EFFECTIVE DATE: 05/29/1991
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 7320
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FSM 7300 – buildings and other sturctures
Chapter 7320
/ Forest Service Manual
national headquarters (wo)
Washington, DC
fsM 7300 – buildings and other structures
chapteR 7320 – tramways, ski lifts, and tows
Supplement No.: 7300-91-2
Effective Date: May 29, 1991
Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.
Approved: david f. jollyRegional Forester / Date Approved: 05/29/1991
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was Supplement 7300-91-1 to FSM 7300.
New Document / 7320 / 5 PagesSuperseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / - Pages
7320 – Provides Regional direction and guidance in design and construction of ski lifts and tramways.
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7320.2 - Objective.
To provide technical requirements in support of FSM 2340 and FSM 2720.
7320.3 - Policy.
4. The general inspection report will be used to monitor the permittee's lift facilities, operations and maintenance, and records and reporting requirements specified in ANSI B77.1.
5. The permittee will notify the Authorized Officer of any accidents/incidents and malfunctions or modifications related to aerial tramways for public operations. (See 7320.5 Definition) The holder shall submit the modifications designed by a Qualified Engineer to the Authorized Officer for review and approval prior to resuming public operation.
7320.42 - Regional Forester.
1. The Director of Engineering will approve or disapprove designs for construction or modification of aerial tramways.
2. The Regional Tramway Engineer will monitor the design submittals for completeness and conformance with the ANSI B77.1 and FSM 7321.
7320.5 - Definitions.
4. Major Modification. Any structural failure and/or damage and/or replacement of worn parts that meet the definition of a Lift Modification shall also meet the submittal requirements.
7. Structural Failures and/or Damage. Any restoration, repair, or reconstruction required because of structural failure and/or damage to the structure is considered a Lift Modification under FSM 7320.5.
8. General Inspection. An inspection of the aerial tramway performed once a year or every 2000 hours of operation as covered in ANSI B77.1.
9. Incident. Any occurrence which does not result in injury and is reported by way of documentation in the daily operating log. For example, failure of deropement switch, replacement of counter weight limit switch, and so forth unless it qualifies under any of the other definitions.
10. Accident. Injury resulting from an aerial tramway malfunction and/or mechanical failure.
11. Lift Malfunction. Mechanical or electrical problems that cause injury or have the potential to cause injury; or which result in people being stranded on the lift for one-half hour or more before they can be evacuated through a restart or with the use of auxiliary power; or which requires lift evacuation with the use of ropes. Certain malfunctions may be considered structural failures and/or damage.
7321.2 - Procedures.
7. The permit holder shall submit the modification approved by a Qualified Design Engineer to the Authorized Officer for monitoring review and approval prior to resuming public operation.
8. Design Submittals. The permit holder shall submit to the Authorized Officer three complete sets of plans, specifications, and design calculations certified by a qualified design engineer.
The items listed below shall be the minimum submittals of drawings, plans and specifications.
a. Lift Data. Type, design capacity and loading limitation, speed, gauge, number and spacing of carriers, loading intervals and vertical rise.
b. Wire Rope Data. Size, grade, construction, ultimate strength, and factor of safety for the main hauling rope, and if used, track rope and counterweight rope.
c. Profile and Tabulation of Wire Rope Loadings. Location of safety gates, towers, terminals, ramps, housing structures, loaded cable position, line sheave assemblies. Tabulated rope tension, magnitude and direction of reaction on both sides of each tower, and midspan deflection of loaded cable under maximum and minimum loading conditions.
e. Structures Drawings. Machinery arrangement, drive terminals, return terminals, typical tower and tower design calculations, foundation drawings and calculations for terminals and towers, foundation soils reports and test data, counter weight details (if applicable), details of track cable saddles and supports, tower and terminal carrier guides, line sheaves, carriers details and design requirements, drive and idler sheave with shafts and bearings, prime movers, auxilary engine, speed reducer, open gears, V-belts or drive system, couplings, clutch or torque converters, hydraulic systems, service and emergency breaks, back stop, overspeed control, and speed control arrangement and design.
f. Electrical and Communications. Schematic wiring diagram and a listing of manufacturer's model, and size of all electrical components used in the supply, control and communications circuit.
g. Automatic Safety Stops. Tower derailment switches, counter weight and/or hydraulic tensoning devices, limit switches, passenger or carrier controls, safety devices, safety gates, weather protection devices for mechanical and electrical components, and provisions for grounding or lightning protection of towers and bullwheels.
9. Construction and Construction Certification.
a. Preconstruction. Prior to start of construction, the permittee will designate in writing the Construction Engineer and provide evidence of the Construction Engineer's qualification for approval by the Regional Engineer.
b. Construction Work. The Construction Engineer is required to supervise and direct the construction program. All inspection work shall be performed under the direction of a qualified Construction Engineer. If the Construction Engineer will not be in residence during construction, he may appoint a qualified inspector provided that the inspector is Approved by Regional Engineer.
As a minimum, the Construction Engineer or his designated inspector should be on the project to inspect the following construction elements:
(1) Inspection of tower and terminal excavation for differing soil conditions.
(2) Inspection of forms and reinforcing steel placement for tower and terminal foundations.
(3) Inspection of concrete placement for all foundations.
(4) Inspection of the installation and splicing of wire rope.
(5) Monitoring of load test and post construction inspection.
c. Design Modification during Construction. Any modifications affecting the design submittals shall be resubmitted for evaluation and approval by the Regional Tramway Engineer prior to investigating the construction of the modification.
d. Post Construction. The Construction Engineer after performance of the post-construction inspection shall provide a copy of the written report to the Authorized Officer as a prerequisite for operational approval.
e. Load Test. The permit holder will notify the Authorized Officer 7 days before the load test is to take place and provide the steps and procedures identifying the load test requirements. Prior to the load test at least 2 days notice will be provided to the Regional Tramway Engineer for monitoring.
At the time of the load test, the permittee will provide the following:
(1) Certification of wire rope and splicing for installation of wire rope.
(2) Manufacturer's certification of wire rope.
(3) Certification of wire rope test.
(4) Certification of construction in conformance with plans and specifications.
3. If the Forest Service evaluation of the General Inspection Report identifies items not in compliance with the requirements of the special use permit, the Authorized Officer will require the permittee to provide additional information regarding lift facilities.
The permittee will furnish the Authorized Officer a copy of the general inspection report within 2 weeks of completion of the inspection and a statement that the lift is or is not suitable for public operation.
The permittee will confirm in writing that the individual is qualified to perform the General Inspections.
6. In addition to requirements in parent text:
a. Report malfunctions to the Authorized Officer within 24 hours or next working day.
b. Report accidents to the Authorized Officer within 24 hours or next working day.
c. Report injuries resulting from loading or unloading or falling off a chair in conformance with the ski area standard reporting system.
d. Make accident reports available to the Authorized Officer.