Ref No / AP/R/4241
Title / ROBINS Joseph, Roche, yeoman [tinner in will]
Date of probate* / 12 Apr 1833
Description / Bequests:
-  ‘All my Goods Chattells Money and securities for Money and other effects of what kind or nature so ever that I shall be possessed of or intitled unto at the Time of my Death’ to testator’s brother John Robins of Roche, yeoman, in trust to provide for the education and maintenance of the testator’s grandchildren John and Grace Rowse, the children of his lately deceased daughter Catherine Rowse, until they reach twenty one, if the father of the children is unable to fully do so.
When the grandchildren reach the age of twenty one, the remainder of the deceased’s property is to be divided equally between them, after any administrative costs incurred by the trustees have been deducted.
If either of the grandchildren die before the age of twenty one, the survivor is to receive the whole of the residue of the deceased’s property when they reach the age of twenty one.
If both grandchildren die before they reach the age of twenty one the residue of the testator’s property is to be divided between his nephew Joseph Robins and niece Gartrude Robins, the children of his brother John Robins.
-  ‘And my Will is that my Household furniture shall remain in my Dwelling house for the use of my Son in law John Rowse if he shall continue to live therein untill my said Grand Children shall attain the Age before mentioned Provided my Executor shall not be called upon to pay any Money that I now stand jointly with my said Son in law bound to pay on any note or notes of hand.’
Executors: John Robins, brother of testator
Signature of testator: Joseph Robins
Witnesses: Signatures of Mary Ann Weary
John Rowe
Date of will: 17 Nov 1827
Date proved: 12 Apr 1833
Under £100
Died 23 Mar 1833
No 75 P52
Stamp 10 shillings
* CALM does not recognise double-dating, e.g. 1664/1665. Therefore, when you have a date between 1 Jan-25 Mar prior to 1752, in the date field enter the modern interpretation of the date, e.g. 1665, and give the double date in the description field.

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