
PTC minutes

Introductions – participants in attendance:

Tina McCarthy VP / Kelsi Bender / Jeanney Bloomer / Lesley and RJ Forquer
Cristy Little MYP coordinator / Traci Hooley / Ann Grimmer / Trisha Firestine
GenelleTildon - President / JenaleeOfstie / Stephanie Clark / Angela Nguyen
Emma Kappers - Secretary / Mackensey Pulliam / Sarah Becker / Elisa Adams
Shannon Givens – volunteer
Co-coordinator / Amy West / Ryan Clothier / Liz Donahue
Alyssa Sedgewick
Volunteer co-coordinator / Lina Belcher / Donovan Clark / Jennifer Luebbert
Pat Sanders – Board member Treasurer / Katie Hamblin / Lisa Pietzold / Kyle Ball
Nicole Ball / Jodie Fleming / Joanne Hanson / Tanya Richardson
Nikki Young / Kerry Muntz / Olivia Stallcop

General overview of what the PTC is and where money goes:

Pat – charter school’s fundraising money goes into general fund. We receive ADM from state. We keep that money but also get charged rent so it balances out to 85% of the ADM. It results in a need for raising extra money for additional IB materials and other things. All fundraiser money goes into the general fund by law but then gets allocated as the board and Ginger sees fit – for example: the book fair – the school firmly believes that money should go toward the library .

The PTC board does not control the money. We simply help organize the fundraisers and give supports to the school.

Discussion/ideas:Jog a thon

  • Need volunteers – September 25th Friday. Jog a thon pledge sheets coming home soon. On that sheet there will be an opportunity to notify that you’d like to volunteer
  • Younger kids in the am at 1030 and older kids in the pm at 130
  • Rain or shine – if weather is really bad Mr. R may bring it inside
  • MYP – want to make it different for the older kids this year. It will be more of a color run

Actions/Decisions/by whom
  • Sign up at curriculum night or email

New committee opportunities


  • Shannon reviewed SpringWater charter school parent volunteer structure – they raise over 100K. We are going to start modeling committee’s like them. We will have people sign up for which fundraiser event or support they ‘d like to help on so that we can see new faces volunteering and have new ideas.
  • Handbook will be done by Curriculum night.
  • sign up forms will be ready on Sept 9 at curriculum night
  • volunteer information night – Shannon facilitates that – date will be coming out soon.
  • DON’T FORGET TO GET BACKGROUND CHECKED! You will get an email within 2 weeks notifying you’re clear to volunteer – check your spam folder and move it into inbox if you don’t see it.
  • We are changing the name from room parents to class parents – one for each grade and for MYP for each teacher. There are already some parents assigned to certain grades. See actions
  • Make sure you are on your child’s Facebook page for their grade level – it comes in handy for communication between parents.
  • China trip: $3200 per student needs to be raised for each student to travel abroad each year in 7th and 8th. The money that was raised last year went toward tips (cab, restaurants, tour guides…). We need to start early for fundraising. Parents have also suggested putting money away now (for example if you have a 2nd grader…) The fundraisers for China are separate from the whole school fundraisers. Pat suggests to sit down with Ginger and Becca to work out details about fundraising for the China trip.
  • Every year and throughout the year we are open to listening to feedback about our fundraisers and different fundraiser opportunities.
  • Tim Belanger from the district has denied us the opportunity to have our own bank account so we can manage and keep track of our own money. Conversation around continuing to ask for our own bank account.
  • Events that help toward the target of $70K :Jogathon, plants sale, auction, harvest festival, register fredmeyer card for rewards, bottle drop

Actions/Decisions/by whom
  • If interested in being class parent for 1st through 4th grade. Would require coming to most or all of PTC meetings and consistent communication between Shannon and Alyssa. You are a liaison between the teacher and the rest of the parents.

Harvest Festival


  • Harvest festival date has not been set yet – October 24th is a tentative date.

Actions/Decisions/by whom
  • If interested – contact and JenaleeOfstie can help with past ideas

MYP coordinator’s report


  • Kashawna put together a basket of the things that teachers need help with. More volunteers are needed for MYP
  • Portables will be ready to use soon.

Actions/Decisions/by whom

Open forum


  • Is afterschool clubs parent volunteer based? It was cut because it was occurring during the teacher work time. Educational assistants and volunteers run those. Ginger said that those clubs have to happen in the cafeteria which is difficult to do if more than one club is in there. If no staff member needs to run the club, could we reinstate those?
  • We got the go ahead from Ginger to have our own website linked from the school’s. It will have updated upcoming events and minutes.

Actions/Decisions/by whom
  • If interested in reinstating afterschool clubs – contact Ginger
  • Bricks for kids, taekwando, open mic night - ideas Carol shared. She will share those ideas with Ginger

OTA Health and Wellness Committee meeting: 6pm at Smokey Hearth Sept 3.

Curriculum Night: Sept 9

Next PTC meeting: October 7th at 630

OTA board meeting: September 15th at 630