Present : Mr. D. Burchell, Mr. L. Moore, Mr. D. Crane, Mrs. C. Rahaman, Mrs. A Smith, Mr. P. Enston Ms C. Gibson, Mr. D. Reid

C.Cllr Ivan Ould, B.Cllr Bill Crooks

Apologies – None

Presentation to Mr. Kenny Haywood – Citizen of the Year for 2014

The Chairman presented Mr. Haywood with a certificate in recognition of his work over the years with the St. John’s Ambulance and his commitment to the community of Barlestone.

C.Cllr Ivan Ould informed the members that there would be a 1,9% rise in Council tax for the coming year.

He was also at a loss to understand why Derbyshire & Nottinghamshire get at least £60,000 from Government that Leicestershire.

The boundary commission is in the process of bringing some equality to the size of the areas covered by C.Councillors.

Waste recycling varies across the country but H&BBC are doing well.

The question of styles on footpaths around the village was brought up and the difficulty some walkers have getting over them. D.Burchell to contact Ivan Ould with regard to ‘Health & Wellbeing.

There is no policing to cover HGV’s using unsuitable/narrow country lanes.

B.Cllr Bill Crooks had nothing to report other than the fact that the supermarket and cinema in Hinckley were well underway

1Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The minutes of the meeting held in January, having been circulated were proposed as a true record by P.Enston, seconded Mrs. Smith

2 Matters Arising

The bus shelter on Newbold Rd has been repaired but it still needs more work. P.Enston has agreed to look at the problem.

With regard to a proposed Bus Shelter on Barton Road, nothing has been heard from LCC and therefore C.Cllr Ould will chase this matter up.

3 Planning

Ref 15/00013/FUL – erection of 2.8MW solar Farm land NE of Heath Farm, Newbold Rd, Osbaston.

The councilors discussed this application and could see no reason why the access to the site which is situated in Newbold Verdon), should be up an agricultural track from Newbold Road in Barlestone which is a busy road at the best of times and HGV’s are not allowed. This being an industrial site should have access from the A447 as it already is used by the farm.

Ref15/00058/FUL – erection of 4 dwellings land adjacent to outbuilding 15-17 Newbold Rd. The previous application was stopped by Highways and now cars park on the roadside on this bend, therefore access would need to be looked at.

Ref.15/00064/HOU – erection of a wooden fence, 1 Cunnery Close, Barlestone.

Concern was raised about the height of the fence and perhaps this can be taken into account by the planners.

Ref.14/01224/cou – Change of use of land to create additional car parking facilities, revised drying area with new fencing. There was no objection to this application.

Street Name for new properties on the old hosiery factory site agreed by the Councillors that the suggestion of ‘Saints Walk’ should be used.

4Finance –

a) Accounts for payment

Proposed D.Crane, seconded Mrs. Rahaman that the accounts (£5,443.01) are paid.

E ON monthly payment for the Pavilion reduces from £196 to £136 commences February 2015.

The fixed price of electricity with e-on has now come to end and it was felt by the Chairman that a

1 year fixed deal should be taken in light of the possibility of falling prices.

c) Employment

We have been notified by our Maintenance Officer that he is shortly to leave the village and therefore will not be able to carry on with his duties. It was agreed that an advertisement should be displayed in the notice board.

d) Requests for donations from the Parish Council

First Steps Playgroup & Sunshine Club these to be passed to the Event Committee.

Leicestershire Lifeguard and Community First Responder the Clerk to request an up to date set of audited accounts to enable the finance committee to make a decision.


Waiting for the contractor to start at the bottom of the garden. It was pointed out that there was a lot of rubbish against the hedge on the roadside – this will be investigated.

6Playing Fields

  • A resident again raised the question of dog fouling on the playing field and also on the paths and hard surface games area DB will check.
  • Prestons have started work on the drain in the carpark.
  • The old goal posts are to be cut down and positioned on the field in a suitable area. Proposed Mrs. Rahaman, seconded Mrs. Smith
  • A grant has been applied for to replace the play equipment in May Meadow, we should know something by April/May.


The Village Events Group have now had their first meeting – the event to be on the playing field on Sunday 2nd August. This group is made up of volunteers from the community, with the backing of the Parish Council


Request for a dog bin in the Churchyard. This was discussed and it was pointed out that dog dirt picked up can be placed in normal rubbish bins in the churchyard.

9Any Other Business

  • There is a stop cock cover removed from Manor Rd, this will be reported.
  • It was pointed out that vehicles coming out of Westfield have a problem with visibility due to cars parking on the roadside/pavement outside the Three Tuns.