from Make Time as part of this. Schools, colleges and all other young people’s settings to be encouraged to utilise messages developed. / A3
Julia Carter / Claire Hammill / 1.9 Ensure that this action plan clearly links with the actions from the Future in Mind commissioning group / Aug 17 / Clear set of actions and reporting framework / Ensure actions are streamlined across Promotion &Prevention and Future In Mind plans, so everyone is clear on responsibilities and reporting structures and to avoid duplication.
Livewire Libraries Christine Everett / 1.10 Run Books on Prescription Scheme, “Shelf-Help”, for young people / March 17 / No. of books loaned / A5
Warrington Primary Care Psychological Services / 1.11 Provide assessments and treatment for individuals between 16-21 / March 17 / Waiting times
Numbers accessing the service, numbers being treated by the service / B2
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evans (East Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 1.12 Identify young carers through Occupational Therapy, and Outreach assessments. Signpost under 18s to Wired Young Carers service and refer over 18s to Carer Support worker for carer assessment / On-going / No of carers signposted and assessed. / . / C2
Sarah Brittlebank
West Preventative Team
/ 1.13 Maintain strong working relationships with the Youth Service specifically GLYSS (Gay & Lesbian Youth Support Service),Verve Place and other partner agencies to signpost YP to services / Ongoing / Feedback from GLYSS YP & Lead Youth Worker
Sharon Johnson
Work with partners to signpost YP to services and support groups/activities. No. signposted and to which services. / Feedback from GLYSS YP & Lead Youth Worker
Sharon Johnson
Matthew Pilling
Warrington Youth Service / 1.14 Provide a safe, calm, welcoming environment for young people aged 11-19 at Warrington Youth Café / March 17 / Café open 6 days per week.
Consistent contacts accessing provision / A1
Matthew Pilling
Warrington Youth Service / 1.15 Celebrate World Suicide Prevention Day and World Mental Health Day / September 16
October 16 / Activities and celebrations taken place across the borough delivered by Warrington Youth Service / A3
Matthew Pilling
Warrington Youth Service / 1.16 Work with Public Health to develop a LGBT section on the young person’s page of Happy? Ok? Sad? / Jan 17 / New section up and running
Matthew Pilling
Warrington Youth Service / 1.17 Establish a Shelf Help book scheme within Warrington Youth Café & OYB / Sept 16 / Young people are regular accessing the books and having positive interactions with youth workers
Julia Carter / Sharon Canning / 1.18 To deliver a half day Self-Harm workshop for secondary school & college staff. / March 17 / Session delivered.
WBC self harm policy template developed. / This will include a WBC self-harm template policy, sharing good practice in curriculum delivery around self harm and raising awareness of services available.
2.0 Improve people’s ability to recognise mental health problems in themselves and others and increase knowledge of pathways into services and knowledge of services available / Caroline Jenkins / 2.1 Signposting and enabling access to the Happy? OK? Sad? website and facilitate distribution of paper copies where relevant. / March 17 / Hits to website,
qualitative feedback / Identify target groups, outcomes etc, consult with men in terms of interventions they would use, state of mind etc.
All partners asked to support and promote Make Time
Do the above through Make Time “hit squads” in public places or during events.
Caroline Jenkins
Amanda Gillespie
Jo Norton / 2.2 To run a minimum of 10 one hour Happy? OK? Sad workshops so people understand better the potential of the site and its functionality. To ensure Paperdata is used to evaluate the sessions. / March 17 / No of workshops run, no of people attending
Caroline Jenkins
Jo Norton
James Howes / 2.3 In partnership with P&P members, scope and develop Men's Health Project. / Dec 16 / Project determined
Caroline Jenkins
Jo Norton
Sarah Brittlebank / 2.4 Support promotion of Make Time and encourage community groups and individuals to promote the campaign, sign up to the themes and tweet on the local hashtag (#maketimewarrington) / March 17 / No of events Make Time is promoted at, No of “hit squads” that take place, activity on WBC’s social media.
Caron Jones
Gill Thornicroft / 2.5 Support promotion of Make Time for staff and encourage WBC staff to tweet using the local hashtag (#maketimewarrington) / March 17 / No of “hit squads” that take place, activity on WBC’s social media.
Caroline Jenkins
Sarah Preston Health Inequalities Team
Jo Norton / 2.6 To plan and deliver 2 campaigns in relation to emotional health and wellbeing / Dec 17 / No of events which take place. / Work with Public Health to identify the campaigns, where they will run, how they will be delivered and by whom.
Sarah Brittlebank
West Prevention Team
/ 2.7 Work in partnership with other services to coordinate and deliver public mental health events across the year including WMHD,
Time to Talk Day, MHAW / March 17 / Number of events; number of partners involved; approx number of attendees / Look into possibility of using Bus Station or golden Square community space as a venue
Phil Cooper / 2.8 To deliver State of Mind / March 17 / No. of sessions delivered & outcomes
Emma Weighill-Baskerville
Carina Henshaw
Warrington Primary Care Psychological Service (WPCPS) / 2.9 Run a weekly wellbeing workshop / March 17 / No. of workshops that take place, no of participants, attrition rates, recovery and client feedback.
Melissa Bett / 2.10 Run a worry reduction group / March 17 / No. of sessions run, no. of participants, attrition rates, recovery and client feedback.
Sheena Jobes – Data Lead
sjobes@ / 2.11 Ensure that clients accessing the single point of access get to the right treatment in Warrington through signposting and onward referrals. / March 17 / No. of clients signposted and where they were referred to.
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evans (East Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 2.12To identify the need for intervention and support through OT’s, Link Worker’s and Carer Support Worker’s assessments. / On-going / No of service users signposted to mental health or other services (e.g. social prescribing).
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evans (East Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 2.13To identify the need for low level support through Star assessments and Creative Remedies group work. / On-going / No of service users signposted to mental health or other services (e.g. social prescribing).
No. of people accessing star support and Creative Remedies
Sarah Brittlebank
West PreventativeTeam
/ 2.14Facilitate Mood Swings, Summer Strollers and 121’s / March 17 / No of 121s, Mood Swing Meetings and Summer walks that take place. No of people attending 121s, Mood Swings and
Summer Strollers, register taken at each meeting.
Sarah Brittlebank
West PreventativeTeam
/ 2.15Support people to recognise their MH needs, signpost and offer support to enable them to attend services & groups / March 17 / No of people signposted, no of people supported to attend service or group
3.0 Improve people’s ability to self-manage mental health problems and maintain, or improve emotional wellbeing
(Including social prescribing programmes and Make Time). / Donna Holman
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Health Inequalities Team
Wellbeing Service / 3.1 Identify community locations and enable local community members to access Creative Remedies and Positive Thoughts courses (Outreach Provision) / June 2017 / No. of sessions delivered.
Feedback from participants.
Evaluation Report / This will fit with work on the prevention hub
Caroline Jenkins / 3.2 To establish a network of cascade trainers to deliver Connect 5 training / March 17 / No of existing trainers maintained, no of new trainers recruited
Team of Connect 5 trainers / 3.3 To deliver Connect 5 training to frontline workers and volunteers / March 17 / No of sessions delivered. Target to train 300 people Feedback from participants.
Susan Harris

Warrington Your Way Service. / 3.4 To offer a flexible personalised mental health service for adults through peer support training / March 17 / Peer Support Co-ordinator to be in place.
Numbers of people taking up the Peer Support Training
Feedback from participants.
Warrington Collegiate
Health Inequalities Team
Wellbeing Service
Sarah Preston (Dallam Chill and Chat and Women in Dallam) / 3.5 Identifying the location of Confidence Courses, delivered by Warrington Collegiate. Identifying and enabling local community members to access the sessions / March 17 / No of sessions delivered.
Feedback from participants.
Livewire Libraries Matthew / 3.6 Deliver Read to Relax Groups / March 17 / No. of sessions delivered.
Feedback from participants,
Livewire Libraries
Julie King
/ 3.7 Facilitate Read to Me Scheme / March 17 / No. of reading sessions.
Livewire Libraries
Julie King
/ 3.8 Run Home Library Service / March 17 / No. of borrowers using service
No. of vols delivering service
Livewire Libraries Matthew / 3.9 Promote Mood Boosting Books / March 17 / No. of books loaned
Livewire Libraries Matthew / 3.10 Run Books on Prescription Scheme / March 17 / No. of referrals
No. of books loaned
Sheena Jobes / 3.11 Use recovery measures (MDS) to determine treatment outcomes. / March 17 / No
of clients moved into recovery and those who have made a reliable improvement.
Carina Henshaw / 3.12 Self-help at Step 2 takes an holistic approach and uses relaxation techniques, mindfulness and exercise. / March 17 / No. of clients seen at step 2.
5BP / 3.13 5BP. Various educational groups facilitated by mental health services for carers and service users about generic and specialist mental health presentation. / March 17 / No. of programmes, types of programmes, no. attended and outcomes.
Sarah Preston
Amanda Gillespie / 3.14Four Boost courses to be delivered. / March 17 / WEMWEBS.
No of courses delivered.
No of people completing course. / Courses to be targeted in areas Lifestyles Survey identified people as having low emotional wellbeing
4.0 Enable people to recognise and challenge stigma and discrimination in relation to mental health problems. / Sarah Preston / 4.1 To link Mental Health Services to diverse community support groups (eg LGBT and BME) & awareness raising at events by Mental Health Services. / March 17 / No. of services who engage, location of events, No of participants / Ensure vulnerable groups are aware of pathways
Sarah Preston / 4.2To run Polish drop-in and setup support group for Polish individuals and community who need support. / March 17 / No of drop-in sessions held, no of people attending, no of support group meetings held, no of people attending
Sarah Preston / 4.3To identify community members to act as community champions to help in reducing stigma linked to mental health problems and increasing engagement with services. / March 17 / No of community champions identified, record of action taken to reduce stigma
RavSekhon, WECCA / 4.4Speak about culture and mental health at the Mela,to challenge stigma and break down cultural barriers. / July 16 / Talk taken place
Feedback from participants.
Emma Weighill-Baskerville / 4.5 Mental Health pop up days in supermarkets across Warrington / March 17 / No. of contacts at each pop-up day No of referrals generated.
Emma Weighill-Baskerville / 4.6 Weekly Mental Health MOT: Offering drop in MOT and information and advice on how to keep emotionally well. / March 17 / No. of contacts on the day and referrals generated.
Matthew Pilling
Warrington Youth Service / 4.7 Establish pop up depression cafés within Priestley college and Warrington Collegiate / Dec 16 / No. of pop ups established
5.0 Reduce the number of suicides in Warrington / Katie Donnelly / 5.1 To develop and co-ordinate Local Suicide Prevention Group and Action Plan (meets bi-annually) / On-going / Minutes from meetings Action Plan in existence and monitored
Katie Donnelly / Caroline Jenkins / 5.2 Conduct the Suicide Audit / Jan 17 / Suicide Audit Complete
Caroline Jenkins / 5.3 To establish a network of cascade trainers to deliver suicide prevention training / March 17 / No of existing trainers maintained, no of new trainers recruited
Caroline Jenkin / 5.4 Deliver Suicide Prevention Training
To target audience as identified through suicide audit etc / March 17 / No of sessions delivered. Target to train 175 people Feedback from participants.
Katie Donnelly / 5.5 Commission Amparo Suicide Liaison Service / March 17 / Monitor Service Quarterly / C2
Charley Alvis / 5.6 Amparo workers to exhibit information and talk to professionals and the public about the service. / March 17 / No of events attended, no of people spoken to
5BP / 5.7 Implementation of the Columbia Suicide Rating Scale with on-line training available within trust. / March 17 / Scale implemented. Feedback from implementation.
5BP / 5.8 Trust has set up a working group around Self Harm which has developed a self-harm policy and procedure. / March 17 / Evaluation of Policy
Findings from Self-Harm Group
Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide
Michelle Kelly
/ 5.9Provides suicide prevention services in the form of HOPELine UK, to raise awareness of young suicide / March 17 / No.s accessing Hopeline.
Papyrus Prevention of Young Suicide
Michelle Kelly
/ 5.10Deliver training around suicide prevention and ASIST (applied suicide intervention skills training). Nationally with offices in West Midlands and Warrington. / March 17 / Training delivered, numbers and outcomes
Katie Donnelly
Caroline Jenkins
Jo Norton / 5.11To complete criteria and apply for suicide safe community accreditation as part of Champs / March 17 / Achievement of accreditation
Emma Weighill-Baskerville / 5.12 Filter a clear learning log from any suicide incident to staff / March 17 / Minutes team meetings and CPD
6.0 Addressing the physical health of people with Mental Health Problems / LiveWire Stop Smoking Service
Paul Roberto / 6.1 Support hospital patients and staff in achieving Smoke Free status in line with drive to reduce/ban smoking in hospitals / Ongoing / Measurable by no. of interventions, relapses and quits achieved – data recorded on Quit Manager
LiveWire Stop Smoking Service
Paul Roberto / 6.2 Deliver weekly Smoking Cessation Clinics for Mental Health Service Users / March 17 / No. of people accessing
LiveWire Weight Management Neil Morley / 6.3Deliver State of Mind and Stress and Positive thoughts - 2 sessions per 12 weeks within the Fit to Tackle Programme / March 17 / No. of sessions, no. of people attending
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evans (East Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 6.4Identify the need for smoking cessation, healthy eating and exercise through Occupational Therapy, Outreach , Link worker and Carer support Worker’s assessments and refer on as relevant for assessment and support / On-going / No of referrals to neighbourhood mentors,referrals to groups, no of people referred who attend groups
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evans (East Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 6.5To promote Creative Remedies’ dance and movement groups. / On-going / No of referrals to dance and movement group, no of people referred who attend dance and movement group.
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evans (East Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 6.6To provide access for Carers to leisure cards to improve health / On-going / Monitornumber of leisure cards issued.
7.0 To offer support following diagnosis of dementia / LLAMS Warrington Tanya Worsley / 7.1 To offer post-diagnostic support group including details of the service and social services. / On-going / Feedback and audit
LLAMS Warrington Tanya Worsley / 7.2 To be provided with the dementia guide “Living well with Dementia” and other relevant information dependant on need. / On-going / Leaflets distributed.
Sarah Preston / 7.3Identify community support for people living with dementia and their carers. / March 17 / Number of groups identified; clear pathways identified and publicised; gaps identified / Identify pathways in to community groups, and whether there is a need for more support for people with dementia in the community
8.0 To promote and deliver high standards of care and support for people living with dementia and their families / LLAMS Warrington Tanya Worsley / 8.1 The service to work collaboratively with other organisations to provide person centred support to enable people to live well with dementia. / March 17 / No. through service
Outcomes / The service to continue to be involved in the accreditation process of the Memory Service through the Memory Service National Accreditation Programme
LLAMS Warrington Tanya Worsley
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Neighbourhood Teams / 8.2 Promote dementia friendly communities and increase training of dementia friends. / March 17 / Increased no. of trained dementia friends.
LLAMS Warrington Tanya Worsley / 8.3 Promote “Tackle your Memory” campaign / March 17 / Campaign promoted and evaluation
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evan (east Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 8.4To provide Occupational Therapy assessment, Carers’ assessments, information and advice and star assessments for those with a diagnosis of dementia and their carers. / Ongoing / No of people diagnosed with dementia assesses.
No of carers assessed
WBC Families and Wellbeing Prevention Teams
Paul Rigby (Central Team)
Alison Evan (east Team
DivyaTuli (West Team)
Kim Hampton (South Team) / 8.5To refer to Telecare for further assessment to enable those with dementia to live safely at home. / On-going / No of people with dementia referred on.