Intuitional Telepathy and a Vision of Hierarchial Conclaves

“Each human soul is a Master already, and yet very few are cognisant of that fact in time and space”[i][i]

It has been said we are 'spiritual beings having a human experience'. The implications for this is that via the awakened intuition it is quite possible for the disciple to gain an experience of the simultaneity of existence and gain awareness of oneself as the Over-Shadowing Spiritual Soul. By conscious engagement of this continuity we recognize that we are at times instructed by advanced telepathic resonances and alignments within the Ashramic and Hierarchial group life. Telepathy is the modus operandi of Hierarchial life.

In March of 1943, Alice Bailey gave an address in her Friday Evening Class and revealing it is via the intuition we access the ashram;

'We have to learn to use intuition because the Master’s ashram is not on the mental plane. The plane on which we shall someday eventually work is not the mental plane. One of the things we have to learn to do in this new era is to get off the mental plane with all the knowledge and detail and technicalities that we have so painstakingly acquired and begin to develop that something that we call the intuition, which is the source of illumination...'[ii][ii]

By 'intuitional telepathy' we become receptive to impression from higher sources. It was the telepathic receptivity that Alice Bailey had that enabled the Master DK to beacon in on her in 1919. It was also the telepathic activity that HPB had when she was a dedicated 20 years old that the Master Morya discovered her. It’s telepathic receptivity that enabled Lucille Cedercrans to receive higher impression and guidance from Master R.

This telepathic receptivity via the intuition opens many doors into subjective reality for disciples. A dear friend of mine recently shared a spiritual experience he had over the Christmas Holidays. Spontaneously and for a short but very meaningful duration an inner vision opened up for him a window into the higher worlds. Gifted by grace, he saw for a short time a hierarchial ceremony involving the Christ.

He had traveled with his family to Florida to visit his Mother. On Christmas day he woke with deep feelings of love and joy and felt as if the petals in his heart chakra were opening. Not wanting to lose this feeling he purposely maintained a relaxed feeling as they started off to a large Catholic Church. When they arrived, already a few hundred attendees were seated. As he sat there, hymnal in hand, singing Christmas carols he offered a deep and sincere prayer of thanksgiving. To his surprise and without expectation his inner vision started to open up and he felt a pressure pushing down on his crown chakra. While he looked upon the altar and observed the physical occurring mass ceremony he also witnessed, subtlety highlighted, a hyper-dimensional ceremony of August beings leading a much higher vibrational Gathering. He could intuitively ‘see’ a ritualized ceremony of what appeared to be the Christ Maitreya and the Master Jesus. Attending Masters and Angelic/Devic beings were also present. Back and forth he shifted perception from the mundane into the supermundane realms as if guided by some force or intelligence beyond his conscious control. Remaining blissfully aware the scene reminded him of those transparency projectors where one view is overlaid upon another. In this ceremony it appeared to him that the Christ was working closely with the Master Jesus and that together they were performing a ceremony to reconfigure and channel spiritual energy into the Christian population now celebrating Christmas the world over. The hierarchial ritual was powerfully scientific in their use of ritualized sound, light and vibrational magic. Various parts of the ceremonial mass taking place in the Church corresponded loosely and sometimes accurately to hierarchial protocols. The birth of the newborn child Jesus upon the manger corresponded to the birth of Christ in the heart. A feeling of this symbolic birth was transferred via the etheric network from above downward. At some level, he explained to me, this birth indicated the first initiation and birth of Humanities Soul.

The hierarchial ceremony was woven through with participation from the Angelic kingdom.

As both kingdoms worked together in flawless, perfect synchrony a Christ monadic frequency of perfect love was radiated worldwide from the 5th Kingdom. Color-coded multi-spectrumed light and sound effused the bodies of numerous people worldwide as vibratory energy traveled through the planes into the physical etheric vehicles of millions worldwide. An authentic yet subtle feeling of love energy infiltrated millions of Christians who were gifted an inner feeling and experience of Christ consciousness and love.

Transpersonal experiences such as this highlight an innate potential for disciples. My friend, who related the experience written above, also said that his vision revealed to him how the Christ works tirelessly for the benefit for all sentient beings and assist in awakening them to the love impulse. He remarked that the Christ love he felt in his heart was so extraordinarily exceptional that he never will forget it. He further qualified that the intuition is a key to higher superconscious perception. For him it was verified that while we live and work here in our plane of existence so do the Masters and Christ also work selflessly upon the higher worlds.

Further clarification of our simultaneity of existenceis found in ‘Mercury’ by Bruce Lyon;

"The point here is that he does not suddenly become active upon the buddhic sphere, he rather becomes aware of the activity that he is already performing upon that plane. He does this through identification with a higher aspect of himself."

As explained in this quote, continuity of consciousness is something that must not only be developed but above all, be 'recognized'. Only a radioactive, intuitive mind-heart can apprehend such a transfinite reality. Fiery tension is necessary. It makes the flame rise and touch higher strata. The fire that burns on High is drawn down and from the fusion of the fiery streams, veils are dissolved. As such, buddhic Knowledge and synthetic understanding is the prerogative of the soul and impresses the brain directly.

Saints and sages from the many and varied spiritual traditions have attempted to approach this awareness from different but equally valid angels. The nature of the Self is ever present but recognition is required to perform higher work. An invaluable quote was offered by the Indian sage Nisargadatta who explains how subtle he inner awareness of the Self is;

“It is the Nature of the mind to roam about...All you can do to is shift the focus of consciousness beyond the mind. The Self stands beyond the mind, aware, but unconcerned… Stand aware and unconcerned and you will realize that to stand alert but detached, watching events come and go, is an aspect of your nature.” [iii][iii]

At a particular juncture in the evolutionary journey the human entity is drawn with ever increasing rapidity into a recognition of awareness that is the epi-center of consciousness. Behind the forms and structures is the ‘pure witness’. This pure witness is the abiding consciousness behind mentation and resides in the ashramic group life. It is this Self-awareness which engages authentic meditation and allows us to engage and participate within the Hierarchial life as conscious serving disciples.

The “energetic architecture” of this level can be felt, sensed and even heard as energy makes impression upon the substance of the bodies. Buddhic consciousness occurs as the etheric body takes on the higher vibrational Buddhic atoms and absorbs them into the bio-field of the brain. This is an act of radiatory substitution. Once our consciousness expands we enter the meditation of the Soul and into a new stream of 'knowing'. An awakened fiery heart provides the natural link between the visible and invisible worlds. Touching upon the archetypal substratum we exhilarate centers of life beyond the reach of language, coercion and reason.

We read further in 'A Treatise on White Magic',

“... Full expression and consciousness on each and every plane is the objective, remembering that each plane with its varying states of consciousness is equally a part of the divine Life. What is lacking as yet with the majority of aspirants is a synthetic consciousness and the capacity to hold and register continuity."[iv][iv]

The value of recognized continuity cannot be underestimated for upon it hinges valued and important steps in the manifestation of hierarchial planning and the externalization. Those who are receptive and responsive to the Soul’s life are also in turn responsive to the radiatory influences of the Christ Maitreya. To believe in Christ is one thing, to know and serve Christ by vibrational attunement is another.

Entering the Sacred Dimensions of the Christ Maitreya- The Art and Science of Ashramic Alignment

“The Higher Octave Meditations are designed to release the human soul (as a member of the Fourth Creative Hierarchy) from its (relatively) self-centred expression into the group focus of the ashram on the buddhic plane. The correct use of the Meditations enables the building of the 'buddhic sheath' which eventually will allow the initiate to function free from the mental plane and the causal body altogether.”[v][v]

Entering the Sacred Dimensions of the Christ Maitreya follows on that same thread disciples use to enter into the Soul consciousness of the Ashramic Group Life. Soul consciousness is both our link with the Hierarchial life and also with the Masters of the Wisdom. Preparation for the Second Coming is hence the partial responsibility of "attuned" human beings to become conscious of the Hierarchial Ashram. It is both globally pervasive and synthetically inclusive of all spiritual workers, in all nations, in all departments of human living. They are known by a spiritually inclusive love which comes under many guises and forms. Though the majority are not conscious of their subjective ashramic affiliations their lives are nevertheless still powerful forces in masse’ for the betterment of humanity by the loving influences they give to others.

Only the Soul-infused persona can recognize the dynamics of ashramic relationships. They are not self-serving. Neither are they comprehended until a deep form of integration has occurred within the vehicles. The normal egoic structures cannot enter the vibratory field of the ashram residing upon the buddhic plane. Additional supporting information has been supplied by the Spanish disciple, Vicente BeltránAnglada:

“there is a mysterious telepathic rapport among each and every member of the Ashram. The communications are transmitted from mind to mind, although there is what may be called the Master’s Voice and the attentive ear of the disciples. This may sound contradictory but it is not so when you realize that “things” in the subjective planes are “objective” when you achieve some control over them.” [vi][vi]

Disciples have a particular edge in serving the Reappearance of the Christ by synchronous recognition of the Christ love principle within themselves. This is why the ashrams co-exist on the buddhic plane upon a dimensional frequency level of pure reason and all inclusive love. The pure divine love of the ashramic group body is unmitigated by time and space and disciples feels this pathos for each other unequivocally and unconditionally. Advanced disciples carry this through into life expression by embodied sentience.

The forms of telepathy engaged within the ashramic group life are preparatory to further engagements with the more extended life within the Hierarchy. The one ashram of the Christ is available to all when and if the vibratory attunements have been employed. The interior recognitions of such abilities allow us to see what is already inside us is and this is explained quite clearly in the following quote from ‘Group Initiation’:

“We might think of an initiate as someone who is at a particular stage of realisation of his essential nature. Thus each human soul is a Master already, and yet very few are cognizant of that fact in time and space. Accordingly, whenever a human being becomes an initiate of any degree his identity is only resting at that level, and is resting there as a living example of the heritage of us all. Therefore when we receive 'direction' from a Master of the Wisdom, we are merely receiving direction from an aspect of ourselves that is at a greater stage of self-realisation in time and space.” [vii][vii]

This inter-dimensionalrecognition ofourselves is accessed by the transformational development of all chakric centers. It involves a series of lives and occurs synthetically, synergistically, and simultaneously. For Consciousness to respond to Consciousness, which is an aspect of the Soul's telepathy within the ashramic group life, we must arrive at a new point in space/time. We must free ourselves from the illusion that we are solely three dimensional beings. This liberation allows the inclusion of buddhi and the immediacy of the intuition in straight majestic knowledge. We learn to see ourselves as a foci or point of light within the group Ashramic Body.

A valuable point of reference is in this quote by Lucille Cedercrans;

'... the Head Center constitutes that center in etheric substance of your instrumentality, which is in the same vibratory realm as your home, so to speak, in the Ashram. This is a secret little known - an Occult fact - its revelation brings the realization that continuity between the Soul in the Ashram and the Conscious Soul Incarnate is but a matter of utilization of these two centers, their alignment, the gradual growth of a magnetic field between them and eventually their mergence into one another, until the thousand-petal lotus is manifest as the physical materialization or manifestation of the Spiritual Soul in the Ashram.

This is only the beginning...' 26

There isa wealth of information within this quote. The head center which is a vortex of etheric substance vibrates at a frequency which tunes it in to the higher energies and frequencies of the Overshadowing Spiritual Soul. The Head center also functions as our own personal stargate, allowing us to move from the dimensions of space-time to time-space. The rate is reflected downward into the head center as the result of the evolutionary processes. We should understand that both the human entity and the Soul on its own plane of existence are concurrently developing.

We read from Rule One
"The Solar Angel collects himself, scatters not his force but, in meditation deep, communicates with his reflection."

On the path of discipleship this relationship is investigated and understood. Building this 'Rainbow Bridge or antahkarana' (Sanskrit) allows the disciple to make safe and conscious use of the higher head centers. This is an act of procreation and the more these centers are consciously used and honored the stronger they become.

Acceleration of the head centers and the concurring continuity of consciousness is the prime objective for ashramic workers. Their life, their service, their meditations is the outer expression and fulfillment of this endeavor.

A wonderful quote by Lucille Cedercrans illuminates this point;

“Some have had the experience of becoming the body of light within the cave. It is like a sun, the group point of light within a greater light. This is another way the consciousness registers the oneness and becomes one to such a degree that in the cave itself you are not only the conscious Soul in your own cave, but you are that in every cave. It is a 4th dimensional thing, you escape the form into the oneness which indwells all forms.”

Pam Nissen Newsletter 10/11/11 CSI.2, Master R/lucille

As a golden radiant sun, the cave center reveals the body of light as a group point of light within a greater light. In this light, in this consciousness, in this ashramic field, the individual becomes the group. The consciousness registers this oneness to such a degree that you experience the Conscious Soul in your own cave center but now it is holographically expanded so that you are in every cave. This is buddhi; this is the escape from the limitations of form identification and the entering into 4th and 5th dimensional consciousness.

This reaffirms that the Soul is group conscious.

As more and more disciples become fluent in the energetic dynamics of the centers a new modality of consciousness awakens. They begin to become aware that they a great being, a soul, utilizing the persona to manifest an expression in the world. A group unified under such auspices can be overshadowed and overlighted by the Hierarchial ashrams to bring supernal light and fire into the three worlds of human endeavor. Aligned as souls we can assist the Incarnation of Humanities Soul and we can assist the Reappearance of the Christ.

[i][i] Mercury, p 108

[ii][ii]March 5, 1943, Friday Evening Address by Alice Bailey

[iii][iii]Sri NisargadattaMaharaj, I Am That, p 18

[iv][iv]A Treatise on White Magic, p 374

[v][v]Group Initiation , p 65


[vii][vii]Group Initiation , p 104